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Jan 16 · 179
Dreams Vs Reality
betterdays Jan 16
Small cat sleeps
Lips twitch and paws run
As he dreams  lion and tiger dreams
Whilst curled into the cutest little ball of fluff in the neighborhood.
Jan 14 · 197
Bad neighbors
betterdays Jan 14
Koala In tree
Sonorously sleeping now
Tonight theyparty
At the moment we ha have small group of koalas  in the tall trees across the road' during the days ***** of chewing or sleeping night there is ***..loud expressive ***.. but hey the babies they make are  just too cute too cate
Jan 10 · 797
End of shift
betterdays Jan 10
Pigeon toed  wombats
Determinedly trundle by
Heading  to burrows
we were lucky to see  one large(mother) & two smaller wombats
whilst on an early  bushwalk... they are such soli, determined yet comical creatures .
Jan 3 · 68
Scavenger hunt
betterdays Jan 3
Young magpies,
still grey of feather,  
attack random sticks
thinking them food,
cry out despondently
when discovering
their prey is inedible wood.
Mother magpie overseas
Scavenging expedition with
beady eyed patience...
Jan 2 · 66
Food chain
betterdays Jan 2
Kingfishers, hungry; watching
Koi, oblivious; swim
lazy eternity laps
in the man made pond
Tuxedo cat, ever hopeful;
watching both,,
dreaming big cat dreams.
Middle aged poet, watching;
the teetering seesaw
,of urban biodiversity.
...Up close
Some times TC enacts the hunting leap to no avail.
Sometimes the kingfishers dive and mus the lightning quick doge of the koi
But most often it remains this low voltage  standoff til some one gets bored and leaves
Jan 1 · 120
Daily Quotas
betterdays Jan 1
Along the tideline
The sand ***** bustle about
Making sandy spheres
Jan 1 · 63
betterdays Jan 1
Another year passes.
with fireworks and
beach bonfire
The smell of  saltwater
and champagne
My partners arms about me
Watching my son running with sparklers leaving a trail of white light behind him
I reflect on that
year  just past
as mostly good but a little dark 8
in places
and hope for better
in the up coming one
For all I hope a year That has better days than the one before
Dec 2024 · 41
Riot Squad
betterdays Dec 2024
Kookaburras swoop
And settle in chorus  row
Riot in session

Cacophony rises
As claim and
counter claim bursts
From sharp shiny beaks

Beady eyes  upon
garden beds
and morsels there
Ding on the wing
A group or flock  of  kooka's is lso known as a riot...
Dec 2024 · 195
Boxing Day Blues
betterdays Dec 2024
Christmas bugs litter
the verandah's floor glittering S
Season's memories

Recycling bins
Full of  spent wrapping paper
Await removal

Bleary eyed I sit
Nursing coffee, eating ham leftover Christmas

Deck the halls with all
things beautiful n' shiny
Just to take them down.
Xmas 2024 the next day  let down in haiku form
Hope everyone had /has  a woderful holidays seson
betterdays Dec 2024
Fly to the brightness
Say the spider to the moths
Snack bars now open
Dec 2024 · 55
Garden Warfare Games
betterdays Dec 2024
Shiny black tailless skink
Victim of moggy hoodlum
Lives to fight again
Skink ; small black l lizard that when under threat  loses it's tail that then wriggles to attract attention of  attacker whilst lizard scurries away.
They are the favoured preu of the one year old kit as he loves to play with the wiggling tail.
Note the tail grow back ... So there are always long tailed lizards left to convert  to short tailless  lizards
Dec 2024 · 73
betterdays Dec 2024
Storm clouds gathering
Big ants carry baby ants
To safe high ground
Dec 2024 · 161
betterdays Dec 2024
High tide ebbs away
Leaving surprised immigrants
In temporary accommodations.
Awaiting the next surge out.
Dec 2024 · 52
Twinkle Twinkle
betterdays Dec 2024
Incomplete darkness
Settles like a soft blanket
Starlight seeps through
universal holes
Messages from somewhere else
Providing  glimmers of
beauty and grace in the
midnight hours
Dec 2024 · 124
Being invisable
betterdays Dec 2024
On the wall sits a
Huntsman spider very still
Nothing to see here
Dec 2024 · 76
Night dwellers
betterdays Dec 2024
Overhead fruit bats
flying, like graceful shadows
Harbingers of night
Dec 2024 · 57
Everyman's a poet
betterdays Dec 2024
Every mans a poet,
for from their heart
flows, words that to;
lover, wife,child
brother or friend,
Words that sounds
like they are;
from god's lips ,
that  change the
greyest day to blue,
that inspires greatness.

These words
may be
mangled metaphors,
dodgy rhymes,
half remembered quotes
mixed with hard won wisdom
Or simple wrds spoken  
with excellent timing
that gives hope
to those
within earshot.

There are those
who excel at the artform
and write poem
after it poem,  
publish books
and become revered
as poets
there are those
who put the poetry
they write to  music
and become songwriters

But we mus also consider
That there ate those
who write
the beauty they hear
in their heads
on scraps and snippets
of paper
which they then  
hidden away
in a drawer
and found
the writer's
And there are those
who write in
the secret rooms
inside thiet head
on imaginary blackboards
that will never
be seen or heard.

And of course
there are those
who find a clan
of like minded people online
and write with the hope
of encouragement  
and gentle criticism.

We are all poets,  
no matter
if there is
one line of words
strung together
that makes
your soul
or the soul
of your loved one

Or if your
output rivals that
of the greatest  
with commendations
and prizes galore..
Both are poets to me..
Dec 2024 · 54
betterdays Dec 2024
Mendicant women
Harangues  passers  by
For dollar or two

Sitting small, hunched
Near the department
store door
Hoping for some grace
Dec 2024 · 99
God's rhythm Section
betterdays Dec 2024
Echidna walks by
Percusion personified
Complete with long nose
Dec 2024 · 57
betterdays Dec 2024
Sly is the  tuxedo cat
(Or so he thinks)
As to he sits so quietly
On the stool, watching  
with disinterest
(more correctly avid fascination) the  cooking of  the chicken strips
As he sits, as he watches,
one paw moves stealthily toward the pile of already
cooked chicken.
As all this happens
he moves his gaze
to the window and
chatters as if he has seen
a magpie bird
(His great nemesis).
When I also look
he makes
his penultimate move
swiping the raised paw
out to snag a couple of pieces
of chicken,
whilst readying
himself to dash away.
Bur alas, alack
no chicken to be had...
When I looked up
to sight the bird
(that was not there)
I moved the plate,
as we have
played this game before  
and I now win most every time
The little tuxedo cat
removes himself
from the field of play,
a distinct sense of  affront
in his walk.
He sits
a couple of metres away,
with his back to me
attending to
the cleanliness
of his nether regions
as I finish cooking
the family meal.
(Of which
a few scraps
of cooked chicken
are set aside forthe cat)
Tuxedo aJam is the third Devon Rex cat we have owned, they have all bee  food orientated  chicken thief  
TJ is the least successful as he ha only  this one strategy.
But then he is only just past kittenhood.
Note he is well fed and gets a little bit of chicken s a treat but always after he has forgotten trying to steal i.t
Dec 2024 · 441
Summer daze
betterdays Dec 2024
Mid-day heat beats down
Shingle-back lizard lazes
On old rotting log

Termite smorgasbord
Dinner in pink tongues reach
Warm sun lies above
Dec 2024 · 236
betterdays Dec 2024
Pobblebonk frog  calls
In desperate disco rhythm.
It's Fandango time.
The Eastern Banjo frog has a distinctive "pobblebonk"  mating call. At this time of year our small  pond /water feature is like the local club with  many frogs doing the lurve thing..
The pobble bonk  however reign in the persistence and loudness of the mating call..and subsequent egg rafts that the gold fish gorge themselves on...One of life's ironies

we still
Dec 2024 · 43
Bedtime Squabbles
betterdays Dec 2024
Twilight settles in
Cockatoos quarrel
Who sleeps where tonight?
The large flock of Sulphur Crested Cockatoos  serm to spend an inordinately loud ang long time setting their sleeping arrangements in the staf of large trees in the park nearby...
Dec 2024 · 428
betterdays Dec 2024
Pre dawn bird chorus
Awakening the feline
To begin dawn patrol.
Our small  cat wakes with the birds each morning and runs from window to window to  sight as many as he can.
Dec 2024 · 137
betterdays Dec 2024
Possums playing tag
In hob-nailed boots on the roof.
All sound and fury
Australian possums, quiet, cute and looks cuddly,  unrorpsong likes to rent roof spaces, to bring up possum  families. BUT during mating seasons play war games in aforementioned roof spaces
Dec 2024 · 48
Buttersoft love
betterdays Dec 2024
The cooling air
of the night
Into the room
as I enter.

The dim light
softest butter
asleep in the  
glasses askew,
book laying open
across your lap
A small
smile upon
your face
and a small snore escaping your lips.

And I know
once again.
I love you

Til time
dissolves away
He waits up for me, at least he tries to on those night  I work late
Nov 2024 · 39
What right have we...
betterdays Nov 2024
to mar perfection
with marks, colourful, crooked
and crass,
to call those marks letters, syllables, words
or to grant
those marks
with life as
and annotation....

is both inherently
in our being...
and the very arrogance
that  allows us
the mindset of creators
And yet we do...
pen to paper
daily we do
Nov 2024 · 229
betterdays Nov 2024
slow drip
of accumulated
leaf to leaf
by clear
bell-like bird

shades of
and brown,
in sharp
of smoking sunshine,
that shifts at
wind's gust

far from the sidewalk
rat race running
we immerse ourselves
in primitivea
along tracks
seeking nothing more
the next step
the next vista,
revelling in our

ribbons of
stress to
behind us
into mist
and then
Each step
we become more
fae and less
not for the
daily bread
or even
of it
But we come
for the
presence of the green
the prior
in ourselves.
the interaction
Simple cell
simple cell
and sighing
in relief
at finding

So wr
as our
of priors
find places
and gather
to worship
To release
The inner
of civility
and stand
in the grace
of the green
Nov 2024 · 344
betterdays Nov 2024
Night, blurred lines waver
Tired eyes read denouement
Now sweet sleep beckons.

This day different to the last
by the state of the weather
The length of the journey
The words both spoken and
left unshed.

This day constant in the heart
by the warmth of  the glances
The need of the touches and
The words unspoken, whispered
and openly stated

Now we are at days end
and night  throws it's cape wide
We settle the plotline and savour
the page...
Finis this chapter,
Tommorow a new page
Nov 2024 · 48
Last wishes
betterdays Nov 2024
This one thing
I know
When I shuffle off this mortal coil.
Bury me not
in a six foot hole
in s park of six foot holes
set in rows of rows.
Marked with year, start and end.
Do not do this to me my friends
I ask you
to bury me
among the roots
of a large tree
with branches spread wide
that embrace
the sky.
A tree that  
can clamber and climb
and see forever away,
one that is
a castle in their imaginary play.
Find a tree
with space below
so that friends
can cone  
sit, stare into those branches so leafy and green and find solace  
in what
might have been.
Or simply
read a good book
in the
tree's shade.
Let there be picnic and lovers trysts
and in years ppl
to come
let there be  
for those that come to sit in peace
for short moments in time.
Let my death
have  more purpose,
than mere
of my time
alive on earth  

let it be
a place with
no marker
of how long
I was  me,
but be  more
my soul's  transference
into eternity.
Let me
the world
in ways anew.
Under a tree
with an
amazing view.
Nov 2024 · 74
betterdays Nov 2024
Little words,
little thoughts
of great import.
life changing
or even life, rearranging.
Just a
in my ear.
Makes the
far les drear
Gives me
the mind.
Lets me know  
we are one,
standing together,
creating life,
a forever
Just begun.
All the
little words
will run together, become a hum,
like bees in
a hive
we have a goal
sweet honey,
Little words
Will let us thrive
Watching yung lovets whisper sweet nothings as I leave work for the day. Off home now to whisper litte words  in a much loved ear.
Nov 2024 · 531
betterdays Nov 2024
I sit  down to
before me
the chasm.
Intent and plan
with me,
desire too

the other side
and the finished product
languidly throwing taunts
toward my team
of yet to be poetry.

Do I,
Can I

To make
the minutia sparkle,
To make
the mundane ...miraculous
To make
the everyday moment
appear  exquisitely beautiful.

Do I,
Will I,
Can I,
Succeed in,


the words upon a page
leap and pirouette, To make
them echt
a smile  upon
your heart.
To have them
the sadness
of the world's soul,
To settle the  emotion  
of the
the marrow
of your bones.

Do I,
Will I,
Can I,

that leap
Into the chasm of the unknown,
as I go...

I do.
...Every single

I sit down,
to write
Nov 2024 · 71
Short peoms
betterdays Nov 2024
There is a joy
in the art of
a short poem,
A quick
word fix
that drives
a thought home.
That provides
a jolt  
to the heart
rattles the bones
That causes
the breath
to catch
the minod
to bend

of course
it goes
with out saying ;
One of
the integral part
of a short  poem
to end..
betterdays Nov 2024
The little blue teapot was exactly that, small,
enough for a sant two cups of tea
or an almost generous mug

In saying it was blue,
It was a comforting
royal shade,
with a shining glaze
Stoutly round
With a sphere as
the top notch  handle
All in all
a cheery
little thing

How many cups
had it processed:
with a
drip or dribble,
that was at first annoying,
an endearing part
of the overall charm of the piece

It would be generous to say
truthful to say
As the age of the *** was 12+years
of  almost continuous service.
In which time
it had been
to every
Conversations baring
soul and psyche.
Mental discombobulation
emotional acrobatics that would  easily gain
employment  with
Circe de Soleil
All whilst sitting  solidly still
  on the table of the day.
The little blue teapot was simply
a background character
in the soap opera
of it's family
and their friends

because of this,

upon the slate floor yesterday.
Brings forth this eulogy to an everyday object  
by many
to be just
a thing
But to this family
a treasured piece
of daily routine.

Reached for
muscle memory.
A dash of color
at breakfast,
on a cold night
A genies lamp
to a
small boy's
growing imagination.
A gift
one friend
for the
shared  cup
Russian Caravan Tea
and a chat
that set the world to rights,
at least for another day
or two.

The little blue teapot was exactly that,
But also;
So much more
than it
purported to be.
much more.
Nov 2024 · 102
All things pass
betterdays Nov 2024
The little blue teapot lies
broken upon the slate floor,
Shards and tea leaves spreading on the small king tide
I watch saddened  by the loss  of a gift from an old friend taken from me by
death ...
and think on the impermanent  nature of being.
Nov 2024 · 148
Treefrog Mantra
betterdays Nov 2024
Sun rises,
softly  creeping across the  leaf
upon which I sit.
Quiet and serene.

Green is the leaf,
Green I have become,
still and serene
I am leaf, leaf is me,
We are one under this day's sun.
Do not see me,
see me not.

I am leaf,
I am not here.
I am chlorophyll, dozing they day away..
I am leaf,
leaf is me.

I am still,
Quiet and serene
I am green,
blend, blending
into  green.
Unseen, serenely

Verdant, is my name
Statue - like
is my game.
Still, serene, green

I am leaf,
Leaf is me..
I am leaf,
I am leaf...
Tiny green tree frog  siting on a leaf..
Trying so very hard to stay unseen...
Nov 2024 · 640
Another day
betterdays Nov 2024
One more to add to the collection
Piled up in stacks
of memories ,
good, bad, indifferent.
They loom large like a hoarders playground..
Teetering on the edge of remembrance,
Akin to a child arcing  on the up curve of a swing in motion all joy and suspense...

The oldest of days
So compressed and worn they have become mere scraps
Postcards withe messages written
In ink  faded, jaded
Like ether riding a zephyr  they pass through your mind to tiny whirlwinds from days left behind.

This day different from any other, as are they al, closes now awaiting it's
place upon a pile
All so tall now
It was a gooday another one of love, laughter  action and rest, commonplace by many standards..

But we have  learnt
to take each day and polish it like gem.

And accept it as a blessing ..

Before resting
in order to walk
into yet another day
Been a minute peoples , a bit rusty but here is my first one in a while
Jul 2021 · 478
betterdays Jul 2021
Pebble in hand
on waters edge i stand
Memories of you wax and wane with
each wave that laps at my feet
i sink into the soft sand..
Tears on cheek
Smooth pebble and
jagged breathe
As i let you go again. again....again
This time I don't throw the pebble away
I drop it at my feet, and watch it tumble and turn as the waves draw it back into the ocean
I watch the colours gleam and the pebble swing this way and that like a dancer swaying to the music...
I watch this small beautiful thing be subsumed by the much larger beauty of the beach

And I stand tears running freely as I learn another lesson about grief about letting go about being together but apart..
And through my tears I laugh...
Jul 2021 · 457
Miles apart
betterdays Jul 2021
Cold fingers touch my
Heart as we await news of your
Condition  ....Hoping....
In too common an occurrence.. we have a friend hospital... With Covid19....and all we can do is hope pray and wiat for ***
Jul 2021 · 277
Cosy as bugs we are
betterdays Jul 2021
The sound of cars
Streaming through puddles
Competes with rain rattling
On the old tin roof

Underneath that roof
We listen to the percussion
of the log fire as it consumes
twig and tree.

The purr of the cat  stretched
out in basking bliss
Competes with the snore
of the man asleep with book
resting upon his chest

And from down the hallway
the soundtrack of a young man
defeating armies and building

All this I hear as I break from marking essays and take a sip
of lukewarm Earl Grey tea..

In the kitchen, dinner is roasting
away in the oven..with the not so small pup standing hungry guard.

By the door coats, boots, scarfs and facemasks await our after dinner walk..half an hour around the neighborhood, then back into  the house. This is our lock down life...
We in Australia have been relatively free of the Covid 19  virus ..the area I live in has had no cases for just over 400 days  but earlier this month an area adjacent has had some case of the new delta strain we are once again in lock is school holidays so it is some what easier.. and again because it is a rainy winter the urge to go outside is curtailed..
My heart goes out to those more directly affected...
Jun 2021 · 264
Bad gateway boogie
betterdays Jun 2021
Tis the bad gateway boogie
The records spinning round
Can hardly get a foot in
Hardly make a sound.
Trying really hard  to make a comeback tour
But you all know it's been 6 months or more
But you need to know
I'm kicking
Heels and toes.
..hoping to check in
Seeing how it goes

Not sure if you will see this

But if you do know those Bad Gateway Boogies

Has me singing the blues
Nov 2020 · 258
betterdays Nov 2020
It's been awhile,  I know
This year time slips away
Been busy doing n not much
But living simply, thinking lots

No excuse not to do, not to write.
But staring at blues sky
And cat's eyes takes up  time

And now there is new generation
To see
A baby boy so free
of worry and care
All raspberry lips and brown eyes
and burping smiles
Swaddled in love and light and hope
Noah, the new captain of that ship
Calling watches with ***** cry
Two are three
And I am grand

It' been awhile
But things keep happening
Not all bad
Some  really good
Some  would say grand
A reminder that
The world carries on in spite of itself
My niece and her lovely husband gave the family a gift of a delightful little boy this week.
Noah Francis  welcome to the world
You grand little chap
Aug 2020 · 312
Flying blind
betterdays Aug 2020
looking fo a pinprick of blue
among the silver linings today
but can only see cotton candy white
and  flannel grey

set my plane to fly high and straight
but all it seems to do is fly in an
eternal, infernal figure eight.

cannot see the horizion
or sight the sun
flying without sight
Is like trying to run
with your legs hobbled

you don't ever  get far
and you inevitably
end up with a cut,
a bruise or a scar.
Jul 2020 · 229
6 by 26
betterdays Jul 2020
Each Day
a marathon
Unto itself
Jun 2020 · 296
The Big Parade
betterdays Jun 2020
Show me your gods
All fur, purr and bark
Feather, skin, scale.
Those demi beings
that mark your heart
and steal your soul.
Those scraps of love
That make hard days whole
mornings bearable and nights
A little less lonely, predictable
or indeed a little less cold
The bed hoggers, extra joggers
The shoe chewers, the foremen
the cuties, the mute beggers
Soulful singers, paper bringers
Howlers, growlers,meowers
Chirpy talkers, hissers,
water blissers,
Princes  waiting to be kissed
sloppy drooly kissers,
the sandpaper lickers
The back leg kickers
those who make biscuits
those who sleep,
like loaves of bread
Tail waggers, live in baggers
Perch dancers, walkies prancers
**** machines, Catnip dreamers
Redlight baskers

Show me your gods..
be they small, large, short, tall
Slim, plump, grim lumps
Portly, courtly, royalty
or  hot  fluffly messes

Bring them out to parade
with these god's
a home is made
and in these days dark and dreary
We need these gods
for when we become weary
Of the world we've made
We need
somewhere to lay our hearts
some thing that has a unlimited
grab bag of fresh starts.

These gods
everyday the give you a bit of
extra heart extra hope
A reason to hang on
to laugh to cry, to talk to sigh

So show to me;
your gods
and say a prayer
and thank the lord
he made them with care.
These little(or not so little) beings that steal our hearts and rule our homes...have in this family at least, made life a little more bearable over the last couple of months
So lets celebrate them
Jun 2020 · 168
Weather report
betterdays Jun 2020
Foggy breath on glass
As I wrap my scarf tighter
Crisp and clear today.
Jun 2020 · 190
betterdays Jun 2020
Toes cold and aching
Fires flicker in amber dance
Red wine warms the soul
Apr 2020 · 222
ANZAC Day 2020
betterdays Apr 2020
We stood
on the driveway today
at dawn
Candles in hand,
as the boy  down the road
played The Last Post,
imperfectly but with
such a beautiful heart

We stood
on the driveway today
With rosemary
for remembrance
and red poppies too
Pinned to our chest.
as birds flew over head

We stood and  remembered
the sacrifice and courage
We stood and remembered
those who did not return
those who did but left
brothers and mates behind
Those who fell,
those who returned injured
In body or mind.

The dawns gentle light
watching over us all
as we looked to
the left and the right
to see neighbors all
Standing  in their driveways
Gifting our diggers
the respect they are due
for the service they gave
to the countries they love

We stood and gave thanks
as the last trumpet note died
and the kookaburras  called
Australia the nation stood tall
Because of the pandemic and associated restrictions with regard to gathering of any type other than households
The usual ANZAC Day comemerative parades could not take place..instead it was suggested we "Light up our driveways "
ie wake for the dawn service normally 5.30 to 6  and stand with  lit candles in driveway as the service took place.(over radios and TVWifi Hookups) .
Our street (all of our street)did this not by any group plan but by each family deciding to stand and honour those who fought in battles for our nation and others throughout our history
...I am so proud that every house represented was a sacred time...
One that my words fail to do justice to...

ANZAC Day 2020
Lest We Forget
Apr 2020 · 142
betterdays Apr 2020
Bring out your words today
Bring them out with gentle care
So that they may do good
in a world awash in despair

Bring them out,
not in whispering assassination,
or with  edges sharp
and cutting designed
to harm, maim and torment

Do not bring words
that ring with anger
like a brass bell
broken and clanging

Nor should you charge
your words with
vindicate electrics,
primed to shock and burn.

Do not fling arrows
with aim to pierce and scar

This is not the time
for that...
Know as much as you desire it
There may not ever be
the time for that...
as much as you wish
to whip the heart of the other
this is not the time
and besides,
this they do well
enough themselves

Be the better,
salve their soul,
beaten, broken
and decrepit
almost beyond repair
be the sunlight
amongst  the gloom
Be the kindness
In an unhappy house
an anguished room
Be the guiding star
In someones darkest night
Be gentle be the light
It may cost you
the righteous anger
seeded deep in your soul
but then again
it may  just make
both you and the recipient
a little more whole,
a little more right,
a little bit more able
to fight the good fight

So bring out your words today
bring them out with flair
bring them out and show
us you care.....
Words are not dead...bring life to your space and beyond...
Apr 2020 · 154
betterdays Apr 2020
Flower sticks dried out
Stand sentenal to
a life ruled by busy laziness

Once vibrant petals
Hang with tenacious
grace, determined in death
to remain relevant,
Notes of a happier time

There epitaph ..
need to do something
with those flowers
echoes in my mind as
i again brush pass them on
my way out the door
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