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Mar 2016 · 690
bofin Mar 2016
To all the wetbacks,
the *******,
the chinks,
the crackers…
**** the racists.
I did not come up with this
Mar 2016 · 587
Saltine Americans
bofin Mar 2016
My *******
My redneck
My backlashing
My slave selling
Mi ******
Mi amigo

a hick
that's a ****
in progress
Mar 2016 · 900
Border jumping beans
bofin Mar 2016
Mi compadre
Mi esse
Mi frijolero
My *******
My ******
My border jumping
My tunnel digging
My river swimming
My orange picking
My lawn mowing
My house building
My taco eating
My Mexican Friend
Its just a prank
Mar 2016 · 2.7k
bofin Mar 2016
My n word
My *****
My ******
My African American Amigo
My *****
My fried chicken eating
My koolaid drinking
My cotton picking
My back bleeding
My freedom running friend
Its just a prank bro
Mar 2016 · 6.8k
No racism
bofin Mar 2016
I hate the crackers
I hate the wetbacks
I hate the *******
I hate the chinks
I hate everyone equally
End racism

— The End —