Holding back the tears,
I sit here shaking.
I take a deep breathe,
Holding back a sob.
My heart shattering,
As I yet again drive away from the only home I've ever known.
Leaving everything behind.
My friends,
My parents,
My aunts and uncles,
My cousins,
All the memories that this place holds.
I can't stand being away from this place.
Even though I spent years hating it here.
This is my home.
I know this town like the back of my hand.
Yet, I'm being forced to live 1,000 miles away.
I come back once a month,
But only for a weekend.
Never more.
It's not long enough though.
I never get to see all the people I want,
Or spend a great amount of time with those I do.
As hard as being home is,
As hard as all the temptation is,
And the cravings I get to throw away sobriety,
Being away from that place...
Kills me just as much,
If not more.
I'm homesick
And slowly going crazy from it.
Written: April 22, 2014