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somberbitch Sep 2018
What am I if not a lifeline.
Silence on a somber ride home.
A quiver in a corner.

What am I if not your purpose,
for I am otherwise of no use.
somberbitch Sep 2019
Trim away the rose bush,
watch them as they fall.

  Its all just for the better,
    so make sure you get them all.
  Trim away that rose bush,
   but watch for all the thorns.

 Darling do not make this difficult,
  please, can you not see all their horns?
  My dear defenseless rose bush,
  you only wish to grow.

protective and supportive,
  but for some reason i must let you go.
somberbitch Jan 2019
Hide me in your shadows,
panic strikes to conceal the truth.

The flame forced away while
you scramble to collect your belongings.

This house will soon become indistinguishable,
whilst i lay in the attic awaiting the fire.
somberbitch May 2019
I've come to realize momentary ignorance is not blissful.
Granted, i may be doing it wrong.
It is not what i do not know,
it's what i chose to forget.
A facade, to wear this lovely mask that has fit so well for years.
As I wait,
or we,
for a change that i dare say may never happen.
In all honesty it might just be I.


I had a conversation about soul mates not too long ago,
apparently they're a myth.
That any person can be the one if you give them the chance.

I dunno how i feel about that,
makes love dull.
It's special to fight through thick and thin when you know its not easy to find.
Special because it's worth it in the end,
though i have not reached the euphoric part of that bargain.
~~   ~~

Three Cheers to THREE years tho lol amirite,
maybe the universe will allow me to rightfully quote that song title one day.
somberbitch Sep 2019
I am drunk.
Drunk surrounded by my four walls that have never even heard talk of sin.
crickets scream, and my candle fills the room with the smells of autumn.

i feel surprisingly calm,
or maybe that's just the wine.

Cheers to finally getting some sleep

— The End —