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phie Sep 2018
Am I overreacting?
Is something not wrong and I just don’t deserve the effort he gives?
I gave him a sliver of my heart,
Should I have given him the whole thing?
phie Jul 2017
i feel repulsed by your touch
do you just want to use my love for your selfish needs
what do i mean to you?
phie Jul 2017
conflicting thoughts keeping me up at night
i don't think darkness has ever been this welcoming
phie Apr 2021
as i sit on the balcony of a house that is not my own
i see the passerbys enjoy the warmth of the sun
sheltered from the heat, stuck feeling the chill
i see the cars drive past while my feet sit still
my morning coffee bitter, and my heart cold
it seems as though the breeze has taken hold
the shadows on the side of the house the only mark of me
phie Feb 2018
my head is pounding
my eyes feel heavy, light flashes
like the blue and red on cop cars
i want to close my eyes and never wake up
i long for what i cannot do
how can i sleep when the firing of gunshots sound through my skull
phie May 2016
my heart is beating way too quickly
and i feel like I'm asleep
there's no way for me to see that
this isn't just a dream.
phie Mar 2021
when i was a child i had thought of a life much different from mine
as an adult i still long for the delusions of my dreams
it is hard to picture my future absent of some magic
some otherworldly force to make it worth the effort
when i grow even older will i still wish for more
phie May 2017
decaying roses sitting in a vase
astonishing words come from your pen but your lips are stitched up
you make me have butterflies in my stomach, at display at all times
it seems like I'm an exhibit; please stare straight through my ribcage
sipping slowly on some nice red wine
a picnic during a thunderstorm
your glance shoots through me
like the harsh strike of a lightning bolt
your kiss on my neck leaves dark purple bruises
tracing all the way to my pursed lips
your puppy dog eyes and my ever so fluttering heart
please, just tell me what you want
do you want all this to be directed at you?
force my hands, tell me what to do
my attention time and heart
taken up
by you
phie May 2017
why do i miss someone i never loved
all she ever was to me was a distraction
now it seems like she's more of an affixation
am i just jealous?
envious even?
she has a life
that i just want to be in
i could just chalk it up to lust
but then again she might think the same of me

— The End —