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Looking back after all these years,
It’s hard to believe that my best friend is a memory…
Letting you walk out of my life without trying to stop you,
It makes me want to try to reverse time…
Because I know I am much different now,
And I believe you would be proud of the person I have become.
Prayer is the only way I communicate with you now,
Hoping that you are loving life as much as you always did.
Reconnected with the Lord, and for the first time, myself,
I would love nothing more than to mend any wounds I left,
Patch them up with bandages and apologies.
I want you to know I’m sorry.
There are so many things I shouldn’t have done…
I don’t need to list them because you know,
And I don’t want to relive those memories…
Because I hate myself for all of them.
How could I?
That person from two years ago, now,
She was not me…
Just know, you’ve helped me grow,
Because I now tell nothing but the truth.
I was exhausted of swimming in my own lies,
Trying to keep up with them was like running a race…
But I could never finish fast enough.
And, like you advised,
I stopped moving from boy to boy.
Alone now, for quite some time,
Because I like the way that freedom tastes
And focusing on myself has matured me.
I live life with no regrets,
But if I did have one,
It is putting you through all the *******.
It hurts now, knowing I am far too late to fix this.
I live with nothing but a forgiving heart,
But I would not blame you if you couldn’t forgive me.
Too much damage was done by a past me,
But just know, I apologize for each word and action.
I wish I could rebuild the walls I crushed, but instead,
Here I am, knowing I let my best friend slip away…
I live in a world
            full of people with your name
but not the way you articulate the consonants
            or the way your eyes dare
listeners to
            contradict your intricate intonation.


I live in a world
           full of people who think they can have your name
without having your soul.
I wish I could say beautiful things.
I know it seems like all of my thoughts come out in the middle of the night,
but maybe this is the only time I feel brave enough to say them.
I want to say beautiful things,
I want to see beautiful things.
This world is what we make of it,
it will continue rotating on the same axis,
whether we choose to participate or not.
We all want to find love,
so we write these poems hoping the beautiful words will come,
maybe they won't.
Maybe we write as a cry for help.
Maybe I write for a lot of reasons,
but maybe I just can't tell you.
I can say beautiful things,
I need to remind myself everyday,
that this universe is bigger than me,
bigger than my issues,
but it does not make them any smaller.
They are what they are,
and we are what we are.
That's all there is to it,
and I think that's a beautiful thought.
We can change our worlds,
but we cannot change our realities.
We cannot change the beating in our hearts,
without stopping it altogether,
we cannot stop our hair from growing,
or our eye from blinking,
we cannot.
So I'll continue writing my poems at night,
to release these demons from my fingertips.
Hoping the beautiful words will come,
but praying that someone will.
My lover never spied on me
Because my lover never cared
My lover never loved me fully
But my lover was always there

He filled some hole inside me
But only part the way
My lover was an excellent distraction
To keep my real fears at bay

My lover is a kind soul,
A man with good for miles
My lover never knew me though
He only saw the smiles

My lover lives without me
And for that my heart is low
I didn’t really want him to stay
But I didn’t want him to go

So from this fact I see one thing
A thing I’d rather not be
I was simply a void to him
And he a void to me.
 Oct 2013 Becka K Wilson
There are some people
Who wear their heart
Openly on their sleeve
Only to have it
Violently ripped off
And never cherished

There are some people
Who invest far too much care
In the world around them
And end up getting hurt
By nearly everyone
No expectations are met

There are some people
Who worry themselves sick
With the thought
That they are unloved
All because someone else
Is incompetent

There are some people
Who stay awake at night
Pondering the idea that
They are ugly and unworthy
This is a dangerous lie
Yet they still believe it

There are some people
Who wake up every morning
Fighting the urge to cry
They fail and let the tears flow
A symbol of all the emotion
They have built up

There are some people
Whose generosity
Care and affection
Go wildly unnoticed
And under appreciated
This causes them to break

There are some people
Who, after a while,
Break down tremendously
Enter a dark place
Only to return to the light
A completely different person

There are some people
Who experience so much let down
And so much heart break
That their heart is no longer
On their sleeve, it's nowhere
All at the fault of another

There are some people
Who have to learn
To give up on those
That are incapable of affection
Incapable of selflessness
And move on to what they deserve

I am one of those people
And I refuse to keep sinking
At the hands of people
Who couldn't care less
About me and my love
I am worthy of much more
Turning a new leaf.

© Peyton 2013
 Oct 2013 Becka K Wilson
for my mother*

the lioness is both a fierce protector
and a gentle nurturer

nothing escapes the gaze of her amber eyes
but she seldom feels the need to roar

she hunts with unmatched precision
but still has the patience to teach, and work with others

she understands her role in her pride
but is never proud

she possesses unparalleled strength
as well as the wisdom to know when to use it

she won't  hesitate to grab her cub by the scruff of its neck
to keep it out of harms way

she is more than capable of working alone
but understands the importance of community

she never loses her spirit of playfulness
and her primary habitat is in the grasslands of Africa

but there are some things about the lioness
that you can't learn about by reading

she will wait up for you, when you're out past curfew
just to make sure that you get home safely

she will always be a listening ear
but she will never judge you

she loves others without condition
but knows better than to feel before she thinks

she will encourage you ceaselessly
and tell you you're more than good enough

this lioness, of which i speak
has not claws, nor tail, nor fangs, nor paws

but she is far more powerful
than any jungle cat could ever hope to be

- m.f.

— The End —