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716 · Oct 2013
Life LongFriend
To love another human
As much as you love your life
Not an acquaintance, husband, kid, co-worker or wife
Your friend

No matter the length of time
since you've seen them
The feelings are there just
like they always have been

When you laugh, cry, gossip
And you know you do
Your love expressed for
eachother remaining true

When all of your heart and soul
are exposed to just one
A best friend treats this
with gentle protection

No more fulfilling relationship
on earth
It should be full of heartfelt
caring and mirth

Good friendships start, last
but sometimes seem like they end
You open your heart and
reveal yourself to mend

With the ups and downs
of any affair
A truly loving friend
Will always be there
712 · Nov 2013
Soakin Your Dogs
There was an ole lady and an ole man
Each sippin coffee from a can
The two sat in their rockin chair
Breathin in the fresh mornin air

They both had a full day ahead
She started the yeast for some bread
His suspenders hiked up his pants
Wandered out to gaze at his plants

She deftly swept the dirt floor clean
He announced, she always looked mean
The ole lady sat to churn the butter
Ole man pretended to fix the shutter

Hardy ole gal got to smokin the pig
He drove to town in his ancient rig
While she hung the laundered sheets on the line
He pulled up to his still, it was runnin fine

It was time for her to rustle up some grub
Tipsy ole guy gave his neck a good rub
She fried them up some hogback and beans
He sat the table, perfect by no means

At last they sat down to commence to chew Forgot their choppers like they sometimes do
After they dined on their scrumptious fare
They headed back to the rockin chair

The pair soaked their dogs in a separate pan
The little ole lady and the shrunken ole man
Couldn't think of a better end to a day
Than to rock, smoke and soak their cares away
705 · Sep 2013
Dont Leave Me Behind
I love you my child
I don't know how to help you
You continue to die your slow death
It's painful us both
To watch you killing yourself
To see you so all alone
To know you're living with demons
I curse the devil and his minions

I love you my child
To witness you convincing yourself
to give up and die
It kills me inside

I love you my child
I've always loved you and always will
I don't feel you are long for this earth
The deterioration has accelerated
The doctors give you one short year
I cry for the hurt in your heart
I cry for the torture in your soul
I cry because you think I don't love you

I love you my child
Don't give up and die
I ache at the idea of living without you
Please see a glimpse of the light
in my soul
Let it guide you to peace
I can't watch anymore
I can't see you do this to yourself

I love you my child
Don't die my sweet little girl
Don't leave me behind
Let's love eachother for the time
you have left
I love you more than mere words express
I love you more than my own life
Don't cry little one, for I am here
This poem is tied into " The Woman On The Corner". This is what I read to her in her hospital bed.
678 · Nov 2013
My Hero (Childrens)
Watching TV, out of the corner of my eye
From under the table a huge spider I did spy
I looked at him and he stared directly back at me
My heart beat fast, coming towards me I could see

I really screeched and quickly jumped off of the chair
He was gaining fast, his legs spiked with hair
The horror I felt as I started now to run
I zig-zagged, he zig -zagged...increasingly not fun

I circled down the hall, he turned the corner too
Screaming as I dashed, I looked back and swear he grew
Hid myself by the fridge my heart now in my throat
Cried for my dad, he got up, put down the remote

Pop wondered what the fuss was, came to my rescue
I had held my breath 'til I started turning blue
When the spider saw my daddy he stopped and froze
Arachnid looked him up and down, knows how it goes

Spidy seemed confused, settled to run for the door
My dad, his big boots, bravely squished him on the floor
Mommy came into the kitchen, her eyes opened wide
Calmed my nerves, cleaned the mess, gross I must confide
665 · Aug 2013
The World Moves On
I have got so much still
to flush from my soul
Indignation self hatred
angels they stole
Lifes blood removal
stands beyond my control
The world moves on
what is my role

Rehashing the steps
that led up to the past
Confusion denial
all happened too fast
Rearranging my thoughts
to unborn contrast
The world moves on
i reign in last

Sweet faces and hearts
the love given all mine
Trusting angels in place
how the sun did shine
Trials and tribulations
may have smoothed out fine
The world moves on
proof my decline

Final induction
to family this day
They are theirs completely
to secret away
Distance traveled each mile
my hopes decay
The world moves on
bleeding will stay

My soul flushes dark
it remains in my heart
My angels are gone
due to my doubting part
Past mending or fixing
it's too late too start
The world moves on
forever apart
I can't be no more than three
To the circus, Barnum and Bailey
My blonde hair, a dress and big blue eyes
I am just as cute as I can be

My brother and sisters came too
My moms hands are full, what a zoo
Just so I won't get separated
Her soft, old brown coat I hold onto

The smells are all delicious here
Popcorn, cotton candy and good cheer
So many colors and sparkly things
I will get some later, it is clear

We take our seats I can barely see
On dads lap watching the menagerie
Elephants, lions, tigers and clowns!
So excited dad can hardly hold me

The music, drum beats and all the sound
The ladies on horseback ride around
The man on the trapeze soars very high
I'm sure he is miles up off the ground

We walk all the way up real big stairs
Past laughing people in their chairs
Hold onto that coat with all my might
I am having such fun, I have no cares

We bump and weave all thru the crowd
My mom and dad will be so proud
When I look up to see my mommys hair
It is grey! Wrong coat! I squeal aloud

Well I'll just have to find the car
Know they'll be there, it's not too far
The streets and parking lots are packed
I am lost and about to cry hard

I thought and searched and there it stood
My nice grandmas car, that's her hood
I waited for at least a year
Clown came by to help, he could

He took my hand in his huge glove
He dried my tears, thank God above
I missed my mom and dad....bad
Clown gave me ice cream filled with love

Over the loud speaker, announced my name
My frantic parents, on the run they came
Mom hugged me tight like she's never seen me
It was time to leave, what a **** shame
This happened to me in 1962. I was three and crossed two busy streets and found the car. The rest is history. Lol
643 · Oct 2013
Danger (Haiku)
of supernatural means
trick or treating tads
632 · Sep 2013
For My Mother
I've committed an act so grievously wrong
Worst mistake of my life, I don't belong
Am feeling so morbidly ashamed
My heart and soul are forever maimed
My unrelenting conscience nagged at me
I will never again be truly free

The worst part of all is the hurt she must feel
Pain, indignation, disbelief are all real
I took her love as something due me
Took it for granted so unwisely
I have lost the best part of me
To never return, can clearly see

I'm sorry is such a pitiful phrase
Shame, guilt, self hatred and malaise
I have an ache in my soul for trespassing
I am just heart sick, it's all encompassing

I will never allow MYSELF to forgive
Not sure with theses feeling I can live
I cannot reverse the transgression
In my being I've embedded a lesson

Don't know what possessed me to break our bond
I plead for forgiveness, if she'll respond
I hope our love can withstand and is strong.
To forgive, not forget what she knew all along
630 · Aug 2013
3 Contemporary Haiku


Inhaling nicotine
Surgeon General
A grey death
627 · Sep 2013
Walking Toward The Gallows
Stepping into the grand chamber
Scent of polished wood and old justice
Taking place on a hard planked pew
Prepared to be admonished

All rise with respect due, the robe that takes the bench
Players present in majestic setting

Take the orange clad prisoners first
A little time to breathe,
wipe the sweat from my palms

My name is announced,
hope they can't see me quaking
Sentence is four points and an SR22
I despise court
619 · Aug 2013
3 Traditional Haiku
Buds new life cool breeze
Scent of fresh rain on walk
Pungent first mown grass

The wisp of a cloud
Purple and pink in blue sky
Slowly moves turns grey

****** snow pure
Glistening in white sunlight
Forming snow angels
605 · Aug 2013
Can Only Take So Much
Stress the silent killer
Strapped for cash it always seems
Unpaid notice from biller
Repossessed, foreclosed and liens

Days of paranoid waking
Job, your kids, the homestead- health
Don't realize why you're quaking
Balancing act takes real stealth

The bill collectors calling
Day and night relentless rings
Repetitive thoughts, stalling
Heart palpitations it brings

Running wild are kids and wife
Brats- no control, spouse spending
To what do I owe this life?
For certain nightmares pending

I have a job, work all day
But look where it has got me..
Bust my **** for little pay
I'm trying, can not you see?

Take the car, shut off the lights
No water to shower there
Toll of stress will reach new heights
The level beyond repair

This whole **** world needs a change
Added stress we just can't bear
To the docs if you don't rearrange
Government *****, said it.....there
574 · Oct 2013
The Artic- Haiku
foxes tail held still
sniffing slyly for a meal
slips down blind crevice
517 · Sep 2013
Silent Screams
He **** in my dreams
I am sound asleep
or at least I think I am
I feel his hated dark presence
as he appears in the night air above me
An indescribable face
Horns, razor teeth and the eyes
Eyes of the dead and the pits of hell
He pins me down with the strength
of all his summoned demons
He mounts me with his lizard like limbs
And clawed, slender fingered hands
Cold as dry ice
His foul breath of a billion deaths
encompass me
I start to scream
Scream prayers I remember as
an innocent child
His hard, crooked, thin member
entering and poisoning me
I scream but no one hears
It must be a dream
This poem was for a poetry contest with the prompt "Pure Evil"
512 · Sep 2013
Body of Love
Hair is for stroking with kindness
Forehead, caring and testing in sickness

Eyes, gazing into your lovers soul
Nose, discerning your loved ones scent

Lips, kissing and whispering shared secrets
Chin for lifting yourself up proud

Neck, nuzzling safe and secure
Shoulders, to massage and relieve stress

Arms, uplifting and hugging tight
Hands, holding and feeling your way

Chest, protecting and encompassing heart
Stomach, for butterflies with a new love

*****, pleasure and carrying on our kind
Legs, balance and running free

Feet for leading the way
512 · Aug 2013
3 Traditional Haiku
Buds new life cool breeze
Scent of fresh rain on walk
Pungent first mown grass

The wisp of a cloud
Purple and pink in blue sky
Slowly moves turns grey

****** snow pure
Glistening in white sunlight
Forming snow angels
507 · Aug 2013
Can Only Take So Much
Stress the silent killer
Strapped for cash it always seems
Unpaid notice from biller
Repossessed, foreclosed and liens

Days of paranoid waking
Job, your kids, the homestead- health
Don't realize why you're quaking
Balancing act takes real stealth

The bill collectors calling
Day and night relentless rings
Repetitive thoughts, stalling
Heart palpitations it brings

Running wild are kids and wife
Brats- no control, spouse spending
To what do I owe this life?
For certain nightmares pending

I have a job, work all day
But look where it has got me..
Bust my **** for little pay
I'm trying, can not you see?

Take the car, shut off the lights
No water to shower there
Toll of stress ill reach new heights
The level beyond repair

This whole **** world need a change
Added stress we just can't bear
To the docs if you don't rearrange

Government *****, said it.....there
483 · Sep 2013
Diver- Haiku
unhurried leg thrusts
translucent effervescence
jagged cutting reef
477 · Oct 2013
Panic The Heart
I'm home alone start feeling strange
It's my heart or a trick of my brain
Sweating, shaking, can't catch my breath
Heart pounding, squeezing, is this my death

Got up to walk and fell right down
A dizzy blackout, I came around
Got back to the couch my toes were stiff
Arms hurt and were hard to lift

Could this really be my fate
Dialed 911 before it was too late
Talked to the operator and tried to rest
If panicking to breathe deep is best

She assured me they were on their way
What and ending to a normal day
I hear the wailing drawing nearer
My situation couldn't be clearer

The pros pulled up the nosy neighbors spied
With all the fuss you'd think I died
Checking me over, heart is intact
Suffered a severe panic attack

Their magic bus swept me away
The results, I'll live another day
For panic on several pills
Plenty of pharmaceutical refills
460 · Nov 2013
Darians Freedom
Walk in circles
Run in squares
Skip in zig zags
Jump up stairs

Step over cracks
Walk backwards
Splash in puddles
Balance on curbs

No need to talk
Just like walks
Like to kick rocks
Off with my socks

Toes sparkle
Feet are so cold
Crunch of leaves
In no ones mold

Being free, young
What I want I'll do
No chains on me
You should try it too
459 · Oct 2013
The Spread (Haiku)
Hymalayan peak
called Makula the great black
peacock struts beauty
449 · Aug 2013
Can Only Take So Much
Stress the silent killer
Strapped for cash it always seems
Unpaid notice from biller
Repossessed, foreclosed and liens

Days of paranoid waking
Job, your kids, the homestead- health
Don't realize why you're quaking
Balancing act takes real stealth

The bill collectors calling
Day and night relentless rings
Repetitive thoughts, stalling
Heart palpitations it brings

Running wild are kids and wife
Brats- no control, spouse spending
To what do I owe this life?
For certain nightmares pending

I have a job, work all day
But look where it has got me..
Bust my **** for little pay
I'm trying, can not you see?

Take the car, shut off the lights
No water to shower there
Toll of stress will reach new heights
The level beyond repair

This whole **** world need a change
Added stress we just can't bear
To the docs if you don't rearrange

Government *****, said it.....there
443 · Aug 2013
My Love is So Deep
My love is so deep it hurts my soul
Being without someone loved
is true pain
The heaviness squeezes on my chest
like a tightening band
My body and mind numbed with desire
to see that face again
Rather than relinquish this love
i would give a limb
Peace should come from prayer
The void left inside is too deep to fill
I've tried and miserably failed
At my own discontent I often scoff
But the feelings are here each day
I will never forget
and pray pain subsides with time
432 · Sep 2013
Nightime- Haiku
partially hidden
fervent moonlit escapade
being navigates
405 · Sep 2013
Uplifted from earth
Patiently warming to beget
Nestled in crossed twigs
358 · Aug 2013
Where There Is Love
Where there is love there is life
Regardless of strife
Where there's desire there's a way
Where there is sun, a hopes ray
Love's present each day

Where there is hope there is light
Warmth lifts, renewed height
When we open our closed heart
When we search for a fresh start
Hope will find a way

Where there's kindness there is love
All greed, climb above
Where to give we do not dare
Where walls fall, naked bare
True kindness must stay

Where there is God there is fate
Surplus love, less hate
When His heart opened to give
When we may love Him and live
In the Lord I pray
354 · Sep 2013
Bloom cherry blossoms
To always reveal the truth
Chopping down the tree
316 · Oct 2013
Fall - Haiku
piles of leaves crisp air
the sight of Aspens turning
roads choked off by flood
260 · Sep 2013
Heavenly to kiss
Parted rosy colored pair
Whispering your truths

— The End —