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It's beginning
to look
a lot
last Christmas
Live to fight another day, just to die another night
Unzip my veins and set me free
From empty bottles, and broken dreams
A shaky foundation indicates doom
And I'm alone in this hollow, desolate room
So forgive me if I must depart
I've been murdered by this broken heart
Daddy got the ***.
Mama got the cola.
Had me wondering?

Then they mixed it up and stir it more.
Then they took a drink.
And said, mmmmmmmmmm.
Had me thinking?

Then they offer me some eggnog.
And a chance to get cookies out of the cookie jar.
Had me smiling?

While I'm enjoying the moment.
I notice my parents going in for  another mixture of their drinks.
Had me pondering?

As the Christmas music played along for hours.
I soon saw my parents was passed out.
Had me investigating just what that drink was about?

Then I realize, I had the roam of the house all to myself.
To call Santa and talk to his elves.
And to request that upon delivering toys that they bring my parents a drinkable gift.

What more could I ask for?
Sweet slumber send me somewhere sorrow doesn't dwell
Let me gently settle at the bottom of my deepest well.
I'll float each wave rhythmically rocking in every swell.
Cradle me delicately and enchant me with a magic spell.
Take me quickly to escape this empty shell
Allow me to forget how and when I fell.
Tuesday afternoon construction projects,
i am framing an argument,
holding my hammer white
knuckled tight.

If I had a hammer,
I'd hammer in the morning...

i would hammer the love between us all,
helping clarify between
getting what you want
and having what you get.

i would hammer it's face
till i was breathless,

standing at the left of what is right,
writing about what is left.

Can most of us tell the difference anymore?

Don't answer that...
you can't.  You don't know how.

Don't speak to me about love,
or how if you don't have it
you will surely die from
neglect or razor slashes from
your own hand.

You would end the same if
you had what you thought
it was, because it isn't
that at all.
when straining
you may lose
a few noodles
make sure to enjoy
the ones that stick around

— The End —