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May 2017 · 491
Ayllon Chalif May 2017
I'm being stared at like a spectacle
Assuming because I'm mental
Everyone wondering if I'm lethal
Filled with evil
Trying to deceit you
Unwilling to accept that I'm bleeding through
Mind is filled with lava
Heart with bad karma
But now I'm completely disarmed
Causing no harm
Lost my charm
Locked in a coffin with no light
Living the life scared to leave the house without a knife
Nobody seems to understand my brain
Because nobody seems to be able to fathom my pain
Skin burning like acid rain
Blood is the poison that keeps me alive
Forcing me to fight this strife
Compass pointing in the direction of south
Down the hell is my route
One of three siblings but feeling a ghost
Given rejection while they received boast
Recovered addict still seen in my past
Constant questioning raising anxieties fast
Wrapped up in the thoughts of my dead friends
Listening to the consistent screaming that seems to never end
13 years old when I fell under the spell
Next 6 years would be a pill raged hell
Maturity a must with my daughters birth
Sobriety was a gift not a curse
But that itch will always be in my back
Stress levels consuming me telling me to go back
Heart for my daughter will always prevail
I would never do anything to lose her I have shed my scales
Do what I can to tip the scales
Luck is something that I have none of
Make my own luck, no help from above
Sep 2014 · 3.4k
Ayllon Chalif Sep 2014
Stuck in a rut of who i want to be
A constant feeling of being stuck at sea
No where to turn
No lessons to learn
Complete isolation
Is this what i diserve
A raven with no wings
Leaves a bird who wont sing
Waves shake and rock me
But i continue on
My boat keeps me afload
Keeping steady and strong
Thrown on this raft at a very young age
Constant sun burn and dehidration have my eyes crazed
Two people inside my mind
Im in control but struggle all the time
Out of sight
Out of mind
Is the story of my life
Full of fright
Now im blind
Must continue this fight
When suddenly i meet an unsuspecting creature
A very tired wolf with a very high fever
I take this wolf onto my floating door
Lick her wounds and give her compassion
Something nether of them have had before
The stranded raven adores the wolf
Infatuated with its being
After licking her wound
Her leg has stopped bleeding
But soon the raven will lick to much
The wolf snarls at the raven and howls to say enough
The raven retreats to his side of the tire
The close quarters would make the raven and wolf very tired
The raven was never raised as a hatchling
Rite out the egg starving
No incubation
No warmth for the raven
He is horrible to the wolf
Without knowing why
Could be his need to die
Could be his constant crying
The raven loves the wolf
This is clear
But he has had evil tendencies for many years
He hurts the wolf
He gets bitten
He hurts the wolf
He gets bitten
He hurts the wolf
He gets bitten
He hurts the wolf
He gets bitten
Now the raven is bleeding
Missing many feathers
Looking at the wolf
The raven is starting to see what he has done
And he sits on his corner of the raft for months
He walks over to the wolf
Licks her heart
And says i should have been your boat from the start
I should never have hurt you
Drouned you
And im sorry
I offer you my neck as payment
The raven loves the wolf
This is clear
And decides to be a new bird
For the rest of his years
A cardinal appears from the raven
The black carcass falls
And the cardinal is born
And the wolf heals up
Never to be torn
Mar 2014 · 604
I'm Lost
Ayllon Chalif Mar 2014
Due to not being raised I lack the fundamentals
Not understanding how to be human is making me go mental
To you it may all be simple
But I was raised by people who don't have principals
So if you **** me off I may smack your mouth
And later on think about why did I take that route
Well my father was an angry man
So an angry man I stand
And my mother was a coke head
Sniffing lines as I'm a baby in a crib next to her bed
So I can solidly understand this all ****** with my head
Not lying an stealing may make sense to you
But I can't fully grasp the concepts of the things that I do
I'm lost
I'm not making excuses
But perception of the real world has something to do with this
It was a common thing to hear "I'm sorry honey nothing to eat I fear"
So my groaning belly stayed for many years
The anger manifested I took it out on my piers
Anyone with something to say got something to hear
Never shut my mouth
Expeshally when I should
Never taught by anyone the difference between bad or good
I'm lost
And I'll survive by all costs
My emotions have been flipped over and criss crossed
Been choke slammed and tossed
By the people who legally should protect me but couldn't cause of the sauce
It's been a few minutes since his last drink
The boos on his breathe really makes him stink
Comes home gets drunk and starts hitting
Nothing to deserve this, did nothing that was fitting
Screaming at me telling me I'm a *******
"Keep crying you ******* baby I'll rip off your quivering lip"
I'm 9 years old dad why are you hitting me
"Your still 9 years old? Are you ******* kidding me"
I'm lost
Mom help me please I broke my arm
"Mom's busy baby, your fine theres no harm"
Mom get out the bathroom I need your help
"Son your fine no need to cry over spilled milk"
"Moms taking her medication she'll be out soon"
Hours pass and I'm still alone in my room
I need some guidance from anyone in sight
But instead I sit in the dark of my room all night
I'm lost
Hey big brother what do these pills do?
If you take them you'll relax just ******* chill dude
Are they dangerous or anything? Could I get hurt
If you don't ******* chill out they won't even work
It's just a perk calm your nerves
And so I took the pill thinking it's a cure
I'm lost
Family doesn't mean protection
Family doesn't mean love
Been struggling my hole life with no angel from above
I prey regularly asking for help
But nothing gets explained to me
I'm running in circles in hell
Someone should reach out and stop my behavior
But not body cares when I'm the one in danger
I'm dead
Feb 2014 · 815
Ayllon Chalif Feb 2014
I'm walking around in a endless circle
No longer breathing my face is now purple
It seems as if my struggle is eternal
I'm falling
I try to catch myself and fail
I try to continue but always bail
If I'm not good enough for anyone
How could I be good enough for myself
Living day by day in my own personal hell
Reach out for help and it's only temporary
Shivering in my skin high
I'll **** myself if you dare me
Am I crazy or ****** up
Is there a difference?
I'm afraid I'm out of luck
Lacking brilliance
My soul and mind have to much difference
So far apart not an ounce of clearness
Mentally exhausted I have no interest
My heart is closing up, someone help
I'm falling apart, someone help
I can't go on, someone help
I want to die, someone help
And once again
No help in hell
Jan 2014 · 918
Ayllon Chalif Jan 2014
I sit here slipping
Hands on that table gripping
Mind starts dripping
Heart starts chipping
Skin melts off my body dripping
As I fall away from reality
It appears in my view what I think about constantly
Enough with this formality
I'll show you my brutality
I lack any kind of normality
This is no fallacy
I am a demon  
Ignite  your beacon
Your not longer a free man
I'm seething
For your bleeding
Rip you to shreds so your blood drips from the ceiling
But let me tell you why I become this demon
I was broken
Somewhere in time it was spoken
That a monstrous beast would be awoken
He came to me as I was being abused
And told me what to do against the accused
Finally I had enough being broken and bruised
He told me to get a needle and thread because they must be fused
I strung them up licking the blood as it oozed
They stood there in confuse wondering why they were being accused
I stood there unamused for this is a crime that can't be excused
So with my fists and might
I took my first strike
This punch I through was nothing alike
Every fist I through in my entire life
For it did not end it's just commenced
Continuously punching this monster in the neck
So in the battle to **** the monster I faced
I become the demon behind my face
Nov 2013 · 762
Ayllon Chalif Nov 2013
As I sit awake all night
I contemplate life
With the blunt like I light
And the knife that I slice
I'm to much of a man to cry about my struggle
But the weight on my shoulders is making my knees start to buckle
Crumble into rubble
Side effect of the perks that I smoke
Is that now in this depression the knife is pressed to my throat
And the gun that I toat
In now pressed to my temple
Is the pain that I'm feeling physical or mental  
Struggling teenager with no guidance or a prayer
Has had his ****** up life consumed by despair
And sain thoughts in this boy are extremely rare
And now the devilish thoughts come back, and I'm scared
I'm a young adult now
Still stuck in this state
The weight in my shoulders will surly make my back break
After all my life has been mistake after mistake
And now I'm thinking if my own life, I should take
People close to me forget how my life has been
Not easy to forget, not easy for forgive
I'm a human sin
And I have been since a fetus
And this mental emotional disorder, how can I beat this  
I'm a demon
And a murderer
A **** up
A slanderer
A reject
I'm still smoking on the blunt that has been killing me since twelve
I'm in hell
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Mental Stability
Ayllon Chalif Nov 2013
Insomnia flowing through my body keeps me awake
The perks my systems lacking is making my legs shake
Out of frustration I punch my head till my skull breaks
My bruised knuckles are making my hands start to quake
A life of struggle takes it's toll
And I'll be harboring my story until I'm very old
Because this world is filled with people who don't understand
That a starving cold child was not given a helping hand
So as a young teenager I became a man
And now a broken young adult I stand
I couldn't live a life of crime and violence
And expect not to grow up with a mentality of insolence
My mind is the definition of pestilence
But I'll keep on fighting because my heart is filled with vigilance
But how can I succeed when I'm expected to fail
Every time I exhale, I have no hope to prevail
Because when I breathe a piece of my life force leaves me
And I can see it drift away as if it doesn't need me
I'm a disaster of a person
A failure as a man
A demon as a human
A pleasure for the ******
Nov 2013 · 3.9k
Therapy Sessions
Ayllon Chalif Nov 2013
Therapist - so why are you here in my office today?

Me - I've been doing terrible lately and I have a lot to say.

Therapist- well why do you say your doing "terrible"?

Me- because unfortunately I've done actions I'm not proud of that hurt who I love.

Therapist - well why did you commit these "actions" that you speak of

Demon- I don't ******* no. I was born with no savior from above. With no love. And I came where I come from.

Therapist - and these are reasons to hurt who you care about.

Me- no but I did them and I'm a terrible person and now the voice in my head shouts.

Therapist - what is the voice in your head shouting about?

Demon - how you should shut your ******* mouth. Be quite as a mouse.

Therapist - you seem to have a lot of anger issues inside your head.

Demon- no **** you ******* ***** that's why I lay screaming and clawing in my bed.

Therapist - would you want you son to grow up to be a man like you.

Me- me before? Me then? Me now? Or me in the future?

Therapist- aren't they all the same?

Me- no not a bit. I was once a *******. Became good. One bad hit. Back to a ******* hood. I'm doing better now and I will continue to grow.

Therapist - tell me about yourself all those years ago.

Demon- or leave me the **** alone.

Therapist - now now Ayllon

Me- I struggled. More then most. I survived. Not trying to boast. But from my survival it consumed me.

Therapist - is that what made this struggling man before me?

Me - yes. But I refuse to give up. I'll be strong I'll be give. I'll give love to her.

Therapist- and what's stopping you from doing it again.

Me- because I wouldn't lose just her. Id lose myself, my health, my life. I refuse to hurt her. That's what it comes down to.

Therapist- does she believe you.

Me- no. But actions speak louder then words. If she doesn't give up on me she'll see me grow. And who knows. Maybe she'll love me again in the end. But until that day I'll show her I'm a new man.
Nov 2013 · 2.3k
Ayllon Chalif Nov 2013
The fire inside my eyes
Creates an inner feeling of suicide
I'm a sinking ship
With no cargo
A mind of dynamite
A heart with an emotional embargo
Sometimes it feels as if I'm expected to do to much
So much pressure on me I can feel my bones crush
People forget to see from your perspective
I was not elected
Simply placed in this seat
So why is it so easy to point fingers
And say he's ******* up
He's making mistakes
It's his fault
You forget you are not the only one with battles
With demons
I'm fiendish
Don't forget
I'm not a bad person no matter what you say
But what you say still kills me in the end of the day
Why are my mistakes worse?
Because of perspective
I was not elected
Simply placed in this seat
Why can't I just admit defeat?
It would be so easy to quite
Because in the end that gets me nowhere  
But back to being a failure
And once again who says I'm a failure
Is it you, or me?
Well unfortunately
Your opinion matters
When it shouldn't
But it does
I've failed time and time again
I have that mentally of a failure
But the failure must lead
Why is that
I didn't ask for this
For this responsibility
I'm a failure remember
I didn't ask for this
I wasn't elected
I was simply placed in this seat
To fall
And feel defeat
Oct 2013 · 854
Ayllon Chalif Oct 2013
I know I make more mistakes then most people do
But unfortunately do to circumstance I wasn't raised like you
Yes I had a house
Yes I had a mouth
But I didn't have heat
And I had no food to eat
So I may have many under lining mental problems
But no matter how many drugs I take I can't solve them
Why am I the odd one out?
For doing what I did to survive
It's not my fault this society makes 13 year old sell coke to strive
So I did things i may regret
But I was stickily looking out for my own neck
I have anger problems
I'm an addict
A drop out
A failure
An *******
A liar
But in alive
I stayed alive when life wanted me dead
But unfortunately it ****** with my head
I'm a awful person
A downgrade
I hurt the world more then I help
Though I stayed alive
Should I have gone to hell?
Ayllon Chalif Oct 2013
They say a picture paints a thousand words
But I've always been a poem man myself
But what do you do when a poem can't express what you need to tell
As I stair at her curls
That swirl
And create my world
I realize I'm in love with much more then a girl
Or a woman that is
I'm in love with her spirit
Her being
Even her breathing
My need for her touch can often leave me seething
In anger
For I need this woman
And this makes me weak
But if I must be weak to have her I admit defeat
For I would do whatever is needed for her compassion
And I shall love this woman this spirit this being in every fashion
I am but a man
With a devils past
In which this angel has looked passed
Though you may not see an angel I do
I see her wings and halo through and through
I'm a disaster of a man
And barely a being
But this woman continues to love me breathing
So I'll be alive
To insure she thrives
I am her guardian
And her lover
Until I die  
She is stronger then you
I can guarantee
She is stronger then me
I completely agree
She is perfect
Though she may not know
But I plan to express it to her for an eternity or so
Every day I'll say I love you
Including your passed
For without that I may have never met you at last
At last I have my love
My very best friend
You have my heart and soul in your possession until the very end
I am great full for you
And great full for us
Because without you as my eyes I could not see
Without you as my lungs I could not breathe
Without you in my life I could not be me
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Ayllon Chalif Sep 2013
My heart longs to please
In my mind your all I see
Deep inside my monster bleeds
Even though I carry a disease
But what I want you to understand
Is even when you fall
You have my hand
We both have demons
In which you know
You focus on yours that aren't exposed
What you forget is I was raised a way
In which people who anger me get no praise
But I now see the error to these ways
I have wronged you for certain
This I'm sure
But you also know my intentions to love you are pure
I have protected you as much as I can
I have shown you my strong side in which I'm a man
But I have exposed my weakness to you as well
Because we both have been through our own personal hell
But I would like to get to my point
I have wronged you in which I admit
When I get angry and threw my fit
I love you
In which I've shown
Even though sometimes it may seem unknown
I will never let you go
I will never stop loving
Because without you in my life
I am left with nothing
I was a fool to upset you
But I'm a man enough to say I was wrong
I need you in my life
This I'm positive of
I'm not to religious
But you were sent from above
Your my angel
I'm your guardian
We were meant to be together to the end

Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit.
Jul 2013 · 619
April 7th
Ayllon Chalif Jul 2013
I'm drowning fast
With no way to float
No surprise because I dug the moat
I dug my own grave
And because of this ill stay
When you fill your life with fire
Expect to be burned
I caused the forest fire
So it was just my turn
With no respect for the living
Don't expect love when you die
Took to much and now I'm shaking
Fell to many times my limbs are breaking
These breathes I've been taking
Are starting to slow
The only noise I can make is a slight groan
The whimper of a moan
Looking up at the ceiling I remember it all
I remember the moment my life started to fall
When you make so many mistakes
You have to expect people's trust to break
And never be mended
I suppose I just wish it had before it ended
My life that is

When your stuck in the dark
You become afraid of the light
The heat burns your skin
And light hurts your eyes
And that's why the idea of safety I despise
But when it is forced upon you
All you can do is cave
And that's why I'm standing here today
When your under the water being pulled down
You start to panic
But a hand reach down and brought me to the surface
And for this one purpose
To save myself and you
I've never been helped
Only been hurt
But you understand this pain
So I reach in your brain
Push away the rain
And I inform you your sane  
And I'm here to stay

It's amazes me the pain you've felt
With no help
You helped yourself
Your stronger then me
I fully agree
But let me help you see
Your not alone
Your a piece of me
The wave to my sea
The angel to my death
And I am here
To show you that I will help in any way
Because today is the day
We both get saved
Jun 2013 · 688
Sins Of My Past
Ayllon Chalif Jun 2013
Stuck in a sea
Of undying greed
My eyes have finally turned to green
My blood now drips out of all seams
And all my courage will indefinably flee
How can one see
When the darkness over powers me
A scratch of the skin
My addiction begins
A relapse or two
Stuck not knowing what to do
Sweating and trembling
Fretting so menacingly  
My thoughts race
Pacing in place
Mind now filled with vacant space
My heart is erased
These drugs open arms is something I must embrace
My innocence has been defaced
My conscious has been misplaced
My mistakes I retrace
I give in to my sins
Jun 2013 · 579
Ayllon Chalif Jun 2013
How do you better yourself
When your losing yourself
Your mind is fuzzy
Nose is stuffy
Eyes are ******
Mind is running
Thoughts are rushing
Your heart is cold
Like a ******* ice pack
Jun 2013 · 785
Blind People
Ayllon Chalif Jun 2013
The demons of my past
Seem to never fade
An endless opening in my heart
Similar to the ever glades
Monster in the brain
The devils slave
I'm a murderous beast
A carnivore with the need to feast
Well at least
I will meet my defeat
But only once i meet a foe that's worthy
A shadow of a man
Is all that's left
Nothing but echoes
When i pound my chest
All human feelings
Have exhaled from my breast
And the only noise i make
Is a hollow whisper under my breath
And it amazes me how blind people can be
That when I'm in there view
Hate isn't all they see
I'm a heathen
A demon
Craving your screaming
All of your bleeding
That breathing
Should be fading
Your soul
I should be taking
Your mind
Is now blanking
Iv'e murdered again
May 2013 · 2.6k
Chaotic State Of Mind
Ayllon Chalif May 2013
When I'm alone at night
Laying in my bed
The demons come out
Attach to my head
The voices whisper
Never knowing what they said
But every time
Fill me with overwhelming dread
My body only has evil fed
And all emotions have completely fled
My grey sight
Has just turned to red
And the rage takes over
Arms turn to bull dozers
Anybody in my path will be run over
I'm a *** addict
Popping perks
Like i gatta have it
Coke in my pocket
Gotta grab it
Your ******* throat
I gotta stab it
Living in poverty
Blinded by hate
Until i can't even see
That demon i hate is me
Deep inside it breathes
Blood it needs
And death it seeks

My cheeks turn red
My head starts to spin
My mouth opens up
No words appear
Constantly trembling in fear
Knowing my death is constantly near
Pills in my pocket
Take them with beer
Start shedding tears

I spit poison
My mind is toxic
My heart is frozen
Brain with no logic
Speak without a topic
My evil is atomic
Zoned out like im bionic
My life is chronically chaotic
And i smoke until im hypnotically psychotic
Stuck in a constant fight or flight
So much dark no hope for light
The darkness has taken over my eye sight
I'm a monster
Prepare for a fright
No bark all bight
And when i attack i come with all my might
Stuck in this eternal night
May 2013 · 775
Truly Alone
Ayllon Chalif May 2013
I sit in pain
As my mind starts to collapse
Trembling fingers
On the verge of a relapse
Stuck thinking about my evil past
And so many people
Say there here
But I'm alone
Not physically but mentally
I'm unstable
I'm unable
To wear this smile anymore
I'm wondering the point of change
When my soul and mind stay the same
And to be honest
I'm the one to blame
Because after all it was my actions that made my life go aflame
And as I remember I feel intense shame
But nothing compares to my severe pain
I can feel the throb deep in my brain
The voice screaming saying I'm insane

So I cry and I scream
And I beg and I plead
But my mind
It still bleeds
And my heart
It still needs
And my soul
Fights this disease
But how long am I alone
Do I fight
Or just go
Am I loved
Or despised
Am I a hero
In your eyes
Or a *******
Or a failure
Or a loser
Or a disgrace
This face
This face
Had had to many tears
Over so many years
So I must say
Who will stand by my side today
May 2013 · 652
Catastrophic Transformation
Ayllon Chalif May 2013
The devil preys on the weak
So he slips in while I sleep
And says you'll work for me
I reluctantly agree
He has control over my being
He controls all I am seeing
All of my bleeding
And the death of the innocent i will be feeding
He hands me a gun
And says I'll love you like a son
Says he will give me the compassion I always needed
But in a fashion that makes me no longer a human being
Gives me the sins that calms my nerves
I am forever addicted to the life style I have learned
The fight inside me lives dormant
But if you harm who I love
I will begin the torment
Your defeat
I have sworn it
And to a degree
I have earned it
Because I've over come who I was
But he still lives inside me
The hate that I pop
Make it so he is thriving
I hate who I am
A hollow ******* man
A portal for the evil
A mortal for the ******
May 2013 · 756
I Am A Griffin
Ayllon Chalif May 2013
In my mind I am diverse
In my soul I carry a curse
To the point I'm in a hearse
Screaming I NEED A NURSE
My words they start to slur
I look but there is not cure
My heart is no longer pure
And I slaughter the innocent
I am a griffin
A monster with the ability to be beautiful
But my soul is to harmful
And my arms are covered in scars
From the days I do not speak of
Guns pointed out of cars
Perked out until I'm in the stars
Room filled with piff jars
**** around end up in a reservoir
I come from a street of broken dreams
A group of mentally deranged abused teens
A corner with more horror scenes then your worst dreams
And at night I sit and embrace the screams
For they echo in my head
From a life filled with dread
And the fire in my heart
Began to spark form the start
For I am a demon
A monster and always will
Because I fell under the horrible spell of the pills
Apr 2013 · 647
With Power Comes Treason
Ayllon Chalif Apr 2013
I wait for the day
My sickness releases me
But how can that be
When i was born to die
I need to escape
And i will remake
I will decrease
And **** ill be king

As my golden crown
Hits the ground
I am your jester
Your clown
I sleep in secrecy
I dream more then you can believe

But dreams are not real
And beggars cant be choosers
I will die
But not by your hand

Listen to the baby cry
Watch as his mother dies
Life has no ******* signs
Figure it out on your own

As my golden crown
Hits the ground
I am your jester
Your clown
I sleep in secrecy
I dream more then you can believe
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Horrific Night
Ayllon Chalif Apr 2013
When I start to bleed
It opens my eyes so I can see
That under my demonic feeding
I'm still a human being
And from the depths of hell i was retreating
This curse upon me I was beating
Staying sober I am succeeding
Being alive I am breathing
While most people talk about there lives
I stare at my knives
And think am I alive?
Because I'm so desensitized
To other people's demise
That when I take there life
I think that they'll be fine
Because this world is filled with so much ****
That I look around thinking
This is it?
This is the world I'm forced to live on?
Feeling more like an alien then a ******* Klingon
And through my struggle
I persist to carry on
Even though I'm ready to explode like a ******* A bomb
So i write my soul down on this song
Wondering if the world will song along
Or pass me on
Because I've pushed through more **** then I'll ever admit
Because if you hear my story you'll never see me the same
Because unfortunately your all programmed with the same human brain
Which makes you alienate anyone who you don't think is sain
And you'll look at me like a monster that needs to be slain
So I sit silent in my eternal rain
Because the memories carved in my heart are so terrifying
That the person I was sits in the corner crying
I'm a new person
A ***** shell if you will
Carrying around demons and doing there every will
I'm a monster at heart
And a demon at soul
And my story children
Is the most horrific ever told
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
Demons Disciple
Ayllon Chalif Apr 2013
As long as I'm breathing
I'm a heathen
Beatin anybody that's seeing
My demon inside
It strives
Keeps me alive
I'm fine
My mind
It starts to decompose
And i suppose i should know
If my heart is cold
But unfortunately
I've broken all my bones
And the pain that I'm feeling
Is why I'm ******
And the percs in my system
Is why I'm slowed
I look at your neck
And open my knife
But the voice in my head says
Wait for tonight
Because I can't wait to see the blood drip from the slice
But my fingers tremble from the hate that burns in my eyes
I lose all control
And I take my pistol
Who ill **** i don't know
Carve your face with a chisel
If you want to **** my demon
Grab your crystals
Cuz you'll need a seance to crave my need to feed
Cuz the gun on my waist
Needs to make you bleed
Not because your evil
But because your a human being
If your breathing
You deserve my beating
Because as a whole
When it comes to the human race hate is all I'm seeing
I could have been an angel
But I lost my wings
Strictly over small innocent little things
But because of them i became evil all over
And I'll be murdering the innocent until hell freezes over
I'm the devil's disciple
The devil's child
And I'll be attacking with my fire for a while
Because the only thing that leaves my mouth is bile
And the only emotions left in my body are vile
I'm a hollowed out man that's been filled with hate
And murdering the innocent is not up for debate

— The End —