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 Nov 2013 Boi
Dark Smile
Whenever, I watch a scary movie,
I am always afraid of going to sleep on that night.
I have no idea why I watch these movies when I always end up screaming.
I know they aren't real,
ghosts don't exist,
the main character is always so stupid.
If my dog were to refuse to enter the house,
I would know something was up.
Even if I do enter the house,
the moment I see something that is supernatural in the least,
I would go running.
Even if I do choose to stay in the house,
I would not enter rooms when the door slowly creaks open
and I would definitely not open the door when I hear random bang-ings in the middle of the night.
See, the people in horror movies are just plain dumb.
This coupled with the fact that ghosts or the living dead do not exist,
is a clear sign that these movies are fake.
Yet, this does not stop me from being scared.
So I watched The Conjuring today and I expected it to be scarier BUT it was still scary. I don't believe in ghosts mainly because my religion does not believe in life after death. They say once you die it is final, you move on to heaven and you don't linger here so naturally I would believe what my religion teaches me but, I respect your views too. :)
 Nov 2013 Boi
 Nov 2013 Boi
What do I write
when the ink has seemed to freeze.

I'll stay up until 2 -
or something like that -
trying to get
some words to drip.

These sleepless nights
leaving me with the wonder
if my veins are imprinted in your heart
as yours are in my skin.

Slips of promises
that twinkle in our eyes
seeming to be strangers.

What is running through these memories.

"Cigarettes are nasty"
smoke flows out of us
onto that slab of concrete
we called home.

Burn marks
leaving the same scar
as your touch.
 Nov 2013 Boi
Alysia Michelle
i'm a blanket thief
i have horrid bed head
i talk in my sleep
and i probably snore too
good luck.
© Alysia Michelle

— The End —