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B L Costello Jul 2019
I gave you my heart,
Now, I’m empty inside,
A shell of myself,
I can’t even cry,
It can’t be returned,
My loss is your gain,
All you gave me is phantom pain
©B L Costello 2019
Phantom pain is pain that feels like it's coming from a body part that's no longer there. Doctors once believed this post-amputation phenomenon was a psychological problem, but experts now recognize that these real sensations originate in the spinal cord and brain.(maybe I am not nuts!)
B L Costello Jun 2019
There is no "Anthem",
It just got “Darker”,
You were always so much smarter,
That's why I read everything you wrote,
I even bought a “Blue Raincoat”!
So inspired,
I started to write,
So began “My Secrete Life”
Together at last
Our friendship sutured,
“My Antique Song”
I saw the "Future",
Now, 'Everybody Knows",
My heart broke when I read “Anne”
But you said…’I AM YOU MAN”
So….”So Long Marianne" !
I hung your photo,
Co-workers teased,
They never read “Light As a Breeze”
I’ve learned to accept,
No offering is perfect,
You just can’t take it back,
Love the light,
Forgive the crack
©B L Costello 2019
Melancholy and missing friends.  I really think too much
B L Costello Jun 2019
You proposed a question and it killed you inside,
It takes an animal to survive,
So human,
You could not support the pack,
You could not forget,
Or take it back,
But who can prove kindness?
The risk is too great,
The animals will not participate,
Still, I’d love to be a witness,
To challenge survival of the fittest,
But that is not what survivors do,
You died,
And nothing was ever proved
B L Costello 2019
So interesting, I don't know where I find these things/people to muse on, but he fascinates me.;I am still trying to understand covariance and his internal struggles.;I do know his story is sad.
B L Costello Jun 2019
“Hurry, come in”
he said at the door,
The Jehovah witness never heard that before,
Anxious to carry on “God’s plan”,
He never noticed the blood on his hands,
Not till he notice the drops on the floor,
How this would go,
No one was sure,
Said his host,
“I don’t believe...that God is here or he loves me”
The witness nodded,
"I understand...May I go and wash my hands”?,
“No, not the bathroom…….”
“The kitchen, please...That room, really embarrasses me”,
The witness said,
"I'm embarrassed too, I don’t know if he loves me or you"!
The host replied “Do You know…..what I've done”
Are you judging me?
Are you having fun?"
“No, I am too selfish”
The witness confessed,
“I don’t really care about your mess,
"I can still hear her cry..."
"I tore her dress..."
"But she had such a pretty mouth,"
"No, you should never judge....
Or let strangers into your house”
©B L Costello 2019
Playing around with 2 part dialogue. Your comments are greatly appreciated, and often make my day.
B L Costello May 2019
Please don’t wake the giant,
She really needs to sleep,
She could disturb the elephant of whom no one will speak,
I know we can get thru this,
We must not give up hope,
We cannot get our feet wet,
Please don’t rock the boat,
Giants are not real
Facts cannot be denied,
If I keep them covered,
My feet will be dry!
If I keep my mouth shut,
They can never tell,
Let’s not talk about it,
What is that smell?
©B L Costello 2019
Regardless of our coping mechanisms, problems do persist!
B L Costello May 2019
Was it the pants,
Or was it the shoes?
The world was fascinated by you,
Was it the hat?
I cannot decide!
You made us laugh,
You made us cry,
On the silver screen,
You were heaven sent,
They made you a homeless immigrant,
So sad they really went too far,
When Hollywood removed your star,
No crime,
Your choices were to blame,
A prop,
You should have used your cane
©B L Costello 2019
Just saw a biography today, and can't believe how we mistreated this artist!  After all, he was the 1st British invasion.
B L Costello May 2019
Pills and appointments all of the time,
You get so nasty,
I try to be kind,
I try,
And still,
I do fail,
There is no cure,
No holy grail,
The treatments,
“May prolong your life”
We go every day,
But is it right?
To suffer in spite of what is to be,
You do it to stay here with me,
We go every day,
I feel sadistic,
Your dedication is masochistic,
We can’t give up,
What else can we do?
I try and still….
I am loosing you
©B L Costello 2019
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