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bones Jul 2014
taking great care
to aim true
to loves path
Cupid arched his bow
and sneezed,
letting loose
a gold tipped arrow
too soon.
he muttered to himself
in Latin,
wiping his nose
on a bare
''More heartbreak,
I hate
the ******
.......I really
should wear something
with sleeves''
Don't trust in love when the pollen count is high!
bones Jul 2014
I cannot write
I cannot find
behind the creases
of my mind
the words to fill
another line,
those words wait
out of sight
for now I
cannot write.
** hum
bones Jul 2014
If today
the anxiety
my head
boils it
inside out
and today
is the day
really can
****, then
today I
shall have
to be
to avoid
at all times
still water
polished metal
plate glass and
people in
because today
(or any day)
I don't
want to
be a victim
of reflective
bones Jul 2014
in flood
in springtime,
at a bus stop
a young girl
waits in a queue
for help
from the hands
of a handful
of strangers
to lift her
up onto
the bus shelter
roof; atop
of the shelter
in an ocean,
a boiling tide
that blisters
the street,
she stoops for
a bottle
cast up
by its motion
and plunges
it into
the waves
of police.
bones Jul 2014
Beneath a dusty summers sun
rabbits sniff a loaded gun

that lies beside its owners feet
his muscles twitching as he sleeps

in peace upon the baking moor
the huntsman starts to gently snore

a snore that swiftly grows in size
until the rabbits eyes are wide

with wonder at the awful sound
that fills their ears and all around

they run and stumble and tumble and trip
against the gun and the trigger slips


rabbits scatter the huntsman jumps
awake to find a smoking stump

of ragged leg without a foot
his lucky one
the rabbits took.
A tale of accidental revenge.
bones Jul 2014
don't look back
don't look
the chanting carriages
stutter through the
blue knots of steel-
house-lane junction
trying to remember
their lines before
we vanish
down tunnels
stuffed with depth
thick enough to
touch; I unwind,
unravel, shuffle past
Mr Allsmiles
stretch my bones
and muscles back
into a less shocking
relationship and
rock toward the
corridor filled
with cold echo
spilling through the
open windows
like a cave
breathing out; damp
walls swing close
and away again
black with soot,
and other dark
things inches from
my outstretched
hand, if I bellow
through this window
if I bellow
through this window
at that passing
wall of alcoves
my voice will become
another echo
in its history
shrinking like
a farewell
wave; ten minutes
behind Staffordshire
Mr Allsmiles
declared his love
for travel
to be borne
of desire for
new places
new faces,
I explained I
travel to leave
both behind.
'Even mine ?' he
'Even yours' I
'You find pleasure
in arrival and
I in departure
take it to heart''
but he did
and he left
and he saved me
the trouble.
Outside is
a big dawn
in a pink and
an orange sky,
we are tearing
a scar through
it's birth
at one hundred and
ten miles an hour
toxic (per)fumes
invade my lungs
tears slide sideways
into my ears,
when it rains
I will wear
pits in my skin
like a pebbledashed
wall I am fifteen
years old,
at this speed
I can barely breathe
but i am flying
faster than
my fear of
a normal life and     ...can't      ...catch
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