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Dec 2016 · 221
David G Dec 2016
I wanna be your blonde hair
  blowing in the autumn breeze
I wanna be the cough drop
  on your tongue.

I wanna be your brown eyes
  looking to the blazing sun
I'd like to be the ball point pen
  signing your name on that
blank check

I wanna be your bikini string
  untied upon your back
I wanna be the red paint
  polish on your toe
I wanna be your finger between
  the pages of a book of poetry
I'd love to be your shining smile
  in a tumble of morning linen.

I wanna be the aching
  arch of your back
I wanna be the deep purse
  of your parted lips.

I'd love to be the immortal
  ink stain on your white blouse
I wanna be your crescent eyelash
   on your silken cheek lost
I wanna be the sole of your foot
  descending a midnight stocking.
I wanna be your moist breath
  rising past a winter horizon.

I'd love to be your memory
and make
Oct 2016 · 807
David G Oct 2016
I came upon a snake in the road,
A snake in the sun, in the road
on the road.

Coiled and slithery he hissed and
flicked the snake in the road
in the road, in the road.

I fossilized in fear and was stuck
so stuck was I at the sun soaked
snake in the road, in the road.

When from a deepening well and a
light so bright I challenged the snake
in the road, in the road, in the

With Flashing fangs, he bit me, the
******* bit me the snake in the road,
in the road, in the road.

So I seized him and swung him,
thumped him and spun him.
Then bit off his **** head the
snake in the road, in the road
is no more.

We'll see about me.
Oct 2016 · 214
David G Oct 2016
Black soil moist
and content
A flower blooms on
love the sun has lent

In his hands the seed
is unbound
A heart full of  grace such
as a hidden garden Found

His soul is food in wood
and leaf
An unending cycle to ease
my grief

From Father to Son, from
Star to Moon the darkening end comes...
Far to soon.
Oct 2016 · 162
David G Oct 2016
There is was, there is stood
Dried and beauteous on a floor of wood.
The color of  a heart, or maybe
The color of a life-bond.

A perfect dried circle, just
off of the divan- Toe
polish paint. I imagined
being that wayward drop falling,
tumbling miles down and colliding
into a sphere.

Then gazing in amazement up high
at the sweep of your thigh,
leg propped trained  on the coffee
table- peeping into the land of
paradise and pain.

    What a wonderful thing to
   Please don't clean me up.
Feb 2016 · 220
HUGe Heart
David G Feb 2016
I have a huge heart,
tho' it's not all that strong

I have a huge heart,
that weeps at the dawn.

I have a huge heart,
and O what has it gotten me?

I have a huge heart,
slings and arrows O pity me.

I have a huge heart,
nearly swallowed up whole.

I have HUGe heart,
I want to share with the

And the world is having
none of it.
Sep 2015 · 327
David G Sep 2015
In a moment of weakness

I stroked your auburn hair.

        Or was it strength?

— The End —