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And I wish you would know that
I know how you feel.
How I know what you've been through.
And how I've been through it
Because then we might talk,
Shattering unscratched glass with the first sentence,
"What did you get for Number Seven?"
You would say, "Negative eleven, just factor..."
Maybe one day you'd text me and
Ask what the homework was
Because our teacher didn't tell you
From when you were sick.
And eventually, after tons of small talk,
After "How's the weather?"
Got old,
I could finally tell you
That I know.
I'd tell you that
I'm here, not the fake kind of here,
Which sounds like,
Not like that.
But the kind of here
That asks what ****** about your day,
And sends you links to cat videos,
And the kind of here
That texts you at two in the morning
And asks if you're alright
And doesn't take yes for an answer.
Shattered and Relieved
to realize
that what we had
was nothing more
than something small
and tragic.

Distressed and Smiling
to read the past
figure out the fact
that you are nothing.

I've wasted time
but not that much
having come to terms
with the word:

Crushed and Invincible
I've been so bruised
that now I'm strong
And all I can do
is breathe and learn.

You're a fool
but so am I.
Otherwise I wouldn't cry.
You're wise.
I'll be wise too.
And walk away
avoid your eyes
until there's no more pain.

Destroyed but Rebuilding.
I may never forgive you
but I'm okay with that too.
Even if I do,
I will never be your friend.
So don't say hello.
We are no more than strangers.

Hurt but Happy.
It's a freeing feeling
knowing you've started healing
When you stop revolving around the sun.

And start living for yourself.
Copyright © 2010 Jacqueline Ivascu
 Nov 2013 Bionic Woman
Dylan JP
With the end so near
I have nothing to fear
My thoughts so clear
Like looking into a mirror
Who cares
I’m already broken and numb
So calm about what’s going on
Its like a dream come true
At least for you
Don't cry
Don't apologize I hope you
Choke and die
I don't mean to hold a grudge says she's
So loyal, so true, says she’s all mine
***** you
Shared times shared thoughts
Traded words thanks a lot
Watch out for that ledge no wait
Take one more step and I'll give you a push
I'd say I'll miss you but
I hate to lie
Me so faithful, you ungrateful
We need to talk. So just.
Go away
I just don't care not anymore
Quit being such a *****
You say you're mine then you say
You're sorry blame it on the other
Don't lie
You've used all your chances
Lost the romances cold and alone
Don't wait by the phone
The end….
 Nov 2013 Bionic Woman
Would you die for what they try for?
could you buy war if it made you lie more?
would you vie for the answer to why for?
could you fly more if there was no bye door?

would you try to change what is my view?
could you buy new if it was beside you?
would you cry too if we don't try to?
could you lie too just to get to my clue?

would you fight war if you knew why they fight for?
could you right more if you knew what was right for?
would you fight for a chance at the right door?
could you sight more if you could let your light pour?
 Nov 2013 Bionic Woman
I hit em like a mack truck
no beeping when i back up
i never get my knack stuck
i put em on a rack yup

I watch em like a stalker
hear words from the talker
i crush the rock blocker
kid, i'm the real rocker

i blast em like a 10 gauge
on every single pen page
i'm living in a thin cage
screaming from a dim stage

i can see the resistance
words of inconsistence
i'll give you some assistance
but you can't go the distance

— The End —