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I got my head in the sand,

but it feels like the stars.

I got things on my mind,

that're too crazy to fly.

I got a dream in my future,

but traps abound.

I got my broken heart pumping,

to a new beat, to you.
Her mother was wicked.
Her father was an addict.
Her parents kept her
locked in an attic.

Her only friend
was a tiny bear.
Who had patches
in his fury hair.

She talked to it
when she was alone.
She hugs it tight
with a bleak little groan.

Wounded knees.
A Bruised face.
Why would she be
in such a horrid place?

Her father failed
to pay his debts.
All in vain for
a bunch cigarettes.

The people demanded
their money back.
'Or else,
you will be smacked.'

One night
they arrived.
Her father broke
what he had promised

They ****** the blade
right into his chest.
"You deserve it,
you greedy pest!"

They searched the house.
Killed her wife.
The little girl too, right in her shoulder
the blade pierced, leaving her in grief.

They hurried out.
Before the cops came rushing.
She grabbed her bear
and again started crying

One cop slowly
opened the door.
And found her
lying on the floor.

It must have been bad
to go through so much harm.
But, at least she died
with her best friend in her arms
Last lines inspired to write a story.

'It must have been bad
to go through so much harm
But at least she died
with her best friend in her arms"

— The End —