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 Mar 2013 Bella
 Mar 2013 Bella
Your lips
Were the first thing I noticed
Gently parted
Breathing in and out

Oh to be your words
Conceived within your mind
Born upon your lips


Your lips are ******* poetry.
 Feb 2013 Bella
Krysta Conklin
Leather and Lace
It's a killer embrace
wrapped up in sin
a mischievous grin
lock the door
clothes on the floor
your eyes are on me
my heart beats wildly
pull me close
breathe my name
I've never been one for your
The bed is soft
your hands are rough
"God you're so beautiful"
I don't dare call your bluff
shallow breaths
and heaving chests
there's lust in your eyes
fingers caress my thighs
you smell of leather
as you pull down my lace
I snap my eyes shut
and drink in your taste
once I was cold
but now I am burning
burning and yearning
for more of that embrace
it's killer
it's wicked
and I can't get enough
my insides are stirring
my heart skips a beat
my mind is far gone
I realize you've won
but so what if you did
because in the moment
in that very
I've never needed you more
The feel of your pulse
it races against mine
my heart thuds once more
and then I open my eyes
hooded stares
shaky limbs
I fall to your chest
and breathe in your skin
it warms and tingles my inner core
sending a shock wave until
lust and love
I couldn't tell the difference
i just wanted you to stay
and hold me
and wash all of it away
the sorrow
the pain
the loss of innocence
the darkness beneath
and the lack of what once was
the feel of your body
it lingers against mine
as you reach for your leather
and I pull on my lace
I turn to your face
to see the emptiness still remains
You pull me in your arms
one last time
no words are spoken
and the silence echoes
Your arms fall to your side
and in one long stride
you unlock the door
The silence is broken
by the slam of the door
a mirror falls off the wall
and just like my world
it shatters
I'm alone again
and left to contemplate
is it even worth it anymore?
 Feb 2013 Bella
Krysta Conklin
Time is funny
Time is cruel
Time snatched you away
Now what the **** do I do
I thought you would stay
I thought this was forever
But I'm a moth to a flame
And your a heavy endeavor
 Feb 2013 Bella
Kelsey P
 Feb 2013 Bella
Kelsey P
I've loved you as best I can,
I put my trust in you.
But when the time came you ran,
Just like the other two.

My heart; all battered and bruised,
It's now laying on the floor
Beating helplessly because of you.

I'd pick up the pieces
Of what's left of me,
But they only reflect
Who I used to be,
when I was with you.

With you I could fly,
I gave everything I had to you...
But when you left me here to die,
Well I guess my heart did too.

I won't blame you for the hurt,
Because that would just be mean
But I will say that what you did...
Well, it just got the best of me.

I hope your new town's fine;
Perfect in every way.
But don't forget who you left behind,
And all the memories that will haunt you one day.

- Kelsey
 Feb 2013 Bella
naily abdo
Desperate days
How long the search for stability
Whenever I find escape
Why do not you go away, grief
Am I the only
... In this world sad
Why grief my friend
And happiness not know my way
What a time of pain
Time infidelity
Time of fatigue, we impose
It controls our feelings
In our hearts
Smile floating on healing
But the hearts crying blood
Sad eyes
Bodies of wilted
Abandoned broken hearts
What a time
Hobby wounded feelings
And shedding tears
And stabbed hearts
Us laugh makes us laugh a little bit makes us laugh a little
And much
Gives us what he wants
and what we want
Discernible security and sad smile
Until the love and the beauty of hearts
Only the spirit of consolation
Are our feelings remain
And feelings doll
Play with time
Comes up
The effort
We live with hardship compounded
 Feb 2013 Bella
naily abdo
 Feb 2013 Bella
naily abdo
Through the illusion of looking for you and see you between mirage ..
Call you in my dreams .. And scream in my days ..
I accept my friend to happiness and happiness ..
I accept to the days remaining .. And the age of melting ..
A hundred d...rink after thirst .. You illusion and mirage you ..
Do not see you in the hands .. You are no longer as you ..
No longer a player Game of life .. you life ..
And you hope the rest over time .. What do I do tears have retained
Almost **** me and my heart would break when ... sad, my veins explode in blood ..
I depart .... My Spirit through space ..
Perhaps the star had seen you in night .. or a planet may pull off the wings ...

And spend nights and days in the search for you .......... ..
Contemplate the blue of the sky and the waves of the sea .. .. .. and stillness and the silence of the jungle night ..
In the nap and fresh ... and the revolution of whining .... and winds. .. Securities and swish
Dawn with the moon .. and the beam slips through the branches of trees ..
.. Dispel the darkness .. And hope in the hearts of lovers ..
Awaken the heedless .. Blessed are you, O moon .. You are in your heaven moon ..
In Lilac moon.. Published charm quiet ..... over deserts and wasteland
And rivers and seas .., handing him the hearts of the lost Perplexed ..
In Lilac creatures you feel comfortable ... and sleep filled eyes
Home to their young happy in her dreams .. and miss the light through the clouds that inform your
And looks forward to you .. tortured hearts of loving stares unaware of them run away sad tears on your absence ..
Counting O Bright Moon .... and sent to the light lost in the mirage of illusion .. sad
 Feb 2013 Bella
naily abdo
Always search for the meaning of happiness
I find absent present
And disappears only to return there
Disappears and returns to
I ask myself always
Top wear is happiness
Or evening with friends
Or perhaps is being alone with oneself
Or lover

... But I can not find the answer
I find the meaning of another
And the sense of another
Similar but not happy
Not happy

I felt much research
Yes, I felt happy
I found them in the night
Kneeling in the hand of God
And found it in the daytime
To feed poor
And clear at the head of an orphan
I found in the work
In to help the people
And help others
It's not happiness that we are looking for
Or we look for when it's too late
my teeth crumbled
                      tumbled out of my mouth
      moon mask
why do you
bleed     green                blood?
                lumps in my veins
    time can only tell
how    long        death              might                              take
My mind mumbles
"Paint the roses red"
My heart tumbles
"You know you aren't dead"
"I'm somewhere in between"
you said
just some thoughts
 Feb 2013 Bella
Andy Cave
 Feb 2013 Bella
Andy Cave
My heart finally healed but it's once again shattered
I showed my true self but it didn't even matter.
I thought I'd found love but instead I found sadness,
the butterflies are dead now my mind is all madness.
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