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avc Mar 2019
On a dark and stormy night
the world may seem so filled with plight
you try to run, you try to hide
but find the end no where in sight

Frustration, indignation, envy, duplicitous behavior
Running madness in your mind
Judging others, negative vibes
These thoughts desecrate the joys in life

Underground shakes of the earth
The elements thundering in
Volcanic eruptions, earth quakes and storms
So many ways that destruction can be formed

In the middle of your darker days
remember stars shine bright in the darkest space
avc Mar 2019
Creation was a gift for all those who seek
Speaking words of wisdom is the key
An ocean of love keeps the peace
Steadfast on a path towards your destiny

The sound of birds when your feeling the vibe
The feel of a soft breeze drying your tears with time
The touch of the ocean on your bare soles
Love is wherever you allow it to roam

Manifestations made from creations
We are here to play with you
Gratitude is an attitude of love
showing the world what made you

Choose to be a light in times of darkness
The mark of an authentic sapient
Apathy creates prostration
Giving in to anything that takes you

Shine like the galaxies above
Reflecting all the lights that shape you
Don't forget you have eyes of your own
A perspective no one else can own
avc Mar 2019
In your betrayal
you blame your clouded mind

You're like the wind
         soft and gentle at first,
               without much notice
there is a sandstorm

You are like the sky
blue filled with sunshine
As I begin to smile,
                                    the grey clouds roll by
                                   and that thunder strikes!
me, dead!
straight in the heart..
you knew where it was from the start

You are the tempest
                  speaking sweet words
                                            only to take them away

You are a beer my dear
I may enjoy you for a moment
but my allergy will shortly take notice
You wont be saving me when I am laying motionless

As streams run down my face,
You ignore them with manipulation
Then demand to receive some sort of stipulation
you scream as though I am a disgrace
you claimed to love but only give more pain
How can you think the two are the same?

I realize now,
Your clouded mind was never mine to clear.
You have shown me for the last time
Who you are with me in mind

I hope you find a joy that is true
                                                     even after all the pain
I wish the same for me and you
To see lifes blessings
                                 and through

From one broken soul to another
I won't deny, I am no model
May we both see
Life is filled with many
woes and defeats
but there is so much more
that loving ourselves can do
in helping us to heal and know what is true.
But it is time to finally say goodbye to you.
avc Dec 2018
Ancestral healing appealing my thought
Your forerunners leading lives in relation
Looking into the battles that have been fought
Looking into the events worth celebration

You forerunners leading lives in relation
An affinity for the homogenity
Looking into the events worth celebration
Releasing all the creativity

An affinity for the homogenity
The pain that helps us all to see
Releasing all the creativity
the courage to continue and be

The pains that help us all to see
Looking into the battles that have been fought
The courage to continue and be
Ancestral healing appealing my thought
avc Dec 2018
Like stars in the somber night
the spectacle is worth the show

I see you

perfecting yourself
Melting ice into a stream
flowing with the land

I hiked for miles and found you there
what a time we had

A light your shining
ripples out into the ether
making you a star

and I am ever grateful
just for knowing who you are.
avc Dec 2018
An apple falling,
Questions gleaming from the mind,
knowledge calling.
avc Dec 2018
Remember how to breath
to slow it down masterfully
Its actually your right to BE
in a world where there is so much diversity
the moments are passing through time
Remember to laugh it off
everything is alright
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