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Apr 2012 · 1.2k
Ben Hirsch Apr 2012
Someone is screaming
in a voice so familiar
it must be my own
Feb 2012 · 336
Ben Hirsch Feb 2012
Whenever we talk I can feel the phrase
"I love you" trying to escape my lips.
God forbid it ever get out.
Jan 2012 · 576
Reflecting Pool
Ben Hirsch Jan 2012
The currents of life move us all forward.
But if we were to find ourselves on
the bank of the river of life,
would we chose to plunge back in?

Stagnancy is a crime against oneself,
and contentedness doubly so.
In a world of progress there need not be
myself, one resigned to sit idly by.

But as the water rushes by me
I can't help but feel that I,
would rather sit here on my own
then be dashed upon the rocks.
Jan 2012 · 402
For Lovers and Dreamers
Ben Hirsch Jan 2012
A woman lays beside me, perfect in every way.
Her hair and neck pressed gently against my nose.
I inhale, capturing her essence,
feeling jolts through my spine.
And I know that her very presence is enough.
The world outside of ours need not exist.
I feel her warmth, her heartbeat,
filling the coldest parts of me.

I awake in the morning and she is gone.
Leaving no trace that she was here,
or existed
at all.
Nov 2011 · 1.0k
A Decision
Ben Hirsch Nov 2011
stained glass
broken window
14th floor
2nd office
chair first
body second
down below
resting still
sanguine puddle
stained glass
Nov 2011 · 489
At Home, Alone
Ben Hirsch Nov 2011
Grasping fingertips
Grabbing bottle

Reading warnings
Taking pills

Lying down
Sleeping sound

Nov 2011 · 528
Ben Hirsch Nov 2011
Life is what you make of it
but I'm no artist nor engineer
I've made nothing of my life
and feel like I'm barely here
You are what you eat
at least that's what they say
I can't remember my last meal
and now I'm withering away
When I look inside myself
it's just a shattered heart
Impossible to put together
there's nowhere to start
Puzzle pieces in my soul
but I no longer know
If it's something to be fixed
or where the pieces go

It's just a simple rope
and a plain old chair
But for that brief moment
they let me walk on air
Jan 2011 · 442
Ben Hirsch Jan 2011
The saddest words?
You are gone.

The saddest words?
You left me.

The saddest words?
I am alone.

The saddest words.
I don't care.
Aug 2010 · 388
Thinking of You
Ben Hirsch Aug 2010
There are many times:
Three thirty, noon, and so on
all of them, I'm alone
© Ben Hirsch 2010
Mar 2010 · 783
This Is Just To Say
Ben Hirsch Mar 2010
(Inspired by William Carlos Williams' This Is Just To Say)

This is just to say
*******, and your pink toothbrush.
No one has ever believed that
It belongs to my male roommate.
I dropped it in the toilet a week ago,
I am sorry about that,
Please throw it away.
Mar 2010 · 643
Ben Hirsch Mar 2010
I awake next to the fair haired maiden.
The princess already rescued,
Having beaten off all the big bads.
Now I have come to see
Why the story always ends
With the storybook rescue
And not the ever-after.
I knew you as an image,
A heavenly body beyond reach.
Now I have you.
I dreamed of us running
Towards each other
Open armed
I loved you.
Too bad I will **** you.
Not with sharpened blade,
But with pointed tongue.
Worming my doubts into your head.
Forcing you to hate yourself,
But to always love me.
Till the day you’ll break,
And run from this world.
Convinced you are not worthy;
Knowing you’ll never find someone better.
Constant nagging with your voice,
But always my words.
When I reached the goal,
I no longer wanted the prize.
A trophy wife,
But not first place.
For now, I lie here next to you.
I brush your hair from your ear,
And lean in.
“I love you”
I whisper.
And what’s worse, I mean it.
© Ben Hirsch 2010

— The End —