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3.2k · Aug 2012
From Afar
AzealAngel Aug 2012
From afar I admire you
your beauty and your grace
the way you push hair behidn your ear that has fallen to your face
your're o so intelligent
the way you speak in class
so bold and without fear
the sparkle for learning in your eyes
that look so pure and clear
All of these things, only perceived by me from afar
I wish to know yout thoughts
likes, dislikes, and hobbies
your opinion on politics
Do you about the trees?
What is your faith?
Do you have pets?
Your favorite book, movie, food.
What is it that you are passionate about?
My dear Brazil
I want to talk to you
To obtain all the answer to every question I wish to ask you
This morning in the rain you were only a few feet away
all alone were you
But my feet, they would not move
So I did not go to you
Instead I watched my Beautiful Brazil place her earphones in her ear
We could have talked and laughed
But we didn't cause I am ruled by fear
Alas, My Beautiful Brazil
I am not your average admirer
No, not at all
But until I gather up the courage
The strength to loose my fear
I'll admire you from afar
My Beautiful Brazil
Yes, its about a
2.0k · Mar 2012
Dear Love of my Life
AzealAngel Mar 2012
Yours Truly
Loving You Avenue
Kissime, Missmeana
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Dear Love of my Life,
You do not know me yet but, I am the love of your life and you are mine. Try not to over look me if we ever meet. Pick me out the crowd of beautiful women you see from where ever we meet, whether it be in public, private, or through a computer screen. Oh yea, and try your best to judge me by my personality. Look past the color of my skin for it may interfere with your better judgement of me. For all you know I could be white, purple, or mahogany. Once, we are together theres somethings you should remember. One is that I won’t completely hate you if you forget our anniversary. I’ll only pretend to so we can feel like a sitcom family. Second, my favorite flower is the lotus but I’ll settle for roses as long as they are never red, I prefer white or black instead.Third, don’t be what you think I expect you to be because I really love spontaneity. So don’t be surprised if for vacation I’d like to go skydiving, bungee jumping, or skiing. By the way I have of list of things I’d like to do before I died and those activities are numbers one, two, and three. Promise to never lie to me unless you are trying to protect me. Yes, I know honesty's the best policy but a little white lie never hurt anybody. I hate to be told what to do unless of course it is by you. So I guess I’ll be fair and not give you too many rules. This last one is a request of you for me, Spontaneously tell me you love me.
Sincerely yours,
The Love of your Life
AzealAngel Feb 2012
The spaces in between my fingers were made just for your hands
When intwined they fit together just like puzzles pieces
Your palm radiates warmth that flows into mine
The warmth that leaves me with that feeling of security
Then life continues and eventually you are forced to let go
Taking the warmth and security with you
Leaving me with a frosty feeling and loneliness
But there’s a glimmer of sanguinity because I know you will return to me
Restoring my peace of mind,
Giving back my feeling of security,
Completing me
975 · Feb 2012
AzealAngel Feb 2012
I’ll wait for you forever
One day I’ll be loved
Eventually we’ll be together
Never alone
No longer separate
Forming one
How long?
Seemingly endless
I’ll wait for you forever
949 · Feb 2012
AzealAngel Feb 2012
Eternity is forever
Forever is eternity
Endless, unending, without end
It’s time
An everlasting continuum
Where time no longer exist
Intervals of periods coiled together
Eternity is…
916 · Apr 2012
AzealAngel Apr 2012
There’s two sides of being on the side
The reason that makes it all worth it
The reason that makes you feel like dirt
So here’s the reason it’s (almost) worth it
When I’m with you I (think) know love
I get beautiful whispers in my ear
I have times when I just know we’ll be together
I get that feeling that you do love me
That I’m of some significance in your life
I (almost) get love
Now here’s the part that makes you feel like dirt
When we see one another in public and look away as if you didn’t just kiss me and tell me you loved me
When we have to plan our time together around hers and yours
When the whole world only knows about her
When I’m in the shadows
When I feel like dirt
When deep down…
I just know I can or at least deserve better
But my heart loves you
Why? I wish I knew...but it does
Maybe because you where the first one I ever fell in love with and now my heart feel as though it is indebted to you eternally
What a stupid, foolish heart
Your a liar and a cheat
And so am I…
But I’m going to stop
I am
This time
I swear
So to you I say this
I will always love you...and
F* you darling
700 · Apr 2012
Not Approved
AzealAngel Apr 2012
I can’t love him because he’s different from me
His kind is scary, bad, and nasty
….But wait
Are you blind?
Can you not see?
Mother darling
He’s human like you and like me
Underneath the color of his skin is a soul
It’s alive and it’s well and it’s in control
He loves me and I him,
But you won’t let us be
Who are you to stop what we do?
Who are you to tell love that it’s through?
Who are you to take love from me?
Mother dear
Mother darling
You said find someone who loves you back
Find someone who cares for you
Find someone who’ll learn you through and through
Find someone who’s your other half
And I did exactly what you asked
Then when I tell the good news
Your smile fades away and your shoulder turns icy blue
I guess you forgot one of your rules
The one that meant the most to you
Find someone of whom I approve
AzealAngel Mar 2012
I think I’m going to leave you
I let those words slowly slip out of my mouth
I think I’m going to leave you
I can’t believe I just thought that
I think I’m going to leave you
Just apologize and I’ll forgive you
I think I’m going to leave you
You don’t walk away because I tell you to
I might not leave you
I love being with you
No, I won’t leave you
But you ***** up so much
Yes, I have to leave you
I deserve so much more
Do I have the power to leave you?
I don’t know anymore
663 · Mar 2012
AzealAngel Mar 2012
I used to fear that I loved you so much God would take you away from me
Rip you out of my life
Cause I was too enthralled with you
Cause I would just die without you
Cause I couldn't breath without you
Now I find myself wishing that I'd never met you
Cause you enthralled me
Cause you made me unable to live without you
Cause now I can't breath
663 · Feb 2012
La beauté de l'univers
AzealAngel Feb 2012
Rain is the tears of angels
Shadows fragments of darkness that long to be light
Wind the sighs of God
Ugly misconceived beauty
Light escaped purity from heaven
The moon, the inconsolable lover of the sun
(for she can never be with whom she loves)
And life..
Life’s...a mystery for
AzealAngel Feb 2012
This is the part where I compare you to roses
This is the part where I compare you to a line of desserts
And this is the part where I compare my for love to you
627 · Apr 2012
For the Last Time
AzealAngel Apr 2012
I’m letting you go
But this will be the last time
You see, I let you go once before
I did just like they said
If you love something set them free
If it comes back then it loves thee
You came back
You love me too?
I can’t answer that and neither can you
You returned to me, yet again
But she was still with you
You returned to me yet again with promises of love that would’t end
And I a fool believed in you
But can I really blame you?
I’ll let you go
One more time
For myself
So  can try to learn all over again to be happy
Without you…
I don’t think it possible now
But all my friends do
So this is my last piece of writing to you
This is goodbye
This is I’ll never forget you
This is you’ll always have a place in my heart
And this is...
I love you
for the last time
608 · Apr 2012
AzealAngel Apr 2012
Today I had an epiphany
I realized something important
I thought that with time I’d fall out of love with you
But instead realized that I’d only learned to live without you
I thought that I would move on and find another love
Only to learn that you are my one true
I thought that I didn’t need you
But realized that I couldn’t be without you
579 · Feb 2012
The Outlet
AzealAngel Feb 2012
As interesting as painting is I must admit I **** at it
So another outlet I must find
One that speaks my own mind
One that that let’s my emotions run wild
Like a sugar crazed child
Something that lets me be me
Not someone I pretend to be
An outlet that no one can say is wrong
One more powerful than a song
Something exciting, intriguing, and graceful
Oh my, what could take its place in my world to help this emotionally stressed girl
An outlet
An outlet
What should it be??
leave commentary
547 · Feb 2012
Loosing Faith
AzealAngel Feb 2012
As a child believing in you was easier, more simplistic
Now when bad things happen, I question
What did I do to deserve this?
I am a good person
And yet…
You allow tragedy to happen to me
You allow poverty to strike
You allow death to creep closer and steal away loved ones
You allow anger to engulf my soul, spirit, and body
Where is the love you promised?
The joy?
The happiness?
The eternal bliss?
Maybe you forgot that I was good
Misplaced my fortune with that of  murderers, thief, or some other criminal or convict
You just don’t exist
AzealAngel Feb 2012
I hate that smile you give me now
that smile that breaks my heart
Its that smile you give to a friend that you were once close to but aren’t any longer
that smile that pretends like there was never an us
that we never held hands and
that we never laughed together
it says I never told you I loved you
it says I never pictured our future together
it says I don’t know you at all because I never learned who you are
I love that look in your eyes
that look that warms my soul
its that look that you give to that person you use to be in love with but couldn’t be with
that look thats says there was an us
that we did hold hands and
that we did laugh together
it says I remember telling you I loved you
it says I fantasized about our future
it says I know you inside and out because I learned you
That is the smile I hate and
The look I love
502 · Mar 2012
Confusion of the Heart
AzealAngel Mar 2012
Now, of all the times, you choose to walk back into my life
What about when I wanted you?
needed you
prayed for you
longed for you
Where were you then?
Now, when I've moved on you choose to look for me
I'm not in love with you,
I'm not
I swear
I think...
....You don't have my heart anymore
I promise...
I don't think about us or what we had...
Just to let you know
Take you back? Now? Really?
Yes, your all I wanted
Yes, I still love you, and since we're being honest I don't think I ever stopped
I'm with someone else
I moved on..
I love him, too
I do
No....not like how I loved you
So i'm supposed to drop everything for you?
You didn't do that for me
Yes, I know..I love you too
Think about it overnight?
Okay, I will. Give me 24 hours.
It's a deal. what......who do I choose?
If you read, answer the question please.
491 · Apr 2012
Epiphany 2 (10W)
AzealAngel Apr 2012
Today I realized how realistic you are when I reminisce
480 · Mar 2012
AzealAngel Mar 2012
I hate myself sometimes, I truly do
It’s like my heart can’t comprehend that I’m over you
We barely talk anymore, so why do my ears cling to every word you utter
I almost never see you, but when I do my eyes won’t look away
I try so hard not to think of you, but my brain always finds a way to wonder to past memories
All these things enable me from moving on
I want to so bad..
You have
Why can’t I?
Why do I still love you?
414 · Apr 2012
The Truth (10W)
AzealAngel Apr 2012
The truth about you is that
You ****

— The End —