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Jun 2016 · 358
Dear Agony
Atishay Jun 2016
Forced smiles denting the slippery cheeks
Drape the unsettling naked truth.

Clumsy remarks from those long muted lips
Confirm a heart full of voids.

These holes in my curtain  fall shy of sunlight,
My dreams dreaming stars on the inside,
These strings scar my fingers every night,
Driving me to sing out the pain one might

And I do not need to stand before you,
When you can just use my sight.
Jun 2016 · 395
Healing Through Nature
Atishay Jun 2016
The vastness of the ocean whispered that
Dreams cannot be contained

The pure moonlight guiding the
Rested hopes of mine

The land that HE carved out
Just for admiration
Crossed all limits to stun mankind

Music in my ears
Making things clearer every moment

And suddenly ,
the horizon seemed less hazy.
Jun 2016 · 313
Atishay Jun 2016
Vows changing by the hour,
Losing one of the few ties
Of what they said were ties of a lifetime.

This grey love never feels...never owns
And is beneath of what owes and grows.
The hazy lines of your palm,
The fading pictures of your green mind,
The invisible skin covering crooked bones,
And the fake rainbow.
Do nothing but **** my expectation.
Jun 2016 · 425
No Matter What
Atishay Jun 2016
Didn't map my days to fill yours
Faked my sleep to dream yours
Crumbled my faith to protect yours
And I did lose my way,
Because I was busy lighting yours.

Countless scars, as in a bark
Ignited thoughts, often dark.

Strings are broken
The ink has gone dry
Still aiming for the horizon
While the colors die.
Feb 2016 · 365
Amidst All Possibilities
Atishay Feb 2016
"    The idea of hope mesmerizes me...

      Taking me out of myself
      Building the lives I lived in deep sleep
      Crushing the haunting shadows that parallel me
      Filtering the unknown into something placid
      Re scripting the bold unshakable imprints               "

*Expressing it, was unjust,
It only had to be done
I had never in my life,
Gone so far with my dreams
That i don't remember not living them
I see a light , I think I see,
a spark signalling a route
solely meant for me.

My idea of fulfillment stands still
Though the past seems heavy
My sanguine thoughts are over time and belief.
And so I will,
I will out of all possibilities
Cross the line and
Enter something ineffable.
Dec 2015 · 397
Remember me
Atishay Dec 2015
Burden me with Hope
Blind me with expectations
Abstain me from being impulsive
Allure me with your materialism

Then ask me to remember you?

I am a progeny of my own blunders
         a result of my own judgement
         a prey to my own beliefs
         a verse of my own song

I dont need to remember you

If you want yourself to be remembered

Embellish my lone thoughts with your own
Give shape to my nascent blunt dreams
Dont let go when HE tests , be there
**Being there counts
Remembering a person demands courage.People meet,love,hate and forget.They leave a mark,a scar on your ****** fate.By remembering you give back what you owe .
Dec 2015 · 449
Atishay Dec 2015
I let it occupy the whole of me
And its hold on me kept escalating

My hand reaching out to my head
pinching ,scratching.
My nails fighting the hair off my wrinkled brain
Changing the color of my untouched skin
Turning me into a monster , I couldn't see

It went away and left me with
damp cheeks, bruised skin ,
cheapened love and helplessness

And knowing the consequences now,
I do it again AND AGAIN!!
Dec 2015 · 354
Atishay Dec 2015
Life has its endless ways of making and breaking you.
It gives you company to laugh and at the same time leaves you lonely in the dark.
We were together ,We will no more.
There is a whole world out there that I have to make , to conquer.
I have decisions to take , grief to overcome and I have to fight through all that pain.

It was never 'I' .
It was 'We' every ******* time.
Without 'Us' I cant imagine getting to the other side.

No, It will be your smile that will keep me going ,
It will be that old torn photograph to hold to when life abandons me,
It will be that one occasional visit that will bring back the lost soul.

Yes , Yes .Eternity will see us hand in hand.Eternity will see us shine together.
Dec 2015 · 298
Atishay Dec 2015
Burden of insufficiency clouding their thoughts
Blurring their perfect picture
Endless tunnels under the setting sun
Cover the left lustre.....shadowing hope
Aug 2015 · 351
Atishay Aug 2015
She just took a side
Gladly, I chose that too
Like drops we met the earth
Leaving the sky blue

She whispered love
Leaving a trace of its beauty
And I followed it helplessly
Hypnotized by its ease

There it flew,
The poem i wrote for her
Give it a voice she said
I wished I had the courage to..

*We all are
blinded by love,
blinded by faith,
blinded by us  
Aug 2015 · 363
A step you can take back
Atishay Aug 2015
I waved and said goodbye

We walked those steps for the last time
I paused
While he went on

With racing heart , submerged eyes and rekindled fear
I saw his blurred image in the distant
Just before i turned to walk my part of the distance

I smiled over my grief,
Stepped over my pain
And selflessly left a moist imprint on his forehead

He was about to start a world of his own
Not knowing he was about to end mine

Those parting words of him have inspired me...
Inspired me to hope....
Parents spend their whole life in making us ,but we children forget to look back and we get ****** in the whirlpool of technology and materialism.
The thing that the parents remember is only the goodbye , the parting and the remorse...
Jul 2015 · 411
Atishay Jul 2015
My eyes can see no more see towards heaven,
the tears have made them heavy

I no more know who to hold on to

Its raining and...
i no more have my shelter
i no more have a home

I don't smile anymore, nor do i pray;
I have watched all my people suffer
Yes, I just stood there and watched them scattered amidst the ruins

I know what loss is and i cant imagine a sorrow deeper

**  First i used to see the sun ,
   now its just the clouds i see

   I used to see the stars,
   but its just darkness left for me
This poem is dedicated to all the people who lost their own in natural calamities and struggle to make a living
Jul 2015 · 423
Atishay Jul 2015
I want you to help me climb your shoulders
I deserve

Be the shadow that guides
I deserve

Cross your arms around me
Whisper courage in my ears
Walk it out hand in hand
Heed to the child in me

But you left me to walk with everyone else...
Jul 2015 · 358
Atishay Jul 2015
Moving away to light another day
It went by

Whispering the secret of shining
in its absence.
Jul 2015 · 403
Atishay Jul 2015
The crimson ball of hope
reaching out

Rising above the men

Adding color to existance
Jul 2015 · 284
Winter Rain
Atishay Jul 2015
The droplets baltering their way through the grey sky,
that end up trickling down your spine

Amongst the winds that travel in the highest of mountains,
leaving me speechless**

A moment that stayed longer than usual.
Jul 2015 · 208
Atishay Jul 2015
They come in shades of light and dark

Words Reflect.Mould.Inspire
Words Shatter.Break.End
Feb 2015 · 319
Autumn Sun
Atishay Feb 2015
The leaves were falling glinting in the sun
Reminding the winter the spring neared
The simplicity of the moment brought out its empathy.
Music to it was just like a pillow to your head...
Seeing the stars fall upon the earth in the gold convincing rays of the sun... A moment saved...

— The End —