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avital Oct 2013
TELL me how I should forget to dream
of all things that are not as they seem
HELP me know where peril lies
and who's eyes hide temperamental lies
TEACH me to forget that which I never had
but continues to haunt me, turns me mad
to think of all that I might've seen
it strangles my core, all that could've Been
avital Oct 2013
yet you don't seem to see
all that grazes your cheek
and tugs at the hemline of your shirt

it's not as simple as raising lids
you must permit the same small hand that nudged your shoulder
to crack open your ribcage and scavenge
around, to tangle arteries and nerves
into a yarn ball to bat this way and that
and you may find it incredibly insolent, but this uncouth kitten
is to be caressed and nurtured
for he will be the one to lead you
towards all that Is
avital Oct 2013
Heaven forbid that I should forget
to forget you and
all the Lovely you heaped
upon me like a mountain
transported pebble by pebble
Until, when removed from my chest,
the emptiness swallowed me whole
avital Oct 2013
A wooden chair sits in the corner
gently swaying- for she has just left
a child’s cheek pressed to her shoulder-
holding on as she awaits the theft

and the lamp, it stands alone
the only witness, her fantasy-
being childish, for of course she is just a child-
longing to be all she cannot be

the set of drawers watch in disgust
as she tosses aged shirts onto the floor-
escaped convict, she plagues her attentive room
altering she who she was before

yet the mother grasps her with determined arms
lips lightly grazing the top of her head
a silent goodbye, a surrender in advance
but still moments away from “go to bed”

A chair is a passing place of rest
one will stop along the way
a child sits upon her mother’s lap
to wait for the approaching day
Inspired by Emily Dickinson
avital Oct 2013
enveloped within the familiar creases,
the sweatshirt
faithful to me in
each weather forecast it
heroically resists
whose sleeves have been left frayed
and abandoned since

winter brings the
old heater
down the narrow steps
from the attic
its red switch illuminated, the whirring fan exhaling
warmth throughout a reluctant room
and the shades quiver
and melt to the floor, their edges
skimming the wood surface that is
resentful and ruthless at sunrise
on my bare feet
avital Oct 2013
I mourned the melting sun
and tried to kick the moon away
like a little ******* a swing set
but my toes barely grazed its surface and
the chains creaked with the certainty
that I should have beautiful  
nightmares about
you tonight
avital Oct 2013
the sky is dark to look
a second time, the sun will
no longer be perched
in haven
avital Oct 2013
It was a funny thing
that a girl who knew lips
through the lead of her pencil, the bold curves
and butterfly arches
the dips and creases and fullness of
the lower
in proportion to the upper, but not in proportion
with her own
would spend hours perfecting strokes
running her finger over the taunting image
a kind of torture subconsciously inflicted
and at its completion, she
would place her thumb over the angel’s own indent
and pray

She waited so long
turned her cheek to rash offers
refused to lower her eyelids, submit to just any combination
of creases and indents and
butterfly arches
until May
brought a boy
a pair of lips of the most
perfect proportion—
she made sure of this,
measured each distance with her own
avital Oct 2013
the more i think about it, entangled must be one of the worst things to be
caught in someone's scheme or lie
the knot that your mother could not possibly comb out of your hair,
the blurred boundaries of what is simply dreaming and what is not
for it is potentially the most perilous
avital Oct 2013
sometimes it’s easier
to grow roots and
cling to the pavement
unwavering and
than to allow yourself to fall
over and
avital Oct 2013
what she (sadly) accepted after
quite some (time) is that
with the (leaves) that fell
he (no) longer existed
from across the (room) she remembers
how long she truly had him (for),
and in (fulfilling) what she had wanted for quite some time
he smothered any (dreams) that she might have dreamt the night after
avital Oct 2013
If I am ever to live [unpassionately]
and [loveish] ways are [inevident]
then tell me I am a fool
tell me
     tell me
to love
i have so much respect for those who live passionate lives and live for what they love
avital Jan 2014
I should warn you, should
you try to pick up
all those shards of
the fragments will
slice the solicitous skin
of your fingertips and leave you
somewhat broken

some things cannot be fixed
and some don't want to be
avital Oct 2013
gallop by on ocean's tide
to ride along the shore
and grasp a glimpse of what Is and
what Is No More
the sand, the sand has seen it all
salty tears so often shed
drowns the day but makes way
for whatever lies Ahead
avital Oct 2013
but who, in truth, deserves all the good in the world
when all is imbedded within our very bones
avital Oct 2013
i didn't mean to
pull the daisy from the ground
its roots dangling in exhaustion
it didn't put up much of a fight
but then again, i just wanted something beautiful for myself

i just wanted to be beautiful
avital Oct 2013
i'll look to love if
looking be true
and stay away
from you
avital Oct 2013
and now she walks with presence
enough for two
and her heels don't feel like
missing you
avital Oct 2013
Let’s be lovers
and speak slow and soft
when the moon reunites itself with the stars
and the words that slip through our lips will
fly upwards like fireflies and
form the clandestine meanings
deep within our whispered confessions
spelled out in the constellations above our heads
sentences gathered and tied
a crown of wildflowers
along with all of the words in between so that
even the broken fragments have
something to hold on to.
avital Oct 2013
and yet, lies may be the most
beautiful thing we have
that remains lovely in its entirety
avital Oct 2013
live for all that moves you
move for all that lives
in beauty and in eloquence
you shall not be known for any less
avital Oct 2013
There is a kind of perpetual loneliness in living. Everyone has their own innermost thoughts and dreams, the ones that they are too ashamed or confused by to speak aloud. Thoughts that no one but themselves are, and ever will be, privy to. They are hidden behind more widely-known and impersonal facts, and others can only see so deep into another’s soul. Therefore, to claim that we “know” someone is never a completely truthful statement. We can memorize their full name, birthday, favorite color. Their favorite book, bad habits, and mannerisms. But, just like one can never truly empathize with another, incapable of understanding what another has gone through in a complete sense, we can never know a person in their entirety. Some get close, best friends, family, lovers. But to say that we know that person, have walked along the boundaries of their mind, would be an impossible feat.
avital Oct 2013
isn't it strange
that we should place our hands over our faces and
weep for those lost
when we are the ones who are
now unable to
find the way
avital Oct 2013
to love to weep is to
sleep under stars
avital Oct 2013
april was sweet but
may proved sweeter

lips taste as strawberries do

and the tangy aftertaste
tangled her thoughts
intertwining itself like lovers’ hands
asserting dominance until
lines now curved to fit the shape
his lips made, and formed
lovely shadows of newfound
avital Oct 2013
she was a paper girl:
her thoughts were written across her face
and she could crumple
quite easily

sometimes she could fold herself neatly
into little squares
so that all seemed good and
organized and

but if you were to unfold her, the words would come rushing at you like a tidal wave and you’d drown in the alphabet soup of her soul
avital Oct 2013
there is a kind of effort in
that ducks behind available assumptions
and finds refuge, overlapping shadows
already cast
whispering truth to an inattentive audience
so that when you finally dare
to look closer
it is nearly impossible to see
strained perfection
avital Oct 2013
to speak to permit sleeping words to awaken and take over it is something so utterly beautiful allowing your soul to seep through any boundaries you have set and exhale clandestine thoughts, permission to dream aloud and scream all that you were once hesitant to acknowledge, that is when you are you and you are infinitely courageous
avital Oct 2013
“You can’t go.”
His hand gripped my wrist, an urgency in his voice. We had been best friends since we first met in second grade, and our relationship had taken a sudden (and maybe one could go as far as to say inevitable) turn freshman year of high school. And yet here I was, about to storm out on the anniversary of our first date 2 years later. His eyes, the warm brown that could melt me from across the room, pleaded me to stay. To forget any wrongdoings, and misunderstandings, and the past ten minutes where I imagined the anger in our voices carried throughout the park. It was supposed to be a picnic, the romantic kind, because he knew I always fell for the romantic, no matter how cheesy it was in reality. And maybe that’s why I liked it so much— it provided an escape.
“I know you. No one else knows you like I do.”
And it was true, to some extent. He had seen me at my best, and at my absolute worst. He knew that I twirled my hair when I was nervous, that I made wishes on ladybugs and stars and 11:11, that I couldn’t sing for my life (and nevertheless belted out, Don’t Stop Believing in the car every time it came on the radio, despite his begging for mercy). He knew where I got the tiny half-moon scar on my ankle and was there for every bone I had ever broken in my elementary school days, knew that I consistently cry through the entire movie Titanic, and that when my dad moved out of the house, it left me slightly broken inside.
But he didn’t know me like he thought he did. And he never really would, because what he didn’t realize is that there is a kind of perpetual loneliness in living. Everyone has their own innermost thoughts and dreams, the ones that they are too ashamed or confused by to speak aloud. Thoughts that no one but themselves are, and ever will be, privy to. They are hidden behind more widely-known and impersonal facts, and others can only see so deep into another’s soul. Therefore, to claim that we “know” someone is never a completely truthful statement. We can memorize their full name, birthday, favorite color. Their favorite book, bad habits, and mannerisms. But, just like one can never truly empathize with another, incapable of understanding what another has gone through in a complete sense, we can never know a person in their entirety. Some get close, best friends, family, lovers. But to say that we know that person, have walked along the boundaries of their mind, would be an impossible feat.
Within the shielded confines of my mind, I could admit that all I wanted in life was to have a love that an artist might be inspired to illustrate, or an author might yearn to capture in written words. A love that was worth replicating. And I didn’t believe that a love like that could come from assumptions, a guessing game. For that’s all that this was, really. We’d known each other for so long, but nevertheless I couldn’t help take offense in the fact that he thought he knew everything about me. Those lovers I read about, they never lost interest in each other. And that was the whole point— a wanting to learn new things about the each other everyday, and a love so deep that they would want to keep learning for the rest of their lives. And if he thought differently, than maybe it was wrong. Maybe God or the stars or whatever it is that sent us flailing into this world, searching for something or someone to grasp on to, didn’t want us to happen. I had convinced myself time and time again, as naïvely as a child, that every relationship  I had would be the one that would become something wonderful. But here I was, facing my supposed love, and he was convinced of something that I knew would eventually ruin us. So I looked him in the eye when I said, “No. No you don’t. We’re strangers, don’t you see?”
But he didn’t. I could see it in his eyes, in his returning gaze.
Maybe he could learn, if he wanted.
But I guess he didn’t want, either, because he bent down and picked wicker basket, still filled with food, draped the blanket over his arm and walked away.
avital Oct 2013
i loathe this in-between place
they say it is beautiful, but i disagree
i am scared and don't know which way to lean
so that i may stay upright
& i don't know whether the sea is below my soles
or above my head
& i don't know where i should want it to be
when you're 15
avital Oct 2013
If Only rings in my head
and won't stop to
let me breathe
avital Jan 2014
nothing seems tangible
a realm that I am either intruding or simply
incapable of reaching
and they say shoot for the moon but
what if I have used up all of my arrows
on shooting stars, or
never had any to begin with
and what if my aim is a little off
all the time
and in a world where "landing among the stars"
isn't enough, I seem to have
no choice but
to put down my bow and
gaze at the existing
Response to the famous quotation, "shoot for the moon... Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars"
avital Oct 2013
your jaw was coated in silver moonlight and it was quite beautiful
the sliver of hope that ignited within me that night
avital Oct 2013
I have learned
to tie laces and
ribbon and
plastic spines are unwilling
to bend
bulky knots
bunny ears then
till away with the secrets
do they send
avital Oct 2013
still lashes are sweet salvation
temporary turning of heads and
to walk down the pavement unafraid
would be wondrous
avital Jan 2014
her ankles are close to
breaking and
she teeters when she walks
heel-toe-heel-toe then
please oh please god let me stay
upright when the wind blows
her collarbone might just shatter
and her wrists could snap in two
it isn't anyone's fault, per say, but bones
and we, as a
fragmented people
need wholeness
and these little cracks, they
add up
avital Jan 2014
that night it was hailing outside
the stars had frozen and fallen from their perches
and when they hit my cheek I
brushed my finger to my lips instead
because they were burning
avital Oct 2013
they tried to tie the little one dressed in white
bind her pale ankles and wrists
saying, one day she'll thank us

she kicked and screamed at the sky
pressed up against her skin
searing at the touch
the empty field beckoned and she cried

and one day the rope unraveled and
gave away
yet she lay there
to will them back
avital Jan 2014
Im going to pretend
(I'm going to
try) that
all I see isn't
could not have been
me, or else I will surely
drive myself to [solicitous]
avital Jan 2014
Sometimes, I feel like
the days are drip-dropping away
like a broken faucet
(is sixteen too young
to be nostalgic)
and it scares me quite a bit
how everyone is always trying
to catch the drizzle in their
Wrinkled hands and
but every time, it manages to
slip through
avital Oct 2013
The snowfall from last night had taken its toll on the car windows and the front dashboard, melting, dripping, and then freezing again, leaving behind a white jagged streak on the glass that echoed the tear stains running along and over the curve of her cheekbones. The salty drops had left the skin feeling stiff as if compressed under a mask, and the back of her eyes burned hot with an ever awaiting supply. Heavy lids and long lashes fluttered to catch them, each blink blurring the world outside of her window. The snowy December morning was distorted by tears and speed and time, a mangled reality. She glanced at the strange girl in the side-view mirror, the one with dark circles under dark eyes. The seatbelt dug into the thin, pale skin of her collarbone, a small red blaze appearing in its place. Lights bled and swirled into one another, the hour of seven being gray and soft and silent. She leaned her cheek against the leather seat, her face tilted towards the glass.
avital Oct 2013
Is fate always this
merciless, marvelous
are the stars that stretch across the sky like
dewdrops, falling as if dauntless
blind and
surrendering itself to the fragile gossamer strands
the spider’s web, a facile yet
safety net
the better choice,
I tilt my chin to the light
my cheeks coated in silver
and salute each flickering victim.

Why the dime waited for her, I
do not understand, although my fingertips bear not only the blur of years past but the tragedy
merely a moment ago, it granted me nearly a lifetime to
slide my thumb along its dull rim
before permitting it to slip away
from my weak grasp and
its silent death muffled by the damp earth and
each blade of grass, tips alit from the yellow porch light,
patiently waiting to be found by
newer, smaller hands and
hair ribbons
happily parting in her

I suppose it worked out well, in the end
the finding was easy, for wishing and
hoping and
long nights and still lashes
prayers silently sliding and cascading
down a jaw that quivers under
burdens, carried prayers
far and up and away
And maybe I have no one to
thank at all
But every night, I would whisper to an empty room
if I waited long enough
it would find me.
avital Oct 2013
The light spills through the glass window in the kitchen and
Drapes itself over countertops and linoleum floors
curves around edges like a contortionist
shadows now lovely shape shifters
An artist in itself, everything is beautiful for
a little while
avital Oct 2013
let us see how
that little dash of light in the corner there
is infinitely beautiful enough
avital Oct 2013
sometimes I can't help but consider the way that you see and who you see and
all that you seem to see, in it's treacherous relation to myself,
as cliché

but then again, it still hurts
avital Oct 2013
but aren't i so utterly pathetic
that the love i crave is unattainable
either in the form that it exists in or the person from whom it is shown
or *both
avital Oct 2013
sometimes, the mourning that one feels for what-could’ve-been is
even worse than the pain felt after having actually lost it.
avital Oct 2013
and you were her ocean in a seashell
avital Oct 2013
we try to clutch the sun in our
cracked hands

but the moon needs a turn to be beautiful
avital Jan 2015
and maybe i just
want to keep you
all to myself
—which is hardly fair,
but one thing I know for certain is that
I will miss the smell of your sweatshirt (it’s
hanging in my closet now, but I keep
the door closed)
I will miss the way I could fold into you
when everything around me felt like paper
flat and dull, but here you were
exhaling a sort of life force that came in the form of
a slight grazing of your knees and mine
your hands and mine
and I’d drift off sometimes, melt into
the perfect crease of your collarbone
so we’d thought, maybe
the measurements of our lips
would match up, too

that night it had hailed outside, and I
ruined my shoes
by the time I arrived
it was a strange place, it was not our living room or
glass vase or sofa
but you wouldn’t have been able to tell by the way we
collapsed into it and
each other, we spoke in hushed dizzy tones
drunk on adrenaline
and it was not long before lips grazed lips
and suddenly hands ran through hair and we could not stop it we could not

I wore your jacket on the way home (you offered
to walk me to my street corner and I said yes)
I think we both knew this Us
belonged to that night
and that night only
but lord, was it
wrote this last december... disregarded because 1) I hate teenage love poems and 2) this was perhaps the cheesiest thing I have permitted myself to write
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