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 Jan 2013 eli
Mychael LooseArrow
Sure, your physical beauty is what caught my eye,
your lipstick a seductive shade of ruby
so beautiful it made me wanna cry.
But I could feel it under your skin,
on a whole different level I loved you.
Not just physically,
but for the person within.
It was something new
and I could only hope that you had the feeling too.

You know,
It's funny I rarely catch your name,
or that we may not even speak a word,
but we are joined together for a split-second,
a locking of eyes
in a world that is more a theater of the absurd.
 Jan 2013 eli
Anon C
Willingness to die for the people
or desire for death
Just to clarify not death of others or innocents but death of self.
 Jan 2013 eli
unholy ghost
 Jan 2013 eli
unholy ghost
Long ago, you planted lilies
in my ribcage, roses in my jaw
coaxed them to life, you fed them fire.
The roses grew thorns…
the lilies grew crooked

They got hungry in your absence,
******* at the metal inside. Quietly,
they began to die, turned black like bruise.  
Rotting and wilted, they slip to the floor,
still smelling like you.
 Jan 2013 eli
                                                    d           ­                                                               
brown & brittle
hangs upon a branch
Swayed by a Northly wind
     You turned to me,                         
                saying gently                                                   
   you would be gone            long before  
      the tree                  outside your window   
                              lost every one of its leaves                   You                         
                                       forgot                that brighter greens grow                                  
                                        beneath those rough        dark capillaries                                     
                                                which span this                 grey horizon                                              
                                                 Days pass                 shadows shorten                                                 
      & Spring renews            Sun warms       
     our upturned faces   Maybe soon      
                 you'll glimpse that fragile hope                 
                                                  still fluttering          above us                                                   
                            ­                            in the dappled canopy One                                                         
                                 single skeletal leaf       I'd                                   
                        attached­         with a                          
           steel safety pin            
A grand-daughters true story.
 Jan 2013 eli
Jene'e Patitucci
The hardest thing I've ever done
is try to convince myself you're not the one
while we continue to go on as friends
knowing we'll never have what we once did, again.
© 2013 Jene'e Patitucci

I am going to make this into something else, the last 2 lines sicken me.
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