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 Nov 2013 Becca DeMateo
Liz H
The insomnia is starting,
the tears are welling up.
The pain is being shoved further down,
the hurt is ignored.
At night I sit waiting- wondering.
At night I want you-
I need you to come save me.
My dear, caress of death.
 Nov 2013 Becca DeMateo
Electronic beats like anxiety attacks
I taste metal and *****
Which is it?
Or is it my own blood from
Chewing on my lip too much
(Oops I didn't even know)

Smiling so wide my whole face
Don't you see your teeth are red?
Heart thunders in double time
There's something in here
The corner
Open your eyes and see nothing
(But you know it's there, right?)

Crying all night, so the light
When did you last feel normal?
Let's ******* stay for just one more song
One more drink, then I'm done
I promise.
I'm not going crazy, nothing's wrong.
(Who's crying? I'm not crying.)

Let's stay awake while the world
Don't take me home.
Don't take me home.

Take me
War often may wage
Within soul be quiet still
Peace, the victors cry.
All the things
I've been dying to say
slip from my mind
as you release your hold,
strong, around my body.
3,000 miles
from your sea,
to my sea.
My heart shatters.
You start the engine purring.
I cry salty tears.
You look away.
Even if time machines existed.
Even if I could go back.
We would still be tumultuous,
crazy, and unpredictable,
like your sea.
And like mine.
You would still leave.
And I would still always love you,
in my own crazy way,
like the ebb
and the flow
of our two seas.
The sun rises
on what used to be our coast.
As you drive the winding interstates,
racing the sun
to your new life.
Your new beginning.
A different coast.
A different sea.
We always had different dreams.
-- for SG
© MAB May, 2012
 Oct 2013 Becca DeMateo
I wish that I had stopped the cab
That i had dashed from the vehicle and into your arms
For one last kiss

A kiss like none other
A kiss to hold on and seize the moment
A kiss to warm my insides and take my breath away

Instead I watched as you waved goodbye
The car pulled away into the darkness
Leaving you behind and a memory unmade
 Oct 2013 Becca DeMateo
Ellen Bee
Oh Becca, dear Becca
Your sunrise hair makes me happy
I love how weird you are
Using your glasses to hold things
You make me laugh
You listen
I see your beauty
Inside and out
In your child
Life without you would be the worst
You're my rock
My best friend
I'm so glad Dan got you high

 Oct 2013 Becca DeMateo
Ellen Bee
I just need
to look at me
that way
one more
Before my
empty hands
and there's
no one left
to look back
at them.
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