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Aug 2017 · 268
Beaux Aug 2017
I never thought about bowls of popcorn or recliners before today
Beaux Aug 2017
I didn't know I was spiraling until...

I felt the nauseous in my toes

My arms began to lose all sensation of ever holding someone

My mind not knowing up from down, left from right, love from lose

How spinning on this plastic horse has worn me down
Get me off this ******* horse

Virtigo be my new name for I have no sense of direction

I didn't know I was spiraling until...
I had already *lost control
Aug 2017 · 256
A Mirage
Beaux Aug 2017
Black swan feathers sweep across desertscapes
Revealing an oasis among a barren wasteland
Vines reach to the Heavens as the fruit calls for a feast
Waters with rejuvenating strength run gently down stained stones
Even the Sun seems to embrace the skin instead of blister

What a beautiful mirage to have
Before an unbearable death
Aug 2017 · 376
Predator's Prayer
Beaux Aug 2017
Gripping The Rabbit's throat tight

The Fox rips away not life but hope

Rivers of red flow from broken bones

Cries fade into peaceful wimpers

Suddenly the rabbit is home

And The Fox is full
Jul 2017 · 293
Raisins have Secrets
Beaux Jul 2017
How the proud grape wrinkles into an undesirable raisin
All but the same within itself
Yet the world's eyes see difference

I was once proud like the grape
But now the Sun shrivels my skin
It steals my once desired fill
Changing the flavor of how I am to how I was
Oh the grape was so full
But the raisin is secretly loved and desired
Jul 2017 · 235
Ancient Shores
Beaux Jul 2017
Delicate branches hang over weeping cliffs
Dancing proudly in the wind
Laughing as the children fall
Knowing not what children are
Playing their songs of ancients untold

Branches dance where children fall
Never knowing a child at all
Jul 2017 · 286
Music to my ears
Beaux Jul 2017
Silence that plays like a melody
Sorrow lay across black lines
Waves of emotions in every key
Transitions are a shamble
Runs are shaky and weak
With every note
A secret is seen
Singing a tune only sinners sing
Apr 2017 · 347
A Metaphor of Sorts
Beaux Apr 2017
I can't help but think this is a metaphor of sorts
This sitting and waiting
In a vast seemingly endless hall
Outside the door of a friend who didn't answer
Left by a love who thought she did right by me
I can't help but think
That sitting in this hall
Is supposed to mean so much more to me
But I think it's just a metaphor of sorts
Apr 2017 · 273
Ramblings of Woman
Beaux Apr 2017
Forced to say words I never meant
I left all I ever wanted alone in a ditch
Pretending it could survive on its own
Using an excuses not to pick up the phone
Crippling every thought I've heard
Regret, heartbreak, blanked emotion
Completely unheard
Leaving certain parts me behind
All while trying to hide
The joy that it brings to my life
Irreplaceable love lust wrapped up in a bow
Tucked in sweet at night
Things made to let go
Mar 2017 · 266
The Idea of Me
Beaux Mar 2017
Could all be simple
Easing my way into the darkness
Letting loose my grip
No longer clinging to the last straw
Removing all the material
Replacing it with light

Or dark...
Maybe it is darkness

But how I wish it were light
That the stories reign true
So simple

Letting go of me
Letting go of the idea of me

Decaying softly thru the seasons
I'd get flowers more often
Flowers that tears help grow
Mar 2017 · 317
39 Steps
Beaux Mar 2017
To sit still in the darkness again
Velvet flowing from the Heavens
Graped over golden arms
Revealing a fallen angel
Perked on trees that were
Crying with perfect pitch
Gathering up our souls
Preparing for her feast
Gladly we are devoured
Sitting in the darkness
Watching an angel cry

Speaking false words as truths

Engaging emotions like chemical warefare

Shredding my last bit of humanity
Reinventing the burning triangle
Call me out of the dark
Feast upon what is left
Mar 2017 · 555
Mountains Do Weep
Beaux Mar 2017
Mountains do weep
When greeted by the Cardinal
Soaring low exposing underbrush
Where villages hide in plain sight
Mighty rivers break the Earth
Carving paths to new worlds
Oh, how the mountains weep
Not with tears of loss
With waterfalls that build pools
Pools which provide to the village
Pools of brilliant blue
Surrounded by new growth
Consumed with love
Overwhelmed by life
Mountains weep to provide
Feb 2017 · 350
Roasted Turkey
Beaux Feb 2017
I cry at just about anything nowadays
It's nice to feel
Others aren't as lucky
Ha, lucky
Like luck has something to do with it
Feb 2017 · 240
Sealed Letters
Beaux Feb 2017
An unread letter lay on the floor...
Just within fingertips reach...

Words rolling off the pages
Crawling back into the pit of a mind

Apologies floating aimlessly through the verse
Landing on miniaturized egos

Goodbyes that never found ends
Hellos that never saw sunlight

Tongues dancing behind pressed teeth
Screaming into an airless void

Forced ideas birthing forced patience
Forced patience birthing forced faith

What are you waiting for?

**Just open the ******* letter, why don't you?
Feb 2017 · 920
The Season of Ruby Clover
Beaux Feb 2017
And so the season of the clover is upon us

Creeping on to the radiant ruby

Shimmering in moonlight's cry

Carrying a weary heart

A forsaken soul

All broken bones

Bind thy wounds

Drink thy blood

Remove the rusted blade

Blessed with Caesar ******

Ruby wrapped in clover

Time to discover the Sun
Feb 2017 · 389
Snow White Left for Dead
Beaux Feb 2017
The painter chose an apple
Red, juicy, delicious
A shine in which she saw herself
One bite to find rot
The painter spit and said,
"So be it."
Painting the spot red
Eating every bit of the apple
Through painted lips and teeth
Until the painted core killed her
Snow White left for dead
Feb 2017 · 165
Beaux Feb 2017
I will never be THAT

THAT which you admire
THAT which you hide
THAT which you idolize

I will never be THAT

THAT shade of skin
THAT perfect smile
THAT endless gain

I will always be THIS

THIS which desires no more
THIS which desires no less
THIS which I love wholly

I will always be THIS

THIS pale frail girl
THIS stringy blonde hair

I will always be THIS
And I will never be **THAT
Feb 2017 · 493
A Father's Daughter
Beaux Feb 2017
RSVP to no occasion
Your presence never apart of the situation

Leaving a boat in the ocean
Leaving the only piece of you that makes you whole again

Relying on a feeling from a false kinda love
Lending out your advice no one

No love for the struggle, the pain, and the shame
Never even trying to remember my name

You're so vain

You're so sick

And I'm started to hate the grey

Because it's unfortunate to say
But I turned out the *same way
Feb 2017 · 206
Beaux Feb 2017
So I play in the wound
Opening the edges again
Ripping the healing that's taken place
Pushing the muscles about
Creating my own red stream
Guiding it across my flesh
Pulling back the scab
Feeling my vitals tiptoe about
Checking for humanity behind lifted skin
Feb 2017 · 466
Beaux Feb 2017
You couldn't wash the blood away
Running to the sink

But the well ran dry
Pulling apart your skin
Trying to hide

The crime that you committed
Alone in the dark

Chalking up all the silly remarks
Staining your soul
Along with your shirt

You had no idea you could cause this kind of hurt

But the point wasn't to cover the sin

The point was to live in it

To breath it all in

Suddenly the sin is you and you are it

And the blood on your hands was simply a hint

At what you truly are
A little old flame
Sitting alone

*eating hearts
Beaux Jan 2017
Perhaps you'd like the medicated me
The ways they use to medicate me
Made being medicated the only me to see
Fully functional gear of the machine
Unstoppable not talkative
Absolutely no cognitive thought
Fully functioning just for these
People who never understood my words
They said I spoke in a blur
I couldn't sit still
I still couldn't read
So they all took the time to medicate me
And it helped
I went from a D to and an A
While losing sight of all things unique
Words and their play
My spirit was broken
But no one could see
The medicated self was slowly killing me
Jan 2017 · 439
I Go Back
Beaux Jan 2017
I go back
Like the tide being pulled by the moon

I go back
Like the rewind button on an 80's tune

I go back
Like reading a twisted plot again to be sure

I go back
Like an addict quitting "for good"

I go back
Like a mother losing a child with no time

I go back
Like a heartbeat being revived

I go back
Like the hand of an abuser before the strike

I go back
Like there's still time left in the fight

I go back
Like some fathers' go back to the bar

I go back
And I stare...
I just stare into the dark
Jan 2017 · 222
Crimson Crown
Beaux Jan 2017
White pearls flow down stairs with thunderous applause
Consuming each vitcim so gently
Enriching every soul beholding such beauty
How they applaud you
Crimson red flames pour from thy crown
As emeralds see all truths
Never release that caged Finch
As a heart leaves all to be dismissed
Conquer each line with robust passion
Absorb feeling from thy depths
Hear the masses cry for more
As Crimson Crown kills with *no mercy
Jan 2017 · 182
Hold. Fast.
Beaux Jan 2017
Hold, fast.

Hold. Fast.

Hold fast.
Jan 2017 · 318
The Queen To Be
Beaux Jan 2017
If thy mind were a window
There you would find me
Every full moon
Gazing upon the Queen
The one who summons me
Watching her worship
That being which be her
Burning bright
As I lay my broken soul upon the alter
Sacrifices are all that pleases
*The Queen, the Queen to be
Jan 2017 · 382
Fallen Crystal Ball
Beaux Jan 2017
Seeing the world through
fallen crystal *****
Feeling the future stream
down my face
Having a pen write
the stars' fate
Controlling waves with
the moon's state
Giving in to
Hades's Saints
Crippling a
priestess's gifts
Covering up all the wonderful times with
*myth and foreign sins
Jan 2017 · 194
Beaux Jan 2017
Holding that idea like a perfect piece of glass
Jan 2017 · 275
Center of the Universe
Beaux Jan 2017
Be the center of your own Universe
Because then you shall be held with the same accountability you give the Gods

Be the center of your own Universe
Because everything you perceive is but a reflection of your own thoughts

Be the center of your own Universe
Because then for moments you will have to care for everything you've ever created

You must take responsibility.
Be the center and soon you'll see just how small the center is.
Jan 2017 · 232
Read all about it
Beaux Jan 2017
Making the sweat gather upon my brow
Like dew on a spring morning
Reminding myself I'm human
A condition of my nature
Heart is only good as it beats
Parading around my brain
Like a newsboy with the latest threats
**Read all about it
Jan 2017 · 238
Hang Time
Beaux Jan 2017
What a convenient time for you

What a controversial topic are you

What a condescending attitude born you

What a life where you speak truths and truths alone

*What a time to hang...
Jan 2017 · 205
Dinner is Served
Beaux Jan 2017
So it begins to boil
Burning from within your depth
Simmering your soul
Exposing your veins to light
Feel as it creeps up thy spine
Shivering your bones
Carving a feast from your flesh

Do you dare eat what you have prepared for others..

*Dinner is served.
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
Beaux Dec 2016
Suddenly the tide is swelling
I can swim, I can swim
The waves are crushing every bone
I can swim, I can swim
Water filling up my eyes
I can swim, I can swim
Coral ripping through the flesh
I can swim, I can swim
Sharks are closing in now
I can swim, I can swim
Deep breathe won't hold me down
I can swim, I can swim
Into the deep blue I fade
*I could swim, I could swim
Dec 2016 · 285
Curved Fangs
Beaux Dec 2016
Truth drips from soft lips
Same as venom from curved fangs
What a pleasurable way to go
Keeping all of the same blood
Flowing to the floor
Seeping under floorboards
And dripping onto beds
Stopping veins of lovers
Staying inside the head
Crippling the..the..
Holding her last piece of bread
Dangling it for the starving
Calling them to bed
**** them now with truths
Be bare
Call upon your Goddess hands
Lay them all to rest
Oct 2016 · 287
Onyx & Gold
Beaux Oct 2016
Let darkness consume my words
Dripping with onyx and gold
Covered by a cage of light
Holding so tight to my speech
******* away truths
Burrowing deeper into the Abyss
Leave me in my quiet shell
So delicate for such protection
Shield my words from the world
For they cannot know our truths
Souls shall bleed like the flesh
Flesh shall become absent as the soul
Consuming each other for feeling
*Dripping with onyx and gold
Sep 2016 · 549
Not Quite a Mermaid
Beaux Sep 2016
A young beau peeks between
the branches
of the old willow tree
To see his maiden's reflection
Bathing before the Gods
Bearing her body
Touched with soft light
Gentle winds push her irresistible locks
Suddenly he is there
Standing before her
Brought out from behind
By lover's trace
He stood before her
Shielding himself from the Gods
When his maiden spoke
In hushed tones

*"Come. Let us wash those sins away."
Aug 2016 · 250
The Shining Bright Darkness
Beaux Aug 2016
Though some with strict Gods say I lay in a sin
I am gladly wrapped in it
Washed with the blood of the non crucified masses
Who say we are the Sun and Moon
Never to be seen in the same day
But when I lay
Oh when I lay with my lover
We are an eclipse
Shining bright darkness, we are
Aug 2016 · 265
Beaux Aug 2016
You told me
That he was ridiculous
Wanting all these things from you
Too early
too soon
That you needed your friend(s)
That you needed to be you
Telling me
I mattered
Like a fact: the sky is blue
But here I am alone
And he's got
Of you
Aug 2016 · 1.7k
The Clown and the Trapeze
Beaux Aug 2016
They had drinks every night
The clown and the trapeze man
Before every show the same thing

"I never laugh at my own jokes." The clown would say

"I never miss my mark." The trapeze man would come back with

So I sat in the crowd
Watching the two perform
Silent and still

The next night

"I never laugh at my own jokes."
"I never miss my mark."

But this night, the tent was different

As the trapeze man danced through the air
The clown found a match and set fire to his net
Stone-faced the clown looked up above as his friend would never miss his mark

When suddenly...
He did

The trapeze man began falling to the earth as though he had missed Her sweet crust

...silence fell.

I sat still.
I sat silent.

Then the clown....
The clown began to laugh....
Aug 2016 · 324
Beaux Aug 2016
You must be
so embarrassed

You're not a tree
Not a single leaf could fall from you
Yet you stand proudly in the forest

How silly you must seem
To all the real trees
As you stand there and plee


Then where are your roots?
Because you're running
Then where is your shade?
If you have any.

You must be
so embarrassed

You're not a tree.
You're a lamppost.
Someone else gives you life.
While a tree produces its own.
Aug 2016 · 303
So she built a boat
Beaux Aug 2016
So she built a wall.

This wall was not only strong but beautiful.
She built every corner.
She sat by her wall.

So strong and so bold.
Heavy as the moon.
And lighter than the rays of sun that touched her.

She built a wall.

Believing the higher the better.
Believing the stronger the better.
Believing the bolder the more beautiful.

Never thinking once that the bricks are what betrayed her.
The very foundation crumbled.
Every bit of concrete that held her beauty together.
Destroyed without hesitation or regret.  

So she built a boat and never sat at the wall again.
Jul 2016 · 319
Dear Mother or Father
Beaux Jul 2016
Do we crave the Universe's womb?

Sweet cradle that does rock us to sleep.
Travel around the Sun, they say.
Celebration to be had that day.
Walking atop the blue skies.
Do remove the gray matter and see.
Laying under treetops to feel small.

And safe.

And insignificant.*

Yet we dare to dream of riding the shoulders of Our Universe.

How unfathomable.
Jun 2016 · 237
Skin Words
Beaux Jun 2016
I hear..

If the words we speak appeared on our skin, we would speak with more thought.

I hear..

If that was true a very large '*******' would appear on my forehead.
Jun 2016 · 587
Mother Bird
Beaux Jun 2016
Feed me knowledge
As the mother bird does

Let me lay still
While you carry the weight

Trim my wings so that
I may never fly

Feed me more
Be my mind and wings and such

Feed me, mother
Never leave me alone

I'll never survive alone
Feed me more
Jun 2016 · 579
Beaux Jun 2016
Be that soul
Lay in the blue
Death's peaceful sleep
Never bent as the bamboo bends
Sincere as the old mountains
Be that soul
Blissfully so
May 2016 · 240
It's so loud in here
Beaux May 2016
Can't you hear the Silence?

Breathing down the back of your neck?

It is so quietly loud.

Screaming whispers in my ear.

Can't you hear the Silence?

Shhh, listen.
For me.
May 2016 · 242
To your knees
Beaux May 2016
How vile it must be to be human
Praying our way around it
Even the faithless seek higher hope
When Darkness consumes the world
We laugh in hushed tones
Until the devil comes for you


*Pray it all away
May 2016 · 256
Beaux May 2016
What dark whispers lay at the bottom of the Ocean's depths
Silent screams echoing into black void
Evolution taking place while you sink
Sink with me
Fall into sandy graves where your mother weeps
Refraining from the light which comforts and praises
Crawl so far to where you picnic near Hell
For you are but a step in the Gods' path
May 2016 · 207
Hold my heart
Beaux May 2016
She puts hearts on things she shouldn't.
She cries at everything but death.
She waits for no one and all.
And can't comprehend grace.
She's a star burning out and running free.
She's everything that's not.
And everything I should be.
She's careful and weary of all living things.
But smiles at death and winks confidently.
Like crumbled words on damp paper.
Fleeting but powerful indeed.
May 2016 · 169
Lesson #2,042
Beaux May 2016
As Children
We Are Taught
To Keep Our Hands
From Closing Windows & Doors
Apr 2016 · 321
Do Not Fear the Sisters
Beaux Apr 2016
What weary winged doves do rest on mother's chest
As crimson sisters draw near
With them grows darkness
Bringers of doubt and dreary dreams

"Worry not, lovely doves."
The mother says so dear

For she carries them as light on high
To never feel the exhaust of fear

In new homes the doves do rest
In light and brightness and glee
Living on above the darkness
The living the sisters fear
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