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  Feb 12 hsn
Do you mourn the tree of the apple?

Will you bury the vines of the grape?

With every seed you eat,
Will you remember the mother's mistake?

Dug deep are the roots.

Of the old childless Eden.

But there are no sugars left,

For your miscarried fruits.

Do you water the dead plants?

Will you bury the mulberry bush?

With every pome you swallow
Will you remember that fateful push?
hsn Feb 10
you are the stone cast
and i am the water —
as you plunge deeply
into the weak nadirs
of my bottomless soul
hsn Feb 9
lest you fall asleep on the dreambound ferry
keep your eyes open for the ride forward

for the most beautiful things are along
the way and not where it ends
hsn Feb 7
i am a beacon of hollow skin
of which you have neglected
with your back turned; a
grand shadow cast
hsn Feb 7
it ruptures within me like a sweet abyss;
to you an undesired whole
hsn Feb 7
my heart is a lie;
a false adoration for
all, but riddled in
silent sharp truths
hsn Feb 7
aureate muscle of the
masculine dream, the
collective mind of many

it glows in the light
like a perfect bloom -
a grand yellow around
every young boy

i stand and watch it glow
with the dream laced
within me, but with
a shamed rose gold;

the stigma of men
is difference
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