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Jan 2016 · 313
Ben Skross Jan 2016
ive drafted what i want to say hundreds of times
the words never sound right
they don’t fit right in my mouth
constantly struggling to form the right shapes
speak the right sounds
there are no words that mean what i want to say
hundreds of thousands ricochet around
inside of my juvenile, impressionable mind

i know you’re not good for me and i constantly
try to tell myself that things don’t go as planned
but i peel at scabs and bite my lip and try to
make myself feel anything at all

constant waves of dread float over my body
covering my head, preventing me from breathing
in an ocean of disappointment and anxiety
i am struggling to stay afloat and you are safe
inside a floating sanctuary
asking me why i won’t help you

the sun doesn’t shine as bright and
people don’t talk as loud and
i can’t stand on my own two feet without
needing to be braced
but recovery takes time and
im doing what i can
learning from my mistakes
and i think that everything will
get better.
Apr 2014 · 414
untitled #6
Ben Skross Apr 2014
I want to be the 2:34 AM
that knows your secrets
but still returns every night
I want to be the rain
that kisses your window
and tries to calm you
when youre trying to pick
yourself up
from the cold hard floor
i want to be the mokn
that shows you hope when
the night seems to be darker
than ever before
Apr 2014 · 336
Ben Skross Apr 2014
im not afraid
of breaking anymore
im just scared
that i wont be able
to put the pieces
back together
all by myself

Apr 2014 · 363
Untitled #5
Ben Skross Apr 2014
One night you let me borrow your sweater and i still feel it on me and i still smell your scent and i think i melted and the remnents are still trying to put themselves together
Apr 2014 · 4.4k
Ben Skross Apr 2014
i dont know you
yet you plague my thoughts
i turn a corner
and i hope to see your face
i get dissappointed
when its a different stranger
and all i want to know is

how do you miss someone
youve never met
Apr 2014 · 643
Ben Skross Apr 2014
you said your most defining term is forgettable
thats not true
becuase i just cant seem to get you
Mar 2014 · 591
Ben Skross Mar 2014
your eyes hold the stars
and your smile holds the moon
youre a galaxy
and i want to be an astronaut
Mar 2014 · 688
Untitled #3
Ben Skross Mar 2014
i see you in colors that dont exist
purple blue gold
green orange yellow
dont do you justice
you could replace the northern lights
and be a hundred times as beautiful
the trees envy your freedom
youre an artists favorite medium
I see you in colors that dont exist
so many parts molded together to form you
I see you in colors that dont exist
and im jealous of the suns ability to touch your face everyday
Mar 2014 · 397
Untitled #2
Ben Skross Mar 2014
I wish i could lie in bed to smoke, and
pretend that all the bad feelings
are floating away with the grey cloud
evaporating into the air along with the other
things i shouldnt worry about
this is lame
Mar 2014 · 627
Ben Skross Mar 2014
If i could
i would take that smile
and inject it directly
into my bloodstream

my parents warned me
about drugs in baggies
sold on the street

but never the ones
with teeth
and a heartbeat
Mar 2014 · 402
Untitled #1
Ben Skross Mar 2014
i wanted to stop loving you
so badly
that i cracked open my own heart
only to reveal it was a locket
still framed with pictures of you
on each side
Mar 2014 · 417
One year
Ben Skross Mar 2014
525, 600
minutes in a year.
You spent 372, 536
looking at me,
and 153, 064
looking at the lid
of your casket

— The End —