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BL Ledford Feb 2015
The Young Asian Wife Prays

You pray to your God he is safe
My, how you picture him with ****** ******* his **** and the eyes of a yellow demon in his pupils as a shadow pours his cup full of some French wine.

Teeth show through the closed mouth as the buzz saw edges pull back in the purple gums.

******* strolled around a dirt floor in between the piles of monkey ****. Flies buzz around his head as the maggots crawl from the shadows feet.

A light shines from her silhouette
As she recites the prayer of forgiveness for his soul.

The eyes of this wayfaring man twitch as if the ***** on them has been shifted by some natural force.  Yellow demons scream high pitched squeals
The shadow moves quickly away from the light slowly creeping over the threshold.

****** turn to snakes and slither up behind the shadow as they make there way to a lightless room. Crawling up the side of the toilet only to peek their heads just above the seat.
Watching in wait and with great fear for what is inevitably there end.

Light meets this mans legs as the roaches flee from his crotch
Within his eyes yellow dissipates into red then white. The scabs on the hands gleam with moisture and slowly disappear. Groans in the stomach growl as flies rush from his opened mouth. Light climbs up his neck into his eyes.

The beautiful young Asian wife prays without ceasing as Christ lays comfort on the heart of these old lovers who married under the purest morning light anyone has ever seen.  

BL Ledford Feb 2015
From a kind North Alabama family
Traveling north across the Appalachia hills to settle in neighborhood built for Mr. Dupont's industry.

Your mother - the child of a sharecropper,
Father - a soldier and a baker.

Raised on Sears catalogues and baseball fields.
Instilled with a obvious desire for peace.

Fell in love with my sister,
Treat her like a queen.
Always taking good care of my mama and my wife.

You have searched for wallets in the rain,
Gave your winnings to my mother for a set of new tires.

Always casting a net to the lost who are in some pain.

There was many times you are the spine that held the pages of this families strength together.

The silent voice that calms the wild,
Your actions are worth a million words.

Thank you for the plane tickets home,
Thank you for the bed to sleep,
Thank you for the food on our plate,
Thank you for picking me up as I was stranded on the side of the road.
Thank you for your punch to the lip when I had stepped over the line.

Thank you for the calming of a family that sometimes is out of control.

I admire your selflessness.
I aspire for your faithfulness.
We all endure through your peacefulness.

In the end, when all ideas have alluded me,
I sometimes think of what your action would be.

An amazing father you are to your daughters.

A father you have been by action to your honorary son.

Some say a pictures worth a thousand words -

I hope these words are a picture of appreciation from me.

Thank you! I am honored to have known you Mr. Davidson.

Happy Fathers Day.

BL Ledford Feb 2015
Your Father was a good man and selflessly intelligent
Hard working,the salt of the earth
Pulled his family up by straps of his boots.
Your mother loved you only the silent way a mother can.
Petite in stature while a giant in her kindness she shares.
They settled a family to raise in the peace of a country village
Just north of a railroad town.

I see in your eyes the heart of a man who is at peace with the ones he loves.

I hear in my ears the sounds of your honest  direction.

I feel in my heart the love of a man who wants only the best for me.

Please don't feel misunderstood my mentor.

Your love for the children in this world gives you away
The respect you show your elders is that of a soldier of God.

You and I walk together in understanding.
Men of your character are a rare specimen and vital to a world that turns with a atmosphere of conformity.
You have held your values and I pray to be as  you are a rock and as solid as you have become.

Your unconditional love for my sister has earned a lifetime of respect.

So often your strength has held a family together, so often the father you are has given foundation to the one I have aspired to be.

We are not alone in our nonconformity you truth teller.
Your lifetime of passion has been passed down to this man.

I love you like a son Mr. Southerland thank God for bringing you into this families world.

On this Father's Day 2014
Let it be known
You have two sons.
BL Ledford Feb 2015

Sky is falling on you
Dreams they will get there due
Pass me the old mans memories
Kid with a funny laugh has some too
Let's cross the line
Go down the road less traveled
Build a empire of our childhood dreams

The real rebellion is mans society
The natural springs of our life ****** too build some nations wall.
True borders only exist in our mind
A cruel culture that convinces us of our valid fears.

Do we not chase the bitter truth
Do we clutch the survival of a species

Plastic gires in circle our seas with obvious stealth
Remnants of a mechanized world
That will never ever quit producing indestructible waist for convenience
Mad dictated ancient self help journals of our obvious natural desires conflict with the shortcomings of mans social inadequacies.
Obvious is filtered through the cheese cloth of our natural instinct to get from point A to point B

Choose to dream my species

What we have hear is the point when a man must choose his road for better or worse

The true tragedy lies in making no choice at all
BL Ledford Feb 2015
July 1

Now it's the first day of July.
All these rivers turn around their bends - I know even one day they will end.

We take small steps down this road to recovery every one just as important as the one before.
All spikes in your life naturally crash tumbling down the hills.

All the beauty in the world lies within the fact you have returned to your feet.
All the facade of control you thought you had flamed and combusted.
All the carbon in these ashes will be rebuilt in the natural beauty of God's perfect time.

This life you cannot see in your review mirror - it is best to be just a chapter of moments in the lessons of a wonderful life.

Yes some day you will step over to the other side.
Yes, it's not on your mission plan to see the great exit.
Yes, we are granted the certainty of hello when that day arrives.

Let us take a morning walk,
The vivid green of the fauna in the Tennessee valley.
Let us fall in love all over again.
Let us take that smile we give when we are all alone and share it with the big guy in the sky.

This is the first day of July-
Summertime is here.
A new life is so dear.
We've been to the bottom- now we walk that walk of life,
Right into the reality your God has blessed us with today.

This is the fire in the sky.
This is the point where we say thank you.
Thank you for the day you have given us.
Thank you for redemption.
Thank you for our mission.

I have seen through these eyes 1000 mule men pulling plows.
Today we are none of them.

And, yes, today with these eyes our God has wiped clear, I have seen a thousand golden eyed soldiers winning battles.
Today, through our God we were...
Every single one of them!

It's the first day of July
BL Ledford Feb 2015
Mind explodes all over the windshield
I always hated driving
Big oak desk melts into ash under your feet
I always loathed organization
TV explodes into mushroom clouds
Too much direct propaganda
I always preferred moments in life when I was informed indirectly: a cowboy along the trail mentioned some bad weather up north could be heading this way.

At these old cross roads
What ya gonna do boy

Life to the west
love to the east
Torn by the choices you make
Can you live comfortably in the easy life
Will you ever be able to live in the days of the eagle spirit

Will you turn yellow as your liver crashes into the bourbon sea
Your ship could catch fire
Crash into the rocks of the coast with no lighthouse to be found

Will you turn grey with a fake passport
Fall dead of a heart attack with your child upon your shoulders
Lose your mind in dementia as you  straighten your tie

You miss you wife intensely as you ***** last nights party on the bathroom floor

All this idealism of fruitless existence really really hurts
BL Ledford Feb 2015
Took the pain of my hands today
Looked up at the sky and couldn't see the birds
A new year came and went
Undoubtedly it's still the same
Nothing right or wrong
Just the cold wind that blows so long

Traveling men don't get married
What where you thinking
Traveling men don't get married
You should have quit drinking

It took gypsy from the east to stop your road just temporarily
It was the eyes of your queen
So you took a shot

Forever is never broken down
Forever is the energy we can not capture long enough that it will hang around

A short term is the best terms the traveling man can hope there may be
The weary flat black circle we shift in but cannot see
The sunset is always  for sure
The back lit doorway he walks through
Traveling men don't get married
What where you thinking
Traveling men don't get married
You should have quit drinking

The road is home again as the lady fades into dusks simple moments

Took the pain of my hands today
Laid down alone no more right next to you

The smell of time when he was free overwhelmed all he could see
Gypsy passion and soft silk skin
Could not take the place of the places he had been

Now the queen he sees everywhere
Couldn't lay down the memories of when he was free
Now he knows that it's not just me
Alone has its destinations
But fails to hug me when I hurt

Traveling men sometimes can change
Wandering is not free
A price you pay
Then is not now and I am not he.
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