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 May 2014 awesomeamylee
Today the sun stared down around me. The light I saw through wasn't of the yellowish warm kind, or the blue tinted light that speaks of summer coming, nor was it gray like those days that make me long for something else.

Today the light that I looked through was clear like mountain water. I saw the tree for what it is. A tree with hands that reach out to be touched. With leaves the air needs for breathing. A tree for perching.

Today I saw a snow-white butterfly upon a yellow daylili. The butterfly had no markings. The lili stood in the shade of my porch. I remembered that in the fall when butterflies chase each other, it will be time for the fishermen to gather their nets repaired during hot summer months and return to the sea. The white butterfly reminded me.

Today I saw a hummingbird with a ruby necklace darting around my empty feeder. The one hanging out front. I took it down and refilled it with cold sugar-water from my fridge that I keep in an old milk bottle. I refilled the one out back, too.

Today I watched a blue grosbeak splashing in a clear pyrex baking dish that I keep water for the birds in next to my feeders. The grosbeak bathed while a male cardinal watched, spitting sunflower seed hulls onto my wooden deck. A housefinch waited patiently for water and a turn at the mixed-seed feeder.

Today I saw ants crawling on the dried dead body of a wasp. This made me like the ants. They like their wasps dead. So do I. Eat up, guys, I thought.

Today I saw that the breeze had scattered petals from my rose bush across my porch. My dog dozed on the petals. That made me smile.  Reddish pink petals clinging to a black dog when she walked onto the grass. The breeze smelled of roses.

Today I saw clearly what the sun was staring down upon. Things that need watching. Remembering. Today, I saw through a light clearly.

   |.    A gentle breeze day on my porch
  / \
 Apr 2014 awesomeamylee
Fudz Lana
Your eyes are telling a tale
Everywhere you go

Your steps are making rhythms
silent and slow

Your head was never high
Nor does your voice

Every tremble of your hands
Every quiver on your lips
I know.
for my lovely friend who had thought for all these years no one has seen the pain in his eyes or the anxiety on his face. I miss you. be strong.
 Mar 2014 awesomeamylee
His dog died,
and that’s all there was to it.
Except it wasn’t.
Those words in between,
the missing of a friend,
the times relived;  companion
dog that did him in.  Joyful.
Bit his heart and made him write
such words so right,
that I went home
and kissed my dog
and played with her in the garden.
And we both lay down in the dirt,
and will again tonight, and every night.
Until she sleeps.  And I with Daisy.
All because his dog died.

r ~ 18Mar14
On Pablo Neruda's "A Dog Has Died", Poetry Magazine, February 1999.
Take my hand and follow me deep
to the desires that cower in the hidden garden

there's no point in laying around
if all we see is darkness

I've left sleep behind
rolling in the dirt roads of my past

follow me, Restless,
and we’ll live to see Halley ten fold

dance with me under the falling leaves
and around the blooming daffodils

shattered cobble stone paths
carpeted in soft moss

breathe in the smell of summer rain
as we walk under crystal chandeliers

rust covered chain link fences
laced with green ivy

let's parade around in ball gowns
never to flinch when the twigs reach for our skirts

and they will reach with pitiless hands because
peace comes with a price, Restless

skin softer than rose petals are scarred from
cuts deeper than the Stone's Sword

bright eyes are as clear
as the tears that fall from them

do not be afraid, Restless,
for every nightmare has a dawn

I’ll be waiting with open arms
on the other side of the Gauntlet

come walk with me then, and only then,
we’ll never cry again.
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