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Nov 2015 · 354
Late night sad thoughts
Bailey Rennae Nov 2015
Maybe we’re not meant to be happy 
Maybe the world is to big for that
Maybe some people are just supposed to fill up the empty spaces
Bailey Rennae Aug 2014
It hurts looking at him...but when he walks into the room,  My eyes still follow his every step.. I cant tear my gaze away from him,  He's just so beautiful it hurts, and even after he disappeared my eyes linger a bit at where he last stood, and I'm left thinking the worst feeling is liking someone you know you can never have..
Someone, that doesn't even know you exist..

Jul 2014 · 527
Bailey Rennae Jul 2014
I hope and i pray,
but that doesn't mean i believe
everything's going to be okay.

Jun 2014 · 702
Bailey Rennae Jun 2014
I'm in the car watching the things outside the Window
Pass me by in fast blur of colors.
And is feels like my life,
Just passing me by, not really living it.  just watching  form a passenger side window,  never the one behind the wheel..
And I Wondered what my purpose is in life, or if I even have a purpose
Or if my purpose is Simply to be a lost, Wandering soul, never truly belonging.
nothing more then just a sad story,
With no meaning....

Jun 2014 · 638
Bailey Rennae Jun 2014
Don't let appearances deceive you little girl, for even angels can have  a dark heart.

Just look what happen to Lucifer....

Jun 2014 · 513
Bailey Rennae Jun 2014
I want to go home, the little girl cried.
We don't have one sweetie, her mother replied....

Jun 2014 · 599
Bailey Rennae Jun 2014
How much is too much until
God finally says
"okay that's it, she's been through enough."

Jun 2014 · 564
Bailey Rennae Jun 2014
Every day I listen to you talk,
Whether it's about a perfect book you've just read or a perfect day you've just had,
Just all about your ideas of perfect,
In  hopes that maybe one day
I'll  be your idea of perfect....
Or even an idea..

Jun 2014 · 239
Bailey Rennae Jun 2014
It's a beautiful life, and oh, what a beautiful lie....


— The End —