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Chasing, rushing, grasping on
Falling, running, can't keep up
Your lyric is my melody
My pulse, your heartbeat
Couldn't quite say it
but felt it in your hot gaze.
 Oct 2012 Belinda Nelson
Zaina R
Myself, going about my businesses  but so lost.
That's how you make me.
I owe my beauty to you.
Thinking about our intimacy makes me blush, adds color to my skin.
Listening to our songs make me smile, brightening my face.
Watching you glistens my eyes, softening my gaze.
You create an alter ego too.
Sometimes so happy, sometimes so sad.
I wait for you, i long for you.
Then suddenly ill thinking about you and melt in your remembrance,
feel content with my existence, feel close to you when you are not even present.
Never has this happened before.
Never has come such a desire, such a desperation and attachment.
I had to learn self control, i needed to keep my pride.

— The End —