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  Sep 2014 bones
Stephen E Yocum
They come off my vines,
All ripe and fine,
Sun kissed to a rich,
Deep red glow.
All varied sizes,
Into my upturned
Shirt front they go,
ultimately they overflow.

I can not resist,
Popping a few Cherry
Ones into my greedy,
Salivating mouth.

Tomatoes, Natures own,
Summer sweet candy,
Directly off the vine.

Not many days left,
To enjoy the show.
Hopefully there will be,
another bounty next year.
There are many "Little Things" in life
to celebrate and savior, one's own
garden is certainly one of those.
Thank you Mother Nature!

(Little moments appreciated and shared.)
  Sep 2014 bones
Stephen E Yocum
I stayed after all the others had left.
Until the last ***** was turned
And the tractor was brought back
to finish and compact.

What had been my friend of many
years, was gone under the earth,
No more a breathing man,
Some bones and wilting flesh,
On the way to merely dust.

I had saved my tears,
But now they flowed.
Rest in peace old friend,
I still got your back.
Your memory lives on,
As long as I survive.
Reflection of a friend.
bones Sep 2014
The night
the moon started
to drip
a silver drop
fell from
it's tip
and carved
in the dark
the sweep
of an arc
so fine
we thought heaven
had split.
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