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15.7k · Nov 2016
Mmmm, coffee is so good...
My coffee is black,
Like the color of my soul, or how I dress
Or the color of my grandfather.
*The oils & caffeine coat my tongue
and I am anew
My bowels  *turn

The bile  churns
and in ten minutes, I will have to poo.
6.0k · Feb 2010

Flying, eight tall, beautiful spires ascend towards the sky
onto a thin silk wire of silver and white.
Lovely it rises so high.
Why must we **** the spider to save the butterfly?

to keep that sacred silence?
to savor your favored violence?

never far...

The floating bird touches the golden beach.
A medicine man welcomes them with open arms,
but from the belly of the beast comes a leech
with butterfly wings
4.1k · Jun 2012
The fragility of us.
I'm facing the horizon, reclining in the cool grass, staring deeply into the pink and purple sky.
It is an exemplary evening and I am enticed by its extravagance. I contemplate existence.
I contemplate all our lives:
The gnat licking sweat of my brow,
That tree across the street,
Your dead friends, my ancestors, that hot Latina chick that works at Panara (not that I really eat at Panara).
The undercover cop that won't stop eyeing me.

I watch the pink fade into purple fade into nothing at all. The clouds disperse, becoming nothing more than disconnected particles of dirt and water  suspended in midair, and the sun goes down.

I **** the gnat and go home.
Ok. Not really a poem, but I find it poetic.
3.5k · Sep 2010
The man from Kentucky
There once was a man from kentucky
who dreampt he was quite lucky
then he got hit by a truck and contracted polio
3.1k · Feb 2010

The red sun gazes upon a blue moon’s reveries
While the baker glazes over our doughnuts memories
5-9 TV talks of talcum dreams,
Suicide sweet
****** machines.
Fascist fornication with communist candy
Tastes kinda like Yankee doodle dandy

I whisper over the roar of a glazed man grazing,
Dazed, and drowned,
to the Automated telenation:
“Don’t use self checkout lines,
Don’t let the robots win!”
Read this one aloud. In fact do that with everything I write. Including this note.
2.5k · Feb 2010
I found peace under a willow tree,
A state of mind only for the tree and me to be:
Our sweet noisy silence of serenity.

The shadow of a wing covers me
A blanket to answer my call
And surrounding us all
With understanding

Yes, its true I found peace under a willow tree
The sweet silent noise of our totality
You can be there too,
Seek solace
1.8k · Feb 2010
Hands that want to...
Feline Feminity made masculine
by hands that want to...
1.6k · Sep 2010
How to make an Anger Pie
anger pie ingredients:
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons butter, cut into 1/2-inch cubes and frozen
4 tablespoons vegetable shortening, in small pieces, frozen
8 tablespoons very cold cream cheese, in small pieces
1/3 cup ice-cold water
3 skinned kittens (preferably still kind of alive)
1 cup dead Armenian tears
1/4 cup potato starch
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1 tablespoon butter, in small pieces
1 seven year old, lightly beaten
1 1/2 tablespoons sugar

1.Take ingredients
2. Stare at the until the scorn bursts them into flames
3. Force feed it to a dying cancer patient
1.2k · May 2018
Send me through the floor
I dont like star wars
I dont like talking
I dont like shooting stars
I never felt this way before,
Send me through the floor.
1.2k · Feb 2010
Deep crimson cotton races against the infinite canvas of purple ink.
Crystal white spots the subject:
a peephole for all to see.
a vision; postponed
a dream; deterred
a painted glass,
meant for all to see, but no one to see through
my semi colons; THEYRE ;;;;OUT;OF;;CONTROLLLLL!!!!!!;!!!!!;!;;!!!;!;;!!;!!;!
1.1k · Oct 2010
incandescent pleasantries, and gabardine melodies are painted across a nighttime sky.*

The heavens whisper to my ear "I need more children. I eat their fear. So FEED ME!"
The voices wont stop, and I don't know why.
Telephone wires yell at me,
Streetlights buzz with hostility,
and the gods:
they keep telling me to ****.

**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
A lonesome trumpet tells a tragic tale,
(One might say a tragedy)
That echoes the emptiness of teeming streets.
From the orange-blue skies, to the red rooftops of Madrid, I hear a cacophony of voices
Telling me to eat, **** and ****

God is still crying.
And as rain grinds the streets into dust,
I only wish to see the sun.
Read this poem over the first minute of Miles Davis' Concierto De Aranjuez. That's how it was meant to be read.
1.0k · Feb 2010
When they fly          
(I wonder what they dream...)
Do we die
(After we clear the Stream?)

Love for them, when they love not the need...
Walls melting, oh why cant she be free?
834 · Aug 2010
substantially psychoactive?
Incessant insolent innocence lies broken by a bedside.
Am i taking psychoactive substances, or am i substantially psychoactive?
Puzzling proportions of a mirror lie shattered by my knees.
Am i broken?
We just want to fix you.

Are you broken?
I just want to feel free.
**** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
781 · Sep 2012
Let The Wind Blow Through
Searching for love in vain is daunting.
Haunting, I saunter over to you my flower, my blossom.
Lost in your eye, I retract my all, NOT some...

A friend is still a warm gun....
But hold on ***!
What about your mom?
or your dad?
  Or your uncle?
Or women that you share bunks with? Maybe buckle DOWN with?
Is it worth it?     I assume not either way, but perhaps.........
I'm so tired... and I could just sleep.
sleep forever
My body lies in a heap, and I prepare to meet my maker.
But I guess today ain't th' day. Cos today I'ma play Zelda: The Wind Waker.
773 · Sep 2011
Not what you think it is.
My magic comes from the tip of my shaft
With it I gain all my strength.
Pearly puffs paint the air with my potency.
I'd patronus all over your chest and/or back.
764 · Dec 2011
I wrote this on a plane.
We are all guided by a single sentient machine.
Twinkling below me is evidence of its life:
The familiar red-yellow blinking of a yield signal reveals to me its heartbeat.
Almost like Morse code It says:
"Twinkle, Twinkle little man,
I touched the sky, think you can?"
762 · Nov 2010
Drugs: The Haiku!
The lighter wont stop
Telling me to immolate....
I feel like dying.
Feline feminity made masculine by hands that want to...


Curved carvings chisled on your face,
led me to a flower
That I caress, you touch
we say so much,
(but without a word)
for your body gives it away.
I wrote this extended version first but i thought it was beatimous with just the first two lines, so i made two seperate poems
692 · Mar 2011
Oh how I’ve known this world of decay and tedium:
A burnt world, peppered with the despair of human need.
If only the withered trees may have the grace to accept our mistakes, The splendor of springtime may emerge from this bitter, toxic winter.
But alas, after every blissful summer, and every majestic fall, a dead winter returns.

...Such is the nature of mankind
632 · Sep 2010
it rhymes with haiku
you are such a jew
you a such a jew jew jew
you are such a jew
630 · Jun 2015
Cleansed by fire.
Fire water that is.
A taste of death so good it'll leave you in the gutter.
The bitter better butter
You can find anything in the hood,
So I guess it feels like it should.
What are you waiting for?
Are you waiting for something wonderful?
**** that.
Get up.
Let it happen to ME, gleefully colorful, blissfully subtle.
I see a new world placed in the palm of my hands
So much life teeming under my fingers, writhing...
I wanna let it go, drop it like a hot potato
But its so good, I feel life's glow....

Strong enough to melt the snow.
615 · Feb 2010
555 · May 2014
Just Like
As I lay alone in my bed
I still feel you on my skin, lingering.
Ping. Ping. Pinging inside my brain is the sound
of you singing.
The squeal made after
the ******* still ringing as I
**** my guitar. We both gently
weep. I check her neck for a
scar, and cover it.
poison seeps
Go to sleep.
I miss your heartbeat beatbeatbeatbeat
That's why I hug this empty couch seat where you sat
(Cause i thought it was the last time youd see my ***)
517 · Nov 2016
Like a wolf
She's like a wolf with such  pretty eyes.*
But she's a woman with prettier thighs
Don't look to hard or she'll eat you up, you silly pup!
And what did you think?
Was she the pack mother or the canine sphynx?

We're all dead tonight thanks to the ebb of the tide. The moon smiles and squeals inside at the breath and the sight of our homicide.
If you asked the hungry, they'd say they're glad that we died
Because they feast on our flesh
On the Earth we are but guests.
Know your place lest you rest in a coffin lined with the sorrow of your regret and carved from branches of your potential. It's essential that you respect lady death.
Don't step out of line.
Step out of line your life is mine, the universe is mine. The stars and the heavens combined.
485 · Feb 2018
Predate (a letter to Tato.)
I understand your fear
For I have felt it too.
But I can't help it if I am strong and you are weak.
This is you at your peak and I know that because I like em like that.
Yeah, just enough baby fat.

Can it be that you and I were destined to be?
Fates unkind, its cruel memories

Moisten thy meat, before I sink my teeth:

How to eat
426 · Dec 2016
The foundation of a society built on getting laid
will last as long as the love it made,
the infinite and indestructible tardigrade, with no tardis
boggles my concept of space and time.

— The End —