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Nov 2018 · 157
x Nov 2018
You bring me hot. hot. heat.
In a cold. cold. world.
Nov 2018 · 190
x Nov 2018
I will play god for once
And I will rearrange this land
To bring you into my embrace
Nov 2018 · 297
x Nov 2018
I am asleep
I am dreaming
I am 60 years old and huddled into a rocking chair
I am cold and bitter

I am awake and I am afraid

The next day I dream of the same cottage in the woods
But tonight
I am sat next to the figure of a woman not much younger
We sit with hands clasped tightly, rings touching
We talk softly about all of the memories we’ve had over the years
We sit together, warm and happy

I can’t see her face from where I’m stood

She turns and says
‘baby we need to paint these walls something brighter’
She looks a lot like you
She has your hair but it has gotten thinner and grey has been weaved into your colour
She has your smile too. it always my favourite thing about you
Nov 2018 · 239
silver spoon
x Nov 2018
they say i was born with a silver spoon
in my mouth
until it was used to melt down nasty habits by noon
shot into veins
Nov 2018 · 157
one day
x Nov 2018
one day
i will learnt to forgive
it’s definitely won’t be today
but one day
the bitterness that bubbles within me,
the bitterness that grasps at my throat and strangles every last breath from me,
that bitterness will be destroyed
i will replace it all with glitter and sunshine and everything you gave to her instead of me
Nov 2018 · 191
x Nov 2018
we were fire
burning up just like the feeling your touch gave me
we were death valley

and then

we were warm
the kind of warm from a funfair hot chocolate
we weren’t just lust anymore

and now

we are cold
the cold from bitter winds in december
we are ice on the road


the coldest of weathers will warm
maybe they just need some time
maybe we just need some time
Nov 2018 · 156
an invitation
x Nov 2018
here is your invitation to fill my mind full of prettier pictures. it is an offer to cloud my mind with thirty fuzzy feelings about the way you look at me. it’s a request for you to set my skin alight as our bodies touch. if you accept such propositions i vow to love you in a way that angels would envy. it is my promise to kiss you softly in the rain just how you like.
Nov 2018 · 137
x Nov 2018
so keep my
out of your mouth

swallow your words and sit back down
Nov 2018 · 160
x Nov 2018
tell me you love me
and i’ll feign ignorance
to the fingers crossed under the table

hold my hand tight
and i’ll push away thoughts
of her doing the same to you

whisper pretty things to me
and i’ll forget the way
i glanced upon the same words in texts to girls that are not me
Nov 2018 · 800
celebrate my love
x Nov 2018
mother took me to church at eleven
and as i sat in their electric chair
they told me that i’d never see heaven
told them it was the girl with chesnut hair

father found me in the parade one day
as i clung to a girl that spoke of tulips
he told me no child of his would be gay
i sobbed til she covered my lips

but today i donned my badges with pride
as i wandered around wedding fairs
as i know that someday i’ll have my bride
and love wont just be full of scares

i watched women fight for our own rights
the rights let me celebrate my love
Nov 2018 · 143
your natural disaster
x Nov 2018
today my eyes took in wonders:
cities from miles above

and still

your face was the only thing that danced a whirlwind around my mind
Nov 2018 · 162
souls of the cold
x Nov 2018
i lost a part of my soul
as your blood ran cold
it was the part i had given you months before
laced within tender messages
i know i’ll never retrieve the fragments of my mind
ones that i could only bare to you
i’m at peace with that
i know you’re keeping me safe from where you watch
Nov 2018 · 132
x Nov 2018
rip open my chest and tear out my heart
crush it between your rough fingers
break me like you always do

and then
when youve destroyed me enough

use my blood to write upon a gift basket card
scrawl our languid apologies and hollow promises

and then

allow me to fall back into your arms and repeat this cycle because i am nothing without the way you break me

— The End —