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 Oct 2013 Bibhu
Nikita Kamboj
I have been weak,
And I have been strong..
I have been through the fire
And I have been through the storm..
Try to do right and I do wrong..
Just be happy for me when my life is gone..
'Cause with no more hurt and no more tears..
There will be no more pain and no more fears..
No more people on my face that are not sincere..
So smile for me when I'm no longer here.. :)
 Oct 2013 Bibhu
Nick Foley
And with me here again
The sober mind is over
To a love that I can hold,
In a lapsed memory,
As I grow old.

Give me your kiss,
To mimic this fleeting bliss.
And the warmth in this moment
It will not end,
More than a buddy.
Less than a friend.

With the love we share,
As I hear you scream,
Reminds me now,
It’s a just a dream,
A fleeting passion,
This sight unseen.

Give me your kiss,
To mimic this fleeting bliss.
And the warmth in this moment
It will not end,
More than a buddy.
Less than a friend.

You cant call me lonely,
We **** it with this.
As our lips meet,
They mimic fleeting bliss.
And somebody exists
They've got brain malnutrition
Their brains puke and get diarrhea

"Red Wine_23 December 2012"
 Oct 2013 Bibhu
L Meyer
My feet to ground, bound faithfully,
as my breath to air,
or your touch to mine, its warmth
a comfort in chilled moments,
in the tepid nature of nakedness,
its weight upon our bones.

Your crooked mouth and funny bones
carry you delicately, faithfully
our worries live out back, stripped naked,
their nagging cries lost to cold air
while we laugh in these moments
and revel in our contented warmth.

On days without you, without warmth
I carry your smile within my bones
and wait patiently for the moment
of your return, my faithful
heart singing your melody to the air,
carried briefly, then lost to silent nakedness.

As the season turns, the trees stand naked
their bare fingers reaching for warmth
the leaves lost, rot into young, winter air
the smell seeps slowly into my bones
months will pass as they wait faithfully
for spring to break the frost in melted moments.

Our patience will yield to the awaited moment
when limbs can stride in nakedness
the sun never failing to renew the faith
that even the most bitter of cold will succumb to warmth
we will lie in the grass, your bones by my bones
and spill our happiness into clean air.

There are times you spend putting on airs
pretending you are someone else in a moment,
but your façade will never convince my bones
for they know you at your most naked
with nothing but our love for warmth,
so I sing the prayer of us that holds my faith.

Your bones can speak without air.
Their whispers faithful in fleeting moments,
my naked soul forever craving your warmth.
 Oct 2013 Bibhu
Jamie Kelch
I'll sit here in silence, I wont say a word.
I'll listen to you and you will be heard.
You can say what you need to as long as its true,
You can tell me you've missed me, just like I have missed you.
You can tell me the things that I wont want to hear,
You can tell me your struggles, your pains, and your fears.
I'll be here to listen, right by your side,
I'll be your salvation, your safe place to hide.
When no one is there to hear your thoughts out
Just know that I'm waiting without a doubt.

- Jamie
 Oct 2013 Bibhu
George Herbert
Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright!
The bridal of the earth and sky—
The dew shall weep thy fall to-night;
      For thou must die.

Sweet rose, whose hue angry and brave
Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye,
Thy root is ever in its grave,
      And thou must die.

Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses,
A box where sweets compacted lie,
My music shows ye have your closes,
      And all must die.

Only a sweet and virtuous soul,
Like season’d timber, never gives;
But though the whole world turn to coal,
      Then chiefly lives.
 Oct 2013 Bibhu
i want saturday mornings to always smell like
black coffee and your cologne

i want to wake up before the sun rises
and walk around in wool socks, sing elvis presley
under my breath because i'll never admit it
but when i fell for you it was relentlessly and without
inhibition and
                          i just
                                     could not
                                                   help myself

i want to carry two mugs back to bed instead of just
one and i want to be there when you wake up
i've got it so bad but he's really precious when he sleeps and it's all his fault
 Oct 2013 Bibhu
Kate Renae
 Oct 2013 Bibhu
Kate Renae
Why is it so hard
To find someone
Who always make me want to smile
And always think about them
Drawing pictures on my bedroom floor

Why is it so hard
To feel the feeling that I really want to feel
It’s just physical attraction
And it really doesn’t go

It’s just nothing
I’m numb
I’m torn
I’m unsure

I want something
But this heart of mine
Just won’t let you in.

I’m gonna kiss you in the bedroom
Hold your hand when we’re alone
But never show my love
Anywhere that’s not behind
Closed doors

I hope that one day
We could
Go together
Somewhere far away
And I’ll realize
That you’re the one
I want here to stay
But for now I’m feeling

It’s just nothing
I’m numb
I’m torn
I’m not sure

I want to feel something
But this heart of mine
Just won’t let you in.

It’s not you
It’s me
That old cliché
I forever wish I could
Feel the same way

It’s physical attraction
but my heart is set emotion
I’m hurting you
And all I feel is

It’s nothing
I’m numb
I’m torn
I’m not sure

I want something
But this heart of mine
Just won’t let you in.

Why is it so hard
To find someone
Who always make me want to smile
And always think about them
Drawing pictures on my bedroom floor.
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