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Bailee Carter Jan 2015
“What are we doing?”

“What do you mean?”

“We’re dying on the inside on the opposite ends of a telephone call. We act like there is nothing wrong and just hope to God the other doesn’t hear the hurt in our voices.”

Bailee Carter Jan 2015
Oh, my darling
So beautiful
So sweet
So innocent
You didn’t deserve this
You didn’t deserve any of it
You are my world

Oh, sweet child of mine
I’m so sorry
I’m so hurt
I’m lonely
You deserve to live
You deserve to grow
You deserve my everlasting love

Oh, sweet child of mine
I’m so sorry
I let you slip through my fingers
I will never forget you or stop loving you
Oh, my darling

Bailee Carter Jan 2015
I was protected
By my house that stood so tall
My house was my home
Filled with deep compassion
I was protected by that house
Even as I grew older
My house began to wither
And filled with more sorrow and despair
That house still protected me
I always thought that in all the storms
That house would protect me
For it had done just that before
My house had never failed me
I had no reason to doubt
But then one day
An unexpected twister came through
And my house crumbled down
My house didn’t protect me
It just left me all alone
I had a house that stood so tall
To having a house that didn’t stand at all

Bailee Carter Jan 2015
What happened to us?
There used to me that magnetic attraction between us,
where we couldn’t be apart without it hurting.
But now,
now it hurts when I’m around you.
Now instead of being attracted like a magnet,
you repel me.
Instead of North and South
being pulled together so close that there was no space in between,
we are both North.
Now you push me away farther than the magnetic field can even reach.
The pain of being pushed away
by someone I was so close to,
is unbearable.

Bailee Carter Jan 2015
I was the fighter
I fought the battles
Against the monsters everyday
I protected my family
It was always the same

My mom
My dad
And my brother
We're the ones I always fought for
But little did I know I was the biggest victim of them all
I would always protect them
And fight for them
Until the end

Sometimes it was scary
But I always stayed strong
Though when I was alone
It tore me apart
But I never let anyone see
For then I wouldn't be the fighter

I hid it deep inside
And protected my family

I never let them see how much I was hiding
I always put others first
But now I see
I need to help myself first
So I can be strong for others

To this day I hide things
But I get help when I need
I still am the fighter
As I always will be

Bailee Carter Jan 2015
I say I hate when people judge
But I might just be the biggest hypocrite

I take one look at a person and determine whether or not they would be a suitable acquaintance
I take one look and decide whether they are a liar
I take one look and can see most of their past and their story
I take one look and can tell what you’re thinking
I take one look and I run away because I’m scared of the results of asking for your name

They call it body language
I call it instinct and experience
I can tell a hurt soul
I can tell a soul in love
I can tell an unfaithful soul
I can tell pretty much all

I may be a hypocrite
I may be a bad friend
But this is my way of seeing how to help someone and not hurt myself in the process

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