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 Oct 2013 Athenia Roberts
i told my doctor that  
i've had thoughts of suicide

i told him that sometimes
i press the flesh of my palms against my windpipe
and try to force the good things out of my ***** lungs

i asked him
after the years of erosion,
will my face still be my own?

he said, no
so i clasped my hands around my neck
to keep from breathing

this air that doesn't belong to me
this air i do not deserve
this air that will never be my own
I just wanted to write something.
your lips were stained red
the first time
you ever drank from a big girl’s cup
you know
the one without a lid
and your mother was so proud

when you still bathed with your little sister
because you were young
and it was okay
she decided to taste the grape shampoo
because it smelled so sweet
and so it should taste the same
and she was curious
and so were you
but she grimaced
and choked
and even cried
so you thought that maybe
it wasn't such a good idea
so you didn't taste it

and remember the time you scraped your knees
because you were trying to be like all of the boys
and so you climbed up the tree at the park
just to prove that you weren't fragile
and you didn't even cry
not even a tear
so they decided you must not have cooties
you weren't like the other girls
you were one of them
and you were the exception
you wore those scars with pride

your lips were stained red
the first time you tasted wine
you were at communion
with your best friend
who called herself a bad catholic
at the age of just thirteen

when your sister was twelve
and just learning about
how smoking was bad for you
she decided to steal a cigarette from your mother
because all of the grownups did it
and you were sixteen and curious
because all of the cool kids did it
and when she coughed
and hacked
and ****** in another drag
you thought that maybe
it wasn't such a good idea
but you both did it anyways

and remember that same year
you wanted to impress all of the boys
so you went to your first party
and it was nothing like in the movies
but you wanted to prove that you were like the other girls
so you drank yourself into a haze
and you slipped into one of the bedrooms
with a faceless stranger
and you didn't even cry
but you wanted to
Thank you all for the views! I wrote this partially from life experiences, but some of it is based on things my friends went through. I was drinking red juice and feeling particularly nostalgic, then, bam! Inspiration.
Alone in the hollow
the mist settles in
hair begins arising
first pangs of fear

snap goes a twig
just to your left
keenly you listen
dare not a breath

you search for a reason
around and within
why your so startled
quaking within

you laugh off the feelings
putting them out of mind
and then you move forward
along a broken fence line

decrepit and abandoned
this lonely old road
through Jacobs hollow
slowly you go

a soft gurgling noise
penetrates the night
a sliver of moon
casts a grim light

never should have come
to yourself you do say
I should have waited
for the light of day

another twig snaps
this time to your right
looking all around
nothing in sight

you dart to the left
expecting the worse
when a fawn erupts
from the woods by the trail

you laugh to your self
what a fool you have been
shake yourself off
strike forth once again

the covered bridge lies
a short distance away
marking the point
half the distance
has been made

Oh just to be home
safe in your bed
but the legend of the hollow
just had to be dared

a cackling laugh
carried by the wind
opens your eyes
startles again

a light in the entrance
of the covered bridge
flickering slowly
making shadows dance

you catch a slight movement
out of the corner of your eye
there in the shadows
you can see the eye shine

the gurgling sound
again yet much nearer
settles in your mind
now blank with fear

the shadow it lunges
at you from its lair
backwards you scramble
screaming in fear

running away
as fast as you can
you should not have ventured
this night on the land

a feast for the beast
now you will become
if you can not make it
out of the hollow

a quarter mile to go
screaming you sprint
escaping the clutches
on this you are bent

at last you've arrived
not a second to soon
as the beast jumped
it was dissolved by the moon

You cry out a thanks
there on the ground
dust your self off
and settle on your way

home where it's safe
never again will you go
to Jacobs hollow
alone in the fall
Time Machine

  Sweet sunshine spreads across your bed as you breath, breathe scented with Playdoh and black raspberries from the front yard. I watch your chest rise, fall, rise, fall.
“There’s my boy. Time to get up. Rise and Shine.”
That grin, before you even open your big blue eyes, those windows to your soul, those orbs that reflect my own face back to me.
the softness of your young skin, freckled from long summer days.
Here we are content in this solitary moment.
I have a desire to dive head first into a black hole to stop time.
Growing up means girlfriends, heartache, peer pressure...*** ( frankly I am not ready to have that conversation)
Growing up means getting closer to the time when you won’t really need me anymore. It means understanding that the world  out there has teeth...
Then you will get your driver’s license, freewill.
I want to dive head first into that black hole to stop time so maybe we can hold onto this moment forever.

At bedtime last night you confessed you are scared of the those dark pockets in your room.
“What are YOU afraid of, Mom?”
I think I said fire, spiders. it was a lie.
I couldn’t bare to tell you about the funeral today.  You would ask the question that doesn’t have an answer:  Why was he driving so fast, Mom? And I would have to admit that I don’t have the answers this time.
Telling you would be like telling the moth about the flame, crushing your own dreams before you could even imagine them. I can’t tell you what it was like to watch his friends huddled in a circle, holding each other up to keep from throwing themselves into the grave beside him.
Past the circle, stood the body of his mother. Only her body. Her mind wasn’t there, It couldn’t have been. Because I am a mom. I have you, my boy and I know.I know that ****** created a vacuum for her hopelessness. Otherwise she would be ripping out her hair, screaming, clawing, jumping in the casket with the body, trying to forget that his lifeless image is now scorched into her brain for eternity.
That brain works like a time machine, gears turning, visiting the day at the ocean when he flew his first kite, seeing him in the photo next to his first bike, his first missing tooth, his first school dance, his first crush, his first basketball game,  his first car...   Memories upon memories turning brown like old photographs.  Her time machine now searches for the memory of his last dinner at home, his last words on the phone, his last basketball game, his last breath....
My boy, I hope I never need that time machine. But that black hole will not keep you here with me in this moment, young and innocent. That biggest fear you asked about last night.... is losing you forever, my boy.
Stay alive. Erase all other words of wisdom ever parted from my lips. I don’t really care if you use the word “ain’t”. I will cover my ears. Leave your jammies on the floor, forget to wash your face, leave your bike in the rain, play baseball instead of walking the dog, lie about finishing that essay, come home past curfew because it took awhile to gather the courage to kiss her. I won’t be mad. You will be in this world and I can look into your bright eyes again tomorrow...without that **** time machine.

— The End —