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BL Ledford Feb 2015
I hope you are well.
I try to elaborate on all these ways I act
You are assured my baby that my heart is bleeding it is receding as the Bohr tide transcends the day the stars and the sun

No one you meet will be here or there just as you fear I am everywhere

We are nowhere we are standing on the ten thousand year circle
I had you at lift of my head
Your eyes I had a love affair with in my dreams
Those moments we loved and would have died for are here with us. They will never melt to slide down in between the grey rocks on the banks of our glacial river

Now is hell, yes it is
Tomorrow is a tomorrow breathes
Funerals are for the living
Our eyes have created  energy that will never be stopped

****, I love the universe as it applies to the simple fact no matter what happens in the future I have loved you and that's the one thing you can never take from me.

Thank you thank you thank you
Love slides down between the stones of the old confederate fortifications

Your desert, the wind swiftly blows your grandmas carpets
As they hang from the helpless lines across the window seals, the children kick the football bellow, in these streets of Ashgabat they will grow
The eyes of of the karakum have laid down on me
BL Ledford Feb 2015
Aniv III

These days will change
Those days proved this

This love will grow
That old love showed us that

If we take what we're left with and
Cultivate its roots.
Trim the dead edges
Make sure nourishment is a priority

Then under this sun

Our love will grow
Our love will show

As these lonely nights move into the past.
Through a window of a modest house

In a little pink room a full moons rays silhouette the child that was there first.

A few steps down the way a candle light flickers as husband and wife sleep while holding hands
So much pain before but that was then
These days he is smelling sober and she is not hurt
At the foot of their bed a bassinet waits

This family has been through a fall and crashed right into winter.

As this snow melts, from the ground did rise the tiny rose of a seed that was planted years before in a dream of their river.

Her withered hands have been spotted for years
His eyes have taken the old man’s pale shade of blue

There children watch from afar tears in their eyes making sure to hush the next generation

He smiles I love you, as she surrenders her acceptance
All time stops still as they peer at the mountain they had met under a lifetime before.

And as these brooks flow into the streams that someday will lead into a ocean of life. a dragon fly catches the attention of two young lovers as they fall In love on the banks of  one of Gods glacial rivers.
My angel
BL Ledford Feb 2015
The greatest song never was written
The book that changed my life never completed
The girl of my dreams decided not to stay
The children all grew up and live far away

We walk in a flat black universe
Trails of our past only for us to reminisce.
They will suffer none by your purchase of a gun
Just another body to shuffle down the road
Another piece of meat society shortly stows
Keep your Gods under your steeples
Look them up when cold steel rises to your temple

How are mad men created
Why do the bearded men stare from there glassy eyes and mumble words from their drunken mouth

Purgatory before hell is what they say
When courage falls away
Drown your mind in the substitute of death
Maybe one day you'll have the nerve to breathe your last breath

In remembrance of a time we believed the dream of lies
In remembrance of the days of hope
In remembrance of a blind love

In remembrance of the mad drunken man    
In remembrance of the child you were,a long time ago.

Benjamin Ledford
BL Ledford Feb 2015
Science destroys mystery.
The child grows old,
Breaking the mold,
Almost bringing the cold,
When the monsters under there bed
Fail to make noise.
The man on the moon
Isn’t seen anymore.
Pride,greed,and worry
Try to jump in
To this simple life without sin.
The slashing young buck is dead,
The innoceent,little girl lost her head.
Those days when I could
drive a car to the moon,
While singing about my favorite balloon.
When the Tooth Fairy sneaked around my bed,
I worried if Santa Claus
Fell of the roof,would he hurt his head?
As a falling star disappears into the air,
These childhood dreams loose fanfare.
As reality becomes evident,
My dreams keep me real,and help me deal
Within this place that wants so much to steal.
I am not a sad,young man,
For the light at the end of the tunnel
Continues to shine on;
That will keep me strong for so very long.

Benjamin Ledford.
BL Ledford Feb 2015
Light through your window is dimly yellow
Light in our hearts is faded blue
He stands outside smoking under the half lit moon
You put your babies to bed three doors down from your parents room

She left him Thanksgiving day
The neighbor say he left you
Two houses down on Valley View

Whole world might as well be somewhere else
Whole lives out in the stranger's view

Light through your window is dimly yellow
Light in our heart is faded blue
She goes to work and comes home
Sometime he comes home too  

She left him on Thanksgiving day
The neighbors say he left you
Two houses down on Valley View

Might as well not know you
Sure as hell feel just like you
Winter has set in
Sun seems so far away

Light in the window is dimly yellow
Not even sure how we get bye
Light in our heart is faded blue
Two broken hearts of Valley view
Two broken hearts on valley view

— The End —