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Blake Rodgers Feb 2016
I want to go back to those nights
when I would look up
your face above mine
and trace your freckles
into constellations
Blake Rodgers Apr 2016
I hate you
And I love you
And I hate myself for loving you

I ask about the best part of your day
And you answer with goodnight

We used to stay up for hours
You'd tell me stories
I'd laugh into the pillows

I got so stupidly happy the other day
Someone asked you
About your favorite song
Off of the Hozier CD
And you turned
Asked me what mine was
So ******* stupidly happy
For the moment
You cared what I thought

Because every time I ask you
To tell me about your day
Inbetween the words
Always that I care
Care for you in a maddening way
That you stopped
Must have stopped
Every time I ask
And your only answer is goodnight
Blake Rodgers Jan 2016
All I ever wanted was for you to think my name
when someone asked you why
you were so happy lately

I loved those nights
3 AM
you'd call and we'd talk
about every little thing that happened that day
the reasons you were still awake

The feeling of being pulled
wherever you are
like elastic
the further apart
the more it hurts
the chaos of losing control of how I felt
in a good way at first

I was only ever afraid of the things I wanted
Because sometimes
the things we want
they meet with reality
collide with reality
and break

Like I collided with you
was caught up in you
was dizzy with you
like being in the eye  of a storm

One that lifts you up
lets you down
and leaves you
to pick up the pieces
left in your wake.
Blake Rodgers Jan 2016
Mountain Road,
Soft rain buzzed gently down,
From the milky sky,
With the smell of mint chocolate chip ice cream,
Onto a pleasant little blue car,
That crept down the sloping turns,
While the two passengers chatted,
About their lives.

Their yipping little dog,
The mother-in-law's fried chicken,
At Sunday dinner,
A trip to San Francisco.

With the converstation drifting,
Over their warm interlocked fingers,
And the radio hummed a song,
That they both liked,
As the open mouth of a tunnel,
Swallowed their little car,
And the rain remained outside,
While they kept talking,
About their life together.

— The End —