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Aurora Mar 2014
Her soul was a beaten fragile thing in the age of 16.
She was lost.
Emotionally out of control.

Her parents believed she was fine
because she would make them think she was.

Choosing not to have friends.
Choosing to be isolated.
Choosing to let her boyfriend control her.

Choosing to let the Depression eat her alive.

2 years.

It took two years for her to fight back.
Standing up straight,
with the support of her family and help,
She defeated the illness.

She shined like if she was the sun herself.
New friends helped her shine bright
Her family love helped her become strong

Choosing to write down her emotions
Choosing to communicate with her family
Choosing to open up to TRUE friends.

Her smile returns and the future is golden in her eyes.

2 years

She smiles,
but they're small.
She laughs,
but they're light
Her eyes,
have lost something.
She seems... empty.

Lying in bed, soft music playing in the background,
She cries and cries and cries.

She wants to scream, but has no energy.

All she can do is cry,
She thought she beat it,
She thought it was over.

It took two years for her to get better
It took two years for her to get worst

Staring into the ceiling...

She squints and tries to see her future.

The ghost of her 16 year old self lies next to her.
They stare at each other.
Their feelings and ****** expressions mirroring each other.

Holding hands they stare back at the ceiling and think.
*Two Years
Aurora Mar 2014
The stars twinkle.
The moon glows.

Our bare feet touching the rich soil as we make our way,
into the Night.
Holding hands, there's only US.

Our bareness laid out for mother natures taking.
Barely breathing, we make peace with the world.

In the Sea of the Night, as we make our way deeper into the world,
we walk among the wicked and the strange.
Among the poor and the rich.
Among the hollow and gluttony.

With our hands clasped tight,
our love bare
our feet bare
our emotions bare
our bodies bare...

We walk into the sea of the night,
with true love,
as our guiding light.
Mine. Thank you.
Aurora Sep 2013
She thought she loved him.
She thought he was her IT.

Their kisses give her a bad aftertaste.

Slowly she wipes her lips with her hand.

She watches him.
A smile on her lips.
He loves her.
It's obvious.

Does she love him?

His touches make her feel cold and sick.
They're suppose to make her feel warm and loving.

He treats her like a queen.
She treats him like a friend.

What's wrong with her?
Confusion and dishonest surrounds her.

Can she be falling out of love?

No tears come out from her.
A small smile graces her face.

He fights for her, as she walks away.


Please don't leave!
Please don't!

Her shadow turns the corner and disappears.

His shadow beds forward and starts heaving.
His heart broken.
His heart ripped.
His heart stomped.


A small smile graces his lips.
A small note held tightly in his hand.

She watches,
As he gives a girl a note.

A small frown on her face.
She watches as her loves another girl.
She watches as he showers her with love.

Everyone watches the scene in action.
Her big frowns.
His big smiles.

Regret and bitterness bite her.
Happiness and life carress him.

She misses him.
She misses them.
She misses...


His heart belongs to someone else.
She wants his heart.
She takes his heart
And stabs it.

911 please state your emergency
A small smile graces her lips.
Aurora Sep 2013
She first tried death.
Dying was the only way to go.
But death had other plans...

She tried running away second.
She would live life  trouble free
She would be happy
She would be free

Is that so bad to want?
To be happy

But they brought her back.

She will never be good enough for them.
She will never be a success for them.

So then why do they continue to bring her back.

She wants to be happy.
She wants to be free.

Someone please let her go.
Cut the strings.
Release her.

But no.

They cling to her.
They hold on tight,
Their claws mark her.

She's their property.
She has no name.
She has no life.
She has nothing.

Back to the cage.
Where he belongs.
Aurora Sep 2013
Family members surround me
They smile and laugh and joke
They hug and kiss and love

I watch them with opened eyes

Only I see the knives on everyone's hand

Each one hugs one another, sliding the knife down their spine.

I shiver.

I move away from everyone.
My family.

I've never heard so much falseness before.
So much fake people
The people I have to call family.

Am I alone?

I stare at everyone and wish we could love freely,
With no hate
With no backstabbing
With no ****.

I feel like I'm on T.V
Someone give me a script.

I watch and frown

Am I alone?

Sisters laughing, but their eyes are dead.
Brothers grinning, but their smiles are dangerous.
Mother is smiling, but there's a glaze in her eyes.
Father is hugging, but his hugs are loose.

I can't be here.
I didn't sign up for this role.

They all look at me with disdain.
With disgust.

At least they all have something in common.

Their hatred for me.
Aurora Sep 2013
Lying down,
I feel it worst
Like fire licking up my body,
It burns.

Make this stop
Please make it stop .

My body is numb.
I can't move.

I scream inside for help

you deserve no help, you earned this

My heart beats loud

My screams are silenced by the beats

No one hears

The guilt crushes my chest
My heart
My lungs

I reach out
No ones there

you're on your own

you deserve this

you asked for this

It was all an accident

you were careless... You deserve it

My breathing stops.
The fire of guilt consumes my body, mind and soul.

*i deserve this
Aurora Sep 2013
If I would have known I was going to be this much trouble,
I would have crawled back into my moms womb.

If I knew I was going to be this much trouble,
I would never want to learn to talk

If I knew I was going to be this much trouble,
I would have never learned how to walk.

If I knew I was going to be a mistake,
I would have stopped swimming and drown.

I'm a kid, that still doesn't know what to do.

My age screams responsibilities
My eyes whisper I'm trying

But in the end of it all

In the eyes of everyone
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