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114 · Jul 2019
the circus
somberbitch Jul 2019
I am your spectacle.
You gather, an audience amongst you,
ready for this weeks show.

Your words are sharp,
as you mock my fears to entertain the masses.

I am a fool,
for both showing up as well as "preforming"
a sold out show.

Paint me out to be a monster,
for the audience has never had the pleasure to think anything else.
Ensure your holy actions are spoken for,
as i spend another night sleeping among promises that were as transparent as your gracious invitation.
112 · May 2019
somberbitch May 2019
I've come to realize momentary ignorance is not blissful.
Granted, i may be doing it wrong.
It is not what i do not know,
it's what i chose to forget.
A facade, to wear this lovely mask that has fit so well for years.
As I wait,
or we,
for a change that i dare say may never happen.
In all honesty it might just be I.


I had a conversation about soul mates not too long ago,
apparently they're a myth.
That any person can be the one if you give them the chance.

I dunno how i feel about that,
makes love dull.
It's special to fight through thick and thin when you know its not easy to find.
Special because it's worth it in the end,
though i have not reached the euphoric part of that bargain.
~~   ~~

Three Cheers to THREE years tho lol amirite,
maybe the universe will allow me to rightfully quote that song title one day.
107 · Sep 2021
somberbitch Sep 2021
my home before i knew what home was
i miss you more everyday
96 · Apr 2020
somberbitch Apr 2020
Waiting for you is like waiting to die.
Slow and heavy,
like a reoccurring bad dream.

This is my nightmare.
It's as if every moment was painted meticulously
by my own mind.

It's a perfect mess

And you?
You best be careful my dear,
for your true colors are making a comeback.

As are mine,
i dont learn.
75 · Feb 2019
a world
somberbitch Feb 2019
Get a move on,
times a tickin.

No room for pauperism,
thoughts much more valuable than
minuscule discomforts.

My hands are full darlin,
much to do,
a quarrel with ya don't compare to potential melodies unsung.

So get a move on and pull yourself together,
trail behind and we’ll sail to spite the weather.

— The End —