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 Jul 2013 Sand
Jai Rho
 Jul 2013 Sand
Jai Rho
What value is there
in a promise
fulfilled with ease

Compared to one
that finds its way
to you in shreds
on hands and knees
 Jul 2013 Sand
Jai Rho
 Jul 2013 Sand
Jai Rho
I'm going to make
pancakes today
and I won't be grumpy
if they're lumpy

Because I'll know
what's in 'em
and how good they'll be
in me
 Jul 2013 Sand
The top of my head is open
My scalp lays on the floor beside me
It is open to the world
Every germ and every human
(if they are any different)
But the gods drilled the holes in the tops of my skill
To sip from my moods and my thoughts
as they went on tropical vacations
They cut me open to find me empty
And to fill me again
They shaved out the insides of my skull
So they could sprinkle it onto their yogurt with granola
And they left me to dry
But I awoke with an ache of ruin in the back of my neck
I went about my daily life
I bought groceries
I met with friends
I chatted about politics
But I couldnt help but feel a bit empty
I took Advil to calm the pounding of my head
It could not be avoided
Until the day I looked up
My brain was gone
And the top of my head was left open
And all I had now was the rest of the world filling it in.
I did not need a brain.
 Jul 2013 Sand
Raj Arumugam
cat luck
 Jul 2013 Sand
Raj Arumugam
for centuries
black cats have been
the subject of blame

Is it bad luck
if a black cat follows you?

Here’s the answer
to settle this mystery
once and for all:
*It all depends, if you’re human or mouse
9 of 9 poems in The Cat Poems series; poems based on jokes from online
 Jul 2013 Sand
This poem is a toast to our love, to pure love.
Let peace, purity & contentment prevail
everywhere evenly dispelling hatred.

There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!
There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!

Whether it's writing poems,
Whether it's riding horses,
Whether it's reading books,
Or it's roaming nooks...

There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!
There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!

Whether it's blooming flowers,
Whether it's raining droplets,
Whether it's crooning lullabies,
Or it's draining tensions...

There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!
There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!
My HP Poem #382
©Atul Kaushal
 Jul 2013 Sand
I don't tell Ma when
I put on this gooey, yellow,
Besan-turmeric face pack.
Too embarrassing to let her know
That her daughter finally bothers
About those useless things
Like oily skin,
Like ****** glow.
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