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Apr 2013 · 744
I love you Karin Naude

From the moment I know you
I know you will be the song I sing in the morning
the books I read in the day
And the prayers I pray at night

We might be far away from each other
But you are  close to my heart always
To many lovers,distance is seen as a torture or punishment to relationship
But to us I say its a test of love
For love is when you are far away, you still realise that its getting even stronger

I love u Karin Naude
I wanna be part of your heart beat
I wanna cross all limits to say I love you my wishes are so complete with you in them

If loving you is a crime
I don't mind going to jail for it
I will use the last breath I got to say I love you Karin Naude

I wished for three most important things always in my life
And they are
I love you Karin Naude
Apr 2013 · 896
Oh love!! Oh love!!
It hurts through the bone-marrow
Oh love!! It drains blood from the arteries to the vain
It kept you in the mood of despondency
You love her, but she hates you
You care for her but she hurts you
You love her, but she breaks your heart you call heart sweet heart, but she calls you *****
You try to make her happy,but she makes you cry
You can never afford to loose her, but she already gave-up on you
You never cheated on her, but she flirt around with guys
Apr 2013 · 470
Fear of the dark
Found my self standing in the middle of a dark unknown place
The waves charged the trees
Heard a sound like a voice from the tree
Yet no one was there
Fear knocks me down
I swim yet drown in fear

The confidence I thought I had
That I thought was within my grasp
Was totally lost
How do I deal with what I lost
Fear consumes me as the sound came louder
Everywhere was still and the birds are in there nets
I was standing but dead inside of me
The closer I get to the charged tree
The fainter the sound and the voice
Fear crippled my body and soul
As I wait for the end of the story

No one to call oh!! No one to help either
My legs were never stable
They were shaking like a kid that was learning how to walk
The life I thought I had
The life I thought was amazing
The life I thought was complete
All turned to be ash falling away
And leaving me cold and lonely
I cannot shout my mouth were shot by fear
I cannot move my legs were shaking
Fear consumes me
Hoping to see the day but yet wondering in the dark
Waiting for the owner of life to spare or take the life I was given
Apr 2013 · 637
When I look at her, I wanted to say I love u
But I realise the love hurts so much
Love has no equal measure
Is hard to be loved in the same way
Gone are those days when I love u are said from the abundant of the heart
We sing it like a song without knowing the messages the lyrics sends

Love hurts
Saying I love you has now became the national anthem of the world, yet love is full of betrayals
Love is full with lies and deceits
It hurts because it has no equal measure

Love hurts
We loved to be happy yet pains cripples our body and soul
Sadness feels the face of the lover each day
Gone are those days when love dose not ask who are you
Gone are those days when love dose not ask how much you got in your account
Gone are those day when love says you are mine irrespective of your status and background
Love hurts
Because it has no equal measures
Mar 2013 · 414
The fear of expression

Oh fear
Everytime I saw her
I became scared to talk to her
I became dumb because am scared to tell her how I feel
I know I need her
I know I want her
I know she is the right girl
But how!!, but H̶̲̥̅ΘΨ!!
How will I put the words
I will I say them

I feel so cold to talk to her
I can't breathe whenever she shook my hands
I suffocate each time she says Hi

I rehearse every words that I want to say
But all escape my mind each time I meet her
Because fear is over me
Am scared of what she's going to say
Am scared of the bomb shell she's going to drop right in front of me
I try to tell her how I feel
Yet I can't
I tried but am scared
Words really don't come to me easily

I watch her when she smiles
I watch her when she cries
Yet no courage to say sorry to her
I can't find the way to tell her
All I do is wish am her lover
All I do is wish she is mine
I got this feeling for long yet I keep hiding them because am scared

Everyday I watch her as she comes
Everyday I watch her as she walks away
Everyday am scared to go for what I really wanted because am scared to express my feelings
Mar 2013 · 786
Cry of the lonely

A great depression Has taken over my soul loneliness drained all the blood in my vain and arteries
The pain was very real
I lost my mind
I loose control
My thoughts go wild
I thought I was thinking straight
But no one to give direction
I felt so deserted and abandoned as day go by

Everyday is a day of grief
A day of fear
A day of sorrow
All day I feel alone
I try to justify my pains
Yet no answers,
Another day of confusion

Sometimes I wish the night never comes
Because am scared of nightmares
Sacred of closing my two eyes
All I do is stare into the night and wish the day draw near
Yet another bad day

I tell my self everything is okay
But who am I fooling?
Being okay is the fantasies I wish to come true all day
Everyone rejected me
I had no friends anymore

I feel intimidated by others
But like I said "this is how I feel"
All I see is these interminable nightmares
Day after day
Week after week
Month after month.                                         Loneliness drains my blood
Mar 2013 · 3.1k
The Eclipse

The eclipse dose not become endless night
The reappearance of light is the same as the survival of soul
The eclipse
Such indeed a character of the historic hour through which the world was passing
Objects close to the eye shut out much larger objects on the horizon
A quiet  and unexpected  change,
That looked  the desultory range
Of happiness  and sprightly thought.
Where'er was dipped the toiling
The direction of winds  danced round us as
As lightly, though of altered hue;
Mid recent coolness, such as falls
At noon-tide from umbrageous
That screen the morning dew.
No vapour stretched its wings; no
Cast far or near a murky shroud;
The sky an azure field displayed;
'There was light  sheathed and gently
Of all its sparkling rays disarmed,
And as in slumber laid:--
Or something night and day
Like moon shine--but the hue was
Still moon shine, without shadow,
On jutting rock, and curved shore
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Betrayal of Love

We said it was forever
We said never to part
We said we will always be there for each other
You have always been my best of friends for couple of years
We have been together
Through laughter and tears
But today the tears are all mine alone

Why can't you love me the way you should
What happens to the bond of trust we had
I thought we are always going to be there for each other
I never knew am wondering in the world of betrayal

I thought you would never leave me
I thought lie was never part of us
You said you loved me
You spoke those words that emitted through your vocal cords like a venom
You are nothing less than a snake
Looking through my eyes into my core so delicately computing your plans to **** everything inside me
I never knew I was a dreamer
Betrayal is all you got to payback my love
Mar 2013 · 2.6k

Someone comes into my life,
We became best of friends, she starts being so
special to me,
That she becomes so close to me,
she starts to mean everything to me,
I start to miss her, and i then
realize that my life can't go on without
her, i start missing food and
sleep, My life totally changes. That
She promises me heaven on earth and
she keeps on telling me that she
is different from the ones I have ever
had. My heart gets softened till I
surrender it to this special girl I  call
heaven sent

Everything goes on well, I share good
moments... but suddenly,she starts to
change after getting what she wanted,
she reduces on the texts and calls,
start to give many excuses, my so called  sweet
heart  starts becoming too busy for
Me...I  start to cry, plead and ask
forgiveness but all in vain till I was
dumped and she  move on.

I  got heart-broken;I  swear never to
fall in love again. I  start hating love,I
start saying that all women are
the same basing on what my heartless ex
did to me , I never trust anyone again.
I  live a single a life, but after sometime,
I start admiring my happy friends who are in
love, loneliness squeezes, I  then
decide to try loving a gain. Another pretty lady comes into my
life, I  start to think that she is
heaven sent but still I went through the
same process.

Friends that’s the journey of love, No one
who can escape it and no one who will
never get heart broken.

So if you have someone who is treating
you like a king or a queen, truly and
faithfully love that person because true
love is hard to find. Do whatever it takes
for both of you to last longer. Don’t easily
dump that person because of minor
disagreements. Call or text that person,
meet him or her and apologise.

Value that person’s effort and everything
he or she sacrifices for you. Don’t take that
person’s love for granted because
someone out there yearns for that
person’s love and care.
Revolution the course to freedom
Revolution a season of war
A season our lands are watered with our blood shed
A season people are starved and stabbed in the untilled field
Revolution a season of blood flow which end with the interminable joy of the nation

We are the people you make fun of because we cannot speak your accents
We are the people who dose your slave works,cleans your messes after party
We are the people who pays with our lives during festival to fight to death
You laugh at us
You snub us
Because we are nothing wicked like you

Your greed would make an end to everything we have and everything we ever lived for
This is not your land,you are a total stranger
We will not allow you to deprive us of our fathers inheritance yes we will not allow you to take what is rightfully ours
We will not pay the price to your greed
We will stay, we will not go away from our land
Our forefathers have lived here since before the days,yet you want what is rightfully ours
The only thing you could offer is brutal ******
Death is the only thing we can understand
You make us lots of promise
Yet you offer us starvation
Your promises are empty like the belly of our children

We will fight and shed our bloods for the course of our freedom
Our blood will water the land for we will not give up without a fight
Yes we will not give up without a fight

Arise oh ye youth of slumbers
Arise oh ye prisoners of wants
For the reason to revolt is at our course
Let's fight for what is rightfully our

Revolution the course to freedom
A course to the normal world
Mar 2013 · 613
A song for my love
Song to keep a constant smile on your face
You are the melody in my heart
You are like esteem paradise glancing reliance on me in a blissful beam

A song to enrich your heart
You are the one I love
My heart belongs to you
Living without you is a punishment

Song to keep you happy
If loving you is a crime ,then I want to go jail for it.
My love for you is stronger than any force  and brighter than any light.
The way we must go is long,but we’ll
win every fight.

Song to remind you of me
I feel so lonely when you are not around me
For your presence make me feel on top of the world

Song to brighten your day
If I was asked  to choose between
Loving You and Breathing
I will choose my last breath to say
I LOVE You.. !

A song we cannot live without
A song that only me and you know
A song that makes us to forget all the problems of the real world

A song for my love
A song of love
Mar 2013 · 12.8k
A moral depravity
A moral degeneracy followed by intellectual degeneration
A luxury and currution among the upper classes

A world without the fundamental human rights
Revolting cruelty from the ****** outrage to brutal ******

World of chains
World of hard labour
World of pains sorrow and agony

Songs of joy are sang in the world seeing the end to this hideous blot
Yet slavery still exist in the modern world
Described as modern slavery

Modern slavery
A world without chains yet psychologically we are chained
World without hard labour yet we work ourselves out to survive
World with  fundamental human rights but filled with betrayal at the cause of justice

World for the poor
World for the less privelage
World of reality
Mar 2013 · 588
A Life
A life the most important thing on earth
Important to the poor or rich,white or black
filled with the dreams which gives our life meaning and inspired us to change

A Life
life is sweet
Life is soar
Life is a faint tracing on the surface of mystery, we keep seeking for the reason for being alive when the time comes to let go,let go

A Life
Life is a mystery
Life is insearchable
Its beginning starts from the end
Its end starts from the beginning
Life is hate
Life is love
Life is happiness
Life is sorrow
Life has no specific explanation

A Life
Life never discriminates
Never ask if you are black or white
Rich or poor,tall or short
Life treats us in the same proportion
Life never sides ways

A Life
At the beginning brings joy,happiness,love
At the end comes with sorrow, pains,sadness
Life is a mystery
Mar 2013 · 1.5k
Music is life
Music enriches the hearts of people who listens to it

Music takes us to another world
Where we forgets the problems,agony and wickedness of the real world

Music forces us to nod our heads
tap our feet whenever we listen to our favourite songs

Sounds of music
that we really cherish
It touches us that we can't resist the smile and the happiness we drive from music

Music brighten our day
gives us joy and happiness
it defines our moment
a moment of love

Music makes us to relax
to focus on the big picture
it energies us in the morning as we wake up it

We listen silently to our favourite song at peace with our self that we are still alive
music is love,music is joy,music is happiness

Music is the strongest form of magic
it makes us fly without wings
makes us float on the ocean without sinking
Music is magic

Music is life
Love music
Love life
Mar 2013 · 663
Am sorry mother
I want to say am sorry to A beautiful mother full of charm and
With smiling eyes and an angel's face,
A gentle soul, a loving heart,

Who struggle to make me happy
I know I have been a **** lately
Am sorry mother
For all the pains and agony I have caused you even from the very first week you have me in your womb
You always came for my bail after been locked up for fighting in the street
Am sorry mother
You brought me up in a good and Godly way
But I felt I have to live the life I choose for my self
I never knew I make you cry late at night
Am sorry mother
I know this is coming late after the age of 30
I now realise the pain you passed through because I had a pregnant wife with me
I realise how hard it is to move an inch
Am sorry mother
For neglecting the 9 months journey of pains you passed through because of me
Am sorry mother
I wish I can take it all back ,all the pain I have caused you
Am sorry mother
For all the tears I caused you late at night
I really wish I can take them all back I would do so instantly
Am sorry mother
I know this came late
Am sorry mother

I really am
Mar 2013 · 832
A day you never wanted to remember
A day you always wanted to get off your head
A day you got bullied right in front of your wife by people you are better than
A day you got demoted at work after putting your 120% to save your job
A day your kids were sent home because of school fees
A bad day
A day your wife asked you to sign a divorce paper after trying to be a faithful husband
A day your landlord served you a quit notice even as u tried to be a faithful tenant
A day you are called for a very lucrative job interview but you are in coma in the hospital
A bad day
A day you never wanted to remember
Bad day
A day you always want to get off your head
A bad day
A day you are kept in the mood of despondency
A bad day
A day you never wished for
Mar 2013 · 4.0k
Going to bed last night was never by choice
But because the day is dark
Every being has gone to bed
Even the wind is saying goodnight
But when I close my eyes
All I could do is say
Goodmorning to you Karin Naude
All I wished is for the morning to draw nearer
So I could be the first being on earth to say
Goodmorning to you Karin Naude
Even before the **** rings his bell by crowing
Even before the sweet songs of the birds
All mornings are like paintings
You need a smile to brighten up
With petals of roses
Palm full of holly water
You need a little inspiration to get going
A text message from someone who really care
The sun wishes u a goodmorning
Even as he rises into the sky
Hoping you have a perfect day
Wishing you a goodmorning
Sealed with with prayers to keep you save
and happy all day long
A goodmorning spoken with care,love and happiness
I woke this morning before my body did to say
Goodmorning to you Karin Naude
Great dream
Dreams that change the world perspectives to life
A dream that sees the end to racism
A dream that unite the global world
A dream that says
It dose not matter if u r black or white
A dream that put the end to betrayal of the cause of justice
Great dreams
Gods instrument to save the world
A dream that end discrimination among
the blacks and whites
Great dreams
Which came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of slave captivity
Great dream
Sees the coming of the world freedoms
Great dream
Says we can never be satisfied with this faith
Let freedom ring and free at last
Great dream by a great man
Great dream
By Martin luther King Jr
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
Scared of beautiful
I want to be the next president of United State
Yet am scared of press conference
I want to have the highest number of followers on twitter and Hello poetry
Yet am scared of people comments
I want to be the richest man in the world
Yet am scared of appearing in forbes magazine
I want to be the next UN secretary
Yet am scared of popularity
I want to be the next Aristotle
Yet am scared of reading
I want to have a lovely and happy family
Yet am scared getting marry
I want to be among New York Times Best Selling authors
Yet am scared of writing
I want to be the next footballer of the year
Yet am scared of playing
Scared of beautiful
World without confidence
Scared of beautiful
A world of fear
Mar 2013 · 581
I recall back to those days
When we never had to labour before we eat
The days when our hearts are pure without dents
The days when we are pampered and treated like eggs
The days when the moon threw deep shadows and moved to one
Yet we run around chasing after one another
The days when we gather from various compound to listen to our grandmother tell us tales stories about tortoise
But I look at my self in the present world
I saw a grown up man
Yet I understand that
broken toys & lost pencil are much better than lost friends & broken heart
Childhood world
World of brotherly love
World of motherly love
World of fatherly love
Childhood world
My favourite world
Mar 2013 · 988
Goodnight Karin Naude
When I say goodnight
Is not a formality
Nor due to free text messages
It has a silent way of saying
I remember every beautiful moments we share by day
We are friends from far away
Every nights we play the game
We talk about families and about our day
Darkness is everywhere
The birds are back to there nets
The road is cool and quiet
Everyone has gone to bed
But am awake just to say goodnight
Night is a nice gift from God
So open it by closing your eyes
You will see another sweet world waiting for you
I want you to know that I remember you in my last minute of the day by saying
Goodnight to you Karin Naude
Mar 2013 · 531
Am free, yet am not
I look straight to the mirror
I saw a man who looks exactly like me
I saw a man who has fought for his freedoms
A man who has gone through chains
A man who has gone through hard labours
A man who has served for years to gain his freedom
But when I join the real world
Never knew is a world full with pains
A world full with sorrows and agony
A world full of deceits
I always think about my serving days as a slave
Being chained and feed all day long
But I can't go back anymore
Am free, yet I can't breath without fighting for air
Am free, yet I can't eat food worth eating
Am free, yet I can't go places worth going
Am free, yet I can't say words worth saying Am free, yet I can't date a girl worth dating
Am free yet, I can't do things worth doing
Sometimes I think being chained and feed all day as a slave  is better than being a free man In this wicked world
Freedoms only come when you stop breathing
Freedom only exist in the world of fantasies Am free, yet am not
Mar 2013 · 478
Am free, yet am not
I look straight to the mirror
I saw a man looks exactly like me
A man who has fought and won his freedom
A man who has gone through chains
A man who has gone through hard labours
But when I join the real world
Never knew is a world of pain and sorrows
Never knew is a world full of deceits
I always thought about my days as a slave
Been chained and feed all day
But I can't go back as a slave
Am free,yet I can't breath without fighting for air
Am free, yet I can't eat  foods worth eating
Am free yet I can't do things worth doing
Am free yet I go to places worth going
Sometimes I think being chained and feed all day is better than to being a free man
In these wicked world
Freedoms come only when u stop breathing
Freedoms only exist in the world of fantasies
Am free, yet am not
Mar 2013 · 630
Am sorry
I don't know quite
how to make things better between us
What I did was foolish and impulsive
If I could take it back I 'll do so instantly
Words will not be able to ever express
How sorry I am for this
For the multitude of mistakes and harms
I have caused
I felt so ashamed for what I had done
I don't have any excuse
I did what I did
I take full responsibility for my mistakes and actions
I truly don't mean to hurt you in anyway
I can start by saying
Am sorry
I really am
Mar 2013 · 970
Misery about a girl
When I was 14, I hoped that one day I would have a girlfriend. When I was 16 I got a girlfriend, but there was no passion. So I decided I needed a passionate girl with a zest for life. In college I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional. Everything was an emergency, she was a drama queen, cried all the time and threatened suicide. So I decided I needed a girl with stability .When I was 25 I found a very stable girl but she was boring. She was totally predictable and never got excited about anything. Life became so dull that I decided I needed a girl with some excitement .When I was 28 I found an exciting girl, but I couldn't keep up with her. She rushed from one thing to another, never settling on anything. She did mad impetuous things and flirted with everyone she met. She made me miserable as often as happy. She was great fun initially and very energetic, but no direction . So I decided to find a girl with some ambition .When I turned 31, I found a smart ambitious girl with her feet planted firmly on the ground and married her. She was so ambitious that she divorced me and took everything I owned. Now, I'm 40 and just looking for a girl with a ******* .
Mar 2013 · 11.6k
A brother from another mother
He got your back always when no one else did
A brother from another mother
He is always there even when u are defeated
A brother from another mother
He reminds you of the lyrics to you favourite songs
A brother from another mother
He corrects you when you are wrong
A brother from another mother
He is always there even when the world rejects you
A brother from another mother
Tells you that you are the best even when you are not
Even when you are in the mood of despondency
He gives u reason to keep your hopes alive
A brother from another mother
He is more than just a brother
Mar 2013 · 571
A night is calm
A night is gentle
Days are full with stress
Nights are more beautiful
Days are rough and restless
Night is cool
Days are full with troubles
Nights are moment of thinking
The sound of wind directions
The sweet songs of the birds
All make night beautiful
A night is specially designed by the creator
As a perfect moment
Night a moment of family gathering
Nigh a moment to share
Night a moment of love
Night a moment of happiness
Night night
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
I dream about a world
A world where there is no death
World where there is abundant of honey
World where love never hurts
World where lion and elephants are domestic animals
A world full of happiness
A world where the poor are valued
A world without hate
World full of flashes of colours and distance of scenes
A world moving faster than I can glean
A fantasy world is world of no means
Mar 2013 · 36.7k
Friendship last forever
Friendship is better than love
We can loose our loved one's
But friendship stays with us forever
Friendship never ask who you are
Friendship only says you are my friend
Friendship never ask where you are from
Friendship only says you are always there for me
Friendship make us who we are
It tells us the good and bad side of us
Friendship always care
Friendship listen to our voice
Friendship listen to our heart
Friendship never let u down
Friendship draw you closer
Even when u part ways
Friendship never let go
Mar 2013 · 3.4k
We always never though of parting
But fate decides for us
There is no use in weeping
A remembrance in ones heart
Parting was the least we expected
We part like two parallel lines
We 'll just take them as they come
The memories is what is left
We will think of one another
When we are parted
We 'll connect with our memories
Parting might be the best for us
But never the bravest step we took
Parting hurts out hearts
But might be the only answer
Parting reduces us both
But parting ways is all we got left
Mar 2013 · 1.6k
When I dream about success
I see it come
When I feel success
I see it fades away
When I think about success
It appears to me like mirage
I hope I have success
I hope I embrace success
I pray I find success
When I embrace success
I 'll keep it save like an egg
When I have success
I 'll share it
Success success
Success in me
Success is life
Success in me

— The End —