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Sep 2017 · 348
Shane Bernardo Sep 2017
Hold my hand
Let's pretend it's the clock
Hold my hand
Let's make a turn
One, two, three
Hold my hand
We'll be forever young
Sep 2017 · 309
Shane Bernardo Sep 2017
While the distance might be daring,
I'm willing to take the risk,
A love like this is worth sharing,
And it's something I would never miss.

for my ex-bf now husband
written 3 years ago
Jun 2016 · 428
Shane Bernardo Jun 2016
I love to the moon and back,
but no, farther than that.

Because my love knowns no distance,
that short.

I love to the edges of the universe,
the edges of existence,
the edges that don’t exist.

Stretching on,
searching for an end but finding none.

That is how much I love.

It is all consuming and it never stops,
so don’t cut the circle,
don’t stop loving,
because I never will.

for Ed, always
Jan 2014 · 819
What is Love?
Shane Bernardo Jan 2014
L      O      V      E
I thought abstractly
Whether "This is love."
or  "Is this love?"
Not a sentence,
not a certainty,
not a thought
with direction.
Just love,
All of it,
As it is.
Whether it's enough or not.
Whether it's real or not.
How cheesy it gets,
or how it bent out of shape
It's still extraordinary
How foolish,
how painful,
how badly it ends
It's **love
from a quote by Julian Gough
Jan 2014 · 866
The Beating Of My Heart
Shane Bernardo Jan 2014
Today I cried because I can see it,
     I can feel it.
Like a movie in my mind
     I see you and I in our kitchen,
     A million trinkets and mugs.
I can feel you in the whisper of asking
     If I want pancakes or waffles;
           with jam or syrup.
I can feel you
     In the nothingness of our mornings.
I see you in the heated debate of the evening
     And suddenly
     There is nowhere in my future I can see without you.
I know I always do this
     I always see a star and form a constellation
           but this time I'm right
     When you look at me
           it all makes sense and I know
           I need you here in all of my tomorrows.
     But it hurts to wait through all of the today's.
I know you don't believe I can see the future
     but this is so natural
The blood in my veins
     You are the beating of my heart.
Jan 2014 · 2.0k
Shane Bernardo Jan 2014
that's when laughing was easy,

Back when blue was our favorite color
And sheets, boxes and cushions
were the best toys,
and bedroom window was our television
for the outside world.

Back when the lost and lonely followed us home,
and we had two families
And running in the backyard
was a smell of sweet freedom.

Back when swimming in the creeks was alright
and tree swings were the greatest invention
and candies can make you laugh all day.

Back when stones, shells and coins were treasures
and simple words were the sweetest thought
that comes out of our lips.
and writing songs about a life we never knew
was almost a second nature,
that life was as good as it seemed.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Boy Meets Girl
Shane Bernardo Jan 2014
it's a classic tale
boy meets girl
he saw her sad smile
she fell for his eyes
he learned that she's troubled
she tried
he did his best
she left because she knew
he doesn't deserve her
Jan 2014 · 706
Shane Bernardo Jan 2014
I want you to remind me
that I loved you
You have to fight for me
because I'm weak
and I tend to forget
and give up
I want you strong
Because we both know
deep inside me
I want you
for Al,

Jan 2014 · 466
Dreams About You
Shane Bernardo Jan 2014
I close my eyes,
you're there,
silent and still
Then you suddenly love me

My eyes open,
only to realize
that you only stay in my mind,
a thought that I created

— The End —