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9.0k · Nov 2012
To Whom It May Concern
Blain Rogers Nov 2012
If it pleases the court
I wish to call my witness
I assure you he is pleasantly witless
And features you ask?
You needn't worry
He isn't the type that is tall and squirrely
And he isn't the type that is strong and burly
No, I admit he is a slight of a man
A crook in his back and
An un-healing wound for a hand
Stature shouldn't be a bother
For he isn't much bigger than even the smallest little toddler.

No, he wasn't much to look at but clever he was
He entered the court caring not for the faces of the smug
Why should he care? Why should he look?
He knew the judges falsified records and books
His word was useless so his tongue stood quiet
And none would know what was it he meant by it
Crooked he was, bent and broken

Broken and battered and beaten and bruised
Even he didn't know how much magic he'd used
A sorcerer he was, and a good one I'd wager
For he never shirked from harm or danger
To he so old and brittle
No one stooped to hear his riddle

With a crack of his back and a flick of his wrist
All his ailments went amiss
Twas he the king giant of legends old
Seven feet tall he stood so proud wreathed in the light of gold
Eying the bold
And scaring the crowd
With his mighty cape made out of his shroud

Come to place judgement on those unworthy
And rid his lands of those who wore their hair curly
Judges, Politicians, and Royalty alike
These pompous blights with their wigs powdered white
His voice so quiet, yet only at first
For he had not had need to quench his thirst  
Not for 300 or 400 years had his voice been needed here
With a resounding boom from he whom no one suspected
The one whom they had so unjustly subjected

Broken and battered and beaten and bruised he was
But not from violence or bathing the blood from wounds
His soul was what was sad and destroyed
The fiends of today had hurt this once glorious man
The frivolity, the slander, and general corruption
The crime, the ****, and societal destruction
Who were these "people" to have earned his blessing
Better they were hens stuffed with dressing
His land he had given to their ancestors of old
Yet a once weak people had grown so bold
"Who are you?" they asked
"And where did you come from?"
"I know, we'll take him to the dungeon"

"Silence vile sinners" said the giant of a man
resend these orders and bark back your commands
For it is I who is the ruler of these lands
From mother to daughter and father to son
I have seen your lives spread, grow, and bud
This is not the life I had planned for you all
Divine Right of rulers ordained by my cross on the wall
You have twisted and molded my laws and my trust
To suit your own needs and greed

To you all I take everything and send you back
Across the barren wasteland you've left in your tracks
Away from me and go quickly
I should rather have you leave my sight swiftly
It was then that his voice broke it's timbre
When he saw one so small blond and slender
"You girl, how is it that you are not frightened?"
Her response was firm as the wrath of a Titan
"Sir you scare me not by your words alone, for I have lived a life of beatings by stones"
Outcast for life, and ridiculed hourly
The giant chose to reward her powerfully
"You my daughter are your people's saving grace"
Watch them all leave now with pitiful haste
How was it that she, the spawn of a sinner,
could mend her race as a whole?
"I'll tell you my daughter, by the goodness of your soul"
Go now and start a city within my lands, and forever shall it remain in your kind gentle hands
920 · Nov 2012
The Long Road Home
Blain Rogers Nov 2012
Here I am driving
Alone sitting at the wheel
My life seems so good
786 · Jul 2013
For Nick and Mollie
Blain Rogers Jul 2013
This is for Nick and Mollie,
A couple that I adore.
I watch their romance budding,
like long forgotten lore.

A figure skater dancing,
a lover tickled to the floor.
I see her Tower chancing,
to love her even more.

Dry your eyes you silly girl,
there's no need here to cry.
Indecision you fear will hurt him,
but he's still your faithful guy.

I watch your love come bursting forth,
from life's restrictive cages.
Although it's newly published,
it's full of well worn pages.

You fit with one another,
like two peas from a pod.
I bless your lives together,
this I ask of God.
749 · Jul 2013
The Fog
Blain Rogers Jul 2013
I walk in to escape the fog,
only to find it more cloudy inside.
The overcast feelings cast toward one another,
accentuated by shifting eyes.
It's dense with emotion,
that unforgiving notion,
and the pain that is felt inside.

Like smoke at a bar,
lasting pungent aroma.
Life locked in place,
stagnant, a coma.

Why is it that these things can't be resolved,
quick like a door, easy to revolve.
Switched back and forth,
eager to mock.
Harmed, in danger, repulsed, in shock.

Injuries dealt,
hours lost.
It's mine to bear,
this burdened cross.

Where is my home,
but in the engulfing Fog
Blain Rogers Jul 2013
Inside or Outside, what's the difference?
The picture gets completed anyway...
Blackout or Whiteout, what's the difference?
Absence of color, or the equal abundance of all colors...

Don't we all see what we are raised to see?
At least in the beginning...
Aren't we supposed to grow as people?
And view all aspects of life in a mature manner...

Don't actions speak louder than words?
They speak for the character of the ones who commit them...
Who are we to judge?
Judge ourselves...

Blackout your minds, and Whiteout past transgressions,
What's left?
A clean and clear mind, eager for new experiences and better relationships.
641 · Aug 2013
Blain Rogers Aug 2013
Why is it that the people,
I wish to talk to the most,
are always the quickest,
to rebuff my advances?

Am I not good enough?
Is there a flaw that I can't see?
I guess that when it comes to flaws,
I have learned not to see them.

Maybe you were hurt.
Maybe is was so bad that you
have lost the ability to Love unconditionally.
But I can't see your pain because you hide it so well.

All I ask, is for a *****,
in your impenetrable armor.
That way I might be able to
better understand your gearing.

Perhaps I would be able to
shed a ray of guiding light
on your ashen soul.
I don't know if it is worth my time.

Rest assured, that I will try.
I will give it my all.
I will not fail you in your time of need.
I will be perfect.
635 · Aug 2013
The Hand That Holds Yours
Blain Rogers Aug 2013
My mind is uneasy,
my hand, it twitches.
Eager to hold and caress
your lovely face.

To hold someone,
in the palm of your hand,
And feel their warmth,
as if it were communication.

To return that warmth,
if only a little.
Just to tell them I'm here,
and I'm listening.

I wish I had something to give you,
something filled with wisdom.
With kindness and love,
but I don't think you would accept it...

I am but youthful naivety,
and you, just as young, "know better,"
I thought friendship was a sharing relationship,
I guess I'm not as well versed as I thought.

However, I have lived, and loved, and lost,
and I have made my many mistakes.
When you need it,
my hand will always be ready to share its warmth.
633 · Jul 2013
Love Reciprocates Hate
Blain Rogers Jul 2013
If I held a petal,
from a rose,
in my hand,
I think that I could feel it shrivel,
with the hate of a hundred men.

You cannot feel my thunder,
although it trembles true.
A million moments of laughter,
every time I think of you.

I hate you like a cold breeze,
that tears right through my skin.
I hate you so much more,
because you are my sin.

To live a life without you,
would take my soul from me.
But I guess it's like they all say,
that love is like the sea.
625 · Jul 2013
My Friends
Blain Rogers Jul 2013
My friends are independent as a whole,
together as one and separate as one.
No secrets kept from one another,
not always the best thing, but it keeps us honest and true.

I love them, each and everyone.
I would do anything to help them, including putting myself in harms way.
That's just what friends do.
It's what makes us care.

I don't know why it happens,
but I know when they are in pain.
I know when they need support.
I know what they are thinking and what they feel.

I wish nothing but the best for everyone of them,
and hope their lives are full.
I hope that life gives them everything they ask for,
and takes nothing back.

I love you,
I love you all,
And I hope we will see each other again in the future.
578 · Jul 2013
Thrice Loved
Blain Rogers Jul 2013
Swollen eyes with too much sight,
Swollen heart with too much pain.
Swollen hands from gripping tight,
Swollen brain from lack of shame.

I miss you,
I miss us,
I miss what we were.


How did it happen?
What happened?
Who happened?

In some cultures all you have to do is say "I Love You" three times and you bond with the one you love for life.

I Love You
For the Man that you made me.

I Love You
For the Joy that you gave me.

I Love You
For the Way that you hate me.

**I Love You, I Love You, I Love You
534 · Aug 2013
Empty Inbox (10W)
Blain Rogers Aug 2013
Pounding my chest!
Screaming for answers!
Why don't you respond?
Blain Rogers Dec 2012
Finals are upon us friends,
"once more unto the breach,"
To **** the knowledge from turn worn pages
Like-a suckling student leech.

You fill your head with "useful" knowledge
To weather days at a dank dark college
Truly burdened and completely tired
Up all night and really wired.

Dragging bodies 'cross storied floors
Up steep a** mountains, through rugged doors
All in effort that in future time
You'll be able to make a living dime.
498 · Jul 2013
In Your Mind
Blain Rogers Jul 2013
To each their own.
The many.
The few.
Judge not the actions,
But the content of character.
Notice not the flaws,
But the bias of your heart.
Give chance to those around you,
and trust that you will receive total love.
410 · Jul 2013
Summer Thoughts
Blain Rogers Jul 2013
As I sit here pondering life
it occurs to me that,
Love is a river dam,
though unbreakable,
it is not without faults.

To Love is to admit those faults,
and weather the inevitable floods
with someone who see's them
and judges you not.
394 · Nov 2012
All the simple things I
Blain Rogers Nov 2012
To all the simple people,
I see your simple tastes,
I watch you wash your simple clothes,
And clean your simple face.

To look at you and wonder how,
You live your life under darkened clouds,
You blend so casual with a crowd,
And carry burdens like kings under crowns.

To you whom I adore, I ask:
Can I live my life so naked,
Can my ways be forsaken,
And can I become myself again?

— The End —