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7.2k · Nov 2012
Q Nov 2012
There once was a tall giraffe
She loved to laugh and laugh.
She had a bow tie
And she never did cry –
Even when she looked at bar graphs.
4.6k · Nov 2012
Q Nov 2012
When the princess was lost
they all heard the sound.
The whole kingdom would search
until she was found.

But she didn't get lost --
she'd been stolen from home!
Because the evil witch -- Gothel --
wanted the throne.

The young girl, Rapunzel,
was locked in a tall tower
until the day Mother Gothel
would come into power.

The princess had planned --
Rapunzel had dared! --
to find an escape
so she grew out her hair.

It took so much time
and her hair was so long.
So she waited until
Mother Gothel had gone.

The door locked behind her,
the witch not in sight,
she hung her hair on a hook
and began her great flight.

Rapunzel escaped
and soon she found love.
But Gothel had found her
and both had to run.

Gothel was angry
and she ran after then.
Rapunzel had fooled her,
so she would get her revenge.

She grabbed a gold knife
and Rapunzel did dart.
Then the man that she loved
was stabbed in the heart.

Now, again, she is locked
in that very tall tower
and all she can do
is sit there and cower.
4.1k · Nov 2012
The Hourglass Keeper
Q Nov 2012
The hourglass keeper
knows your time is short
when the sand in the bottom is deeper.

When the final grain falls
your life will be taken
by the hourglass keeper.

None can escape
the hourglass keeper
unless you are given a gift.

With your breath everlasting
and your heart beating always
the hourglass keeper forgets.

When the hourglass keeper
does finally forget
then end of the world will come.
2.1k · Nov 2012
Q Nov 2012
They hide while you're sleeping
and come when you rise.
They come from the weeping
and run from your eyes.

You escape while you're sleeping
with such a surprise.
The thoughts you'll be keeping
are dripping with lies.

You wish you were sleeping
so you could forget.
You want to stop weeping
and have no regret.

Can you always be sleeping?
You know that you can.
You need to stop weeping,
but not by that plan.

You won't always be sleeping,
you won't always smile,
you won't always be weeping,
but you'll live a long while.
1.6k · Nov 2012
Silent Meadow
Q Nov 2012
One silent meadow
then a blood-curdling scream.
Then silence again.
Haikus are fun..
1.5k · Nov 2012
A Game Called Love
Q Nov 2012
The lovesick young girl
who felt her heart call
had known it was time
for her disguise to fall.

She was immortal
and she fell for a man.
One day she'd lose him
and that wasn't her plan.

So she called for the witch
and she plead for a chance.
It was all that she wanted--
and endless romance.

She made her wish
but a price would be paid.
Her soul would be sold
and the deal would be made.

Now she was empty,
and die she now could.
Her love still lingered
so tell him she would.

They met up at midnight
and her heart skipped a beat.
Her love was confessed
as she looked at her feet.

She lifted her heard
and tears filled her eyes.
He didn't love her
so the world heard her cries.

Now she would age
and later on die
but first her revenge
on the one who lied.

She returned to the witch
and made a request.
She could have back her soul
but this new curse got no rest.

So never would he love
and never would she care.
They were forever entwined
in a cycle of despair.
1.4k · Dec 2012
Q Dec 2012
The littlest mermaid
fell in love with a man
and she asked the witch to give her feet.

She gave her the gift
and she took her sweet voice
then she gave the mermaid a curse.

"If he does not fall in love with you
before the full moon rises,
you will turn into sea foam."

Ariel, the mermaid,
ignored the old witch
and made her way to the shore.

The man whom she loved
was also a prince
and he came to the shore to help her.

She loved him so dearly --
but he loved another,
and she knew should would not win.

So, as the full moon came,
she went to the cliff
and dove into the sea.

The prince, Eric, saw this
and ran to save her
but when he got to the edge, she was gone

When he looked over the cliff
and all that he saw
was a small bit of sea foam.
1.4k · Nov 2012
Glass Girl
Q Nov 2012
The girl who was glass
with her heart torn in two
was afraid she would shatter
if she just dared to choose.

She cried till she slept--
it was all that she did,
until the day came along--
until she ran and she hid.

Her choice never made,
her mind still in thought.
As the townspeople worried,
she was found and then caught.

'Your fight has been fought,
your battle is done,'
the townspeople called
as the banged on their drums.

She wept and she moaned
as they yelled in her ears.
They told her to choose
but it would bring out her fears.

She said one single name
just one single word.
The townspeople gasped
and then came the birds.

They pecked at her eyes
and cracked her glass skin.
Then she knew that her fears
would finally win.

The girl who was glass
with her heart torn in two
was afraid she would shatter
if she just dared to choose.
1.4k · Jan 2013
The Radiant Girl
Q Jan 2013
The Radiant Girl
Shone bright as she smiled
And when she cried
The world wept with her.

She was an angel,
A girl in disguise.
She was sent here to watch
His sweet Mirror-Eyes.

As she secretly watched
This special boy grow
She felt in her heart
A love she couldn't show.

Soon the boy found
The lovely Glass Girl
And she became oh so sad
When their sweet love unfurled.

The Radiant Girl
Felt she'd lose him forever!
Her fragile heart crumbled
and her rage took over.

The girl made of glass
Fell into pieces
And the whole world
Began to crumble.

The Radiant Girl
Screamed at this town
As the boy who could fly
Struck her love down.  

His heart was torn out
Then thrown to the side.
So the Radiant Girl
Fell down and cried.

Now she was alone
And her true love was gone.
She disappeared quickly
To escape Death's song.

The lost angel returned
to the boy who could fly.
The dark had consumed her
and now it was time --

The Radiant Girl
Shone bright as she smiled
And when she died
The world went with her.
1.2k · Nov 2013
Q Nov 2013
The leaves fall down and so do our tears
when the sad child screams
to follow his dreams.

Wish for happiness and live in fear;
you look for perfection
in your secret addiction.

Tired and weary and lost in the dark,
wishing and longing
for the exit that's lost.

Inside it's cold but outside it isn't --
just escape them yourself
for your own mental health.

So push off the hands that keep you a secret --
you're locked up inside
by those scared to try.

The leaves have grown back and our tears have dried up
because you let go of the ones
who kept you inside.
1.1k · Dec 2012
Q Dec 2012
Once upon a time
there was a poor man
and he has a beautiful daughter.

The king saw the beauty
and brought them to his court
and commanded the girl to spin gold.

She did not know how
so she started to cry
until a small man came to help.

"I will spin this hay
into strands of pure gold
but you must give me a gift."

The young girl agreed
and gave him a necklace
then, soon, the room was full.

The very next day
her room was much bigger
and, again, she was told spin gold.

Alone in the room
the small man returned
and again requested a gift.

She gave him her ring
and the small man did spin
until all the hay was gold.

The greedy old king
wanted more gold
and the third room was much larger.

Again the man came,
still wanting gifts,
but the girl had nothing left.

The small man thought
and had an idea --
he wanted her first born child.

She sadly accepted
and the room filled with gold.
Then the daughter married the king.

The new queen had a daughter
and, just as he said,
the man came to take her away.

She wanted to keep her
so he gave her three days
to find his hidden name.

On the very last day
a knight saw a man
who had a peculiar name :


The queen dared to say,
"Could your name maybe be ...

He lashed out in anger
and tore himself in two
and never again was he seen.
1.0k · Nov 2012
Nine Words
Q Nov 2012
Why does she feel
like she doesn't belong?
Why does she feel
like none want her near?

Why does she feel
like she's always unwanted?
Why does she feel
like she's just and annoyance?

Why can't she feel
like she's happy and important?
Why can't she feel
like she's free to be herself?

But she can be herself!
So why does it matter
what everyone thinks of
the girl full of thoughts?

One simple sentence
is all it could take.
But I'll give  you nine words
to answer your questions:

She shouldn't feel,
she can feel,
it doesn't matter.
992 · Dec 2012
Snow's Heart
Q Dec 2012
The girl called
Snow White
was sentenced
to death
so she fled.

The old queen
sent a
to fetch her
Snow's heart.

Snow hid in
a cottage
full of
small men --

With the kingdom
in ruins,
the seven dwarves
cast Snow out
into the woods.

The Hunstman
saw Snow
and ran after her.
So Snow ran back
in the cottage.

The little dwarves
were angered
and the drew
their small swords
and killed her.

The Huntsman
barged in and
saw her dead body
and he cut
out her heart.

He gave it
to the queen
and the kingdom
in ruins
remained ruined.

985 · Nov 2012
The Watchers
Q Nov 2012
The watcher of night
hid from the day
and fled from the light
because she could not stay.

The watcher of day
saw this sweet sight
as they played this new game
and he ran from the night.

But the watcher of night
did not want to run
so she ended her flight
and stood in the sun.

The watcher of day
was soon full of fright.
Should he, too, stay
or cower in her might?

So the watchers both stayed
and they faced on another.
The night wasn't afraid
so she stood with her brother.

As the night and day blend
Death come for the watchers
and one life did end --
and that life was her's.

A new watcher of night
now runs from the day.
She flees from the light --
She is forbidden to stay.

The watcher of day
is not pleased by the sight
but he still plays the game
and runs from the night.
978 · Nov 2012
She Belongs
Q Nov 2012
She sits in her room
and dreams of her friends.
She's free and she's happy --
she's wanted and loved.

She smiles, she laughs
the opens her eyes
as her heart fills with dread.
It was only a dream.

She walks through the halls
and she puts on her show.
She smiles and laughs
but they'll never know.

She feels so alone,
she feels so left out,
she feels like she's lost,
unless she's with them.

Did she even belong?
Would she ever really know?
Could she ever be a part?
Or would she be unwanted?

Then came the day
when her dream came true.
Finally, she believes.
Finally, she belongs.
867 · Nov 2013
Porcelain Demon
Q Nov 2013
Ebony hair
and ivory skin;
the girl who was glass
was saved from her sin.

Her figure was altered,
her appearance had changed.
Black hair to gold
and with that she was named.

The Glass Girl was reborn
and her memories stolen.
They would only return
when she became golden.

She was sent back in time
and grew up an angel.
She watched a young boy
who was not cimply a stranger.

The girl who was glass
and the girl who would **** her
were one in the same
and their were impure.

When the Glass Girl was shattered
and the Mirror-Eyes dulled,
the poor Radiant Girl
was now lost in the cold.

The Flying Boy warned her
because the flying boy knew.
He is a cold-hearted demon.
and now the angel is, too.

A demon she is
and glass like before.
Her porcelain heart
is black to the core.

Ebony hair
and ivory skin.
The girl who was glass
pays for her sin.
This poem is in somewhat of a series.. To clear some confusion you should read Glass Girl, Mirror-Eyed Boy and Radiant Girl (in that order)~
803 · Nov 2012
Q Nov 2012
Tick-Tock goes the clock
you'd better scream and shout.
Tick-Tock goes the clock
your time is running out.

Ding-**** go the bells
forever your time is done.
Ding-**** go the bells
and gone is all the fun

Hush, hush goes the wind
because now it's too late.
Hush, hush goes the wind
because you've sealed your fate.
793 · May 2014
My Gem and I
Q May 2014
We were twins,
My Gem and I,
And never once
Did I see her cry.

Not when the crab
Stole her clock
And not when the ******
Lost her lock.

Not when the lion
Shaved his mane
And not when the ram
Forgot her name.

Not when the fish
Became seafood
And not when the archer
Was in a bad mood.

Not when the scorpion
Became poison-free
And not when the seagoat
Disappeared from the sea.

Not when the water-bearer
Stopped doing its work
And not when the scales
Lost their perks.

Not when the bull
Found the tamer
And lost it's freedom
For and old man's wager.

My Gem and I
Were twins, not friends.
She never cried
Or made amends.

We left each other
And she was fine
Until the end
Of our story lines.
745 · Dec 2012
I'm Not Sorry Anymore
Q Dec 2012
I took in a deep breath
and closed my eyes.
I let it all out
then my eyes opened.
I wanted to tell you my secret
but you were gone.

Tears came to my eyes
and I looked at the ground
then I whispered to myself
"I love you
and I thought you loved me,
but I guess I was wrong."

I never heard from you
ever again but
sometimes I saw you
with your friends.
I never stopped loving you
but you did.

In the end
I didn't really care --
I didn't want you anymore.
I'll just find someone else
like you do.
But I will always love you.

After awhile,
you said you loved me too
so we were together.
But it wasn't too long
until I was the one
who ran away.

I know that you love me
and I love you too.
But you aren't
the one for me.
And I'm definitely
not the one for you.

I know that
in the end,
it was like the beginning,
but I ran away from you
and left you with
words still on your lips.

I wish I was,
but honestly,
I'm not.
I wanted to be happy.
I'm not sorry
that I left you.

I did this for me
not for you.
I used to be sorry
that I left you,
that I made you sad.
But I'm not sorry anymore.
689 · Nov 2012
Clockwork Heart
Q Nov 2012
Her clockwork heart
Will always tick
Because that’s what it does.

She lives forever
And nothing can change –
Not till the time is right.

Her clockwork heart
Will always tick
Even if you break it.

Steal her love,
And crush her spirit,
And the curse will come to you.

The clockwork heart
Will soon be yours
Because you stole it from her.

The clockwork heart
Will always tick
No matter whose it is.
672 · Feb 2013
Poor Little Lucy
Q Feb 2013
Little Lucy
Lost her mother
And her father
Didn't care.

He walked
Right by her
And he never
Said a word.

But Lucy knew
His deepest secret
And she hoped
He didn't know.

She'd been murdered --
Lucy's mother --
And Lucy knew
By who.

She'd never tell,
She was afraid.
Did her father
Know she knew?

Poor, poor Lucy
Lost her life
Because, yes,
Her father knew.
669 · Dec 2012
My Yellow Bird
Q Dec 2012
One day I'll meet my yellow bird,
or maybe I never will.
One day I'll find my yellow bird,
or maybe I already have.

My yellow bird wasn't my first love --
it might not be my second.
But then again, maybe it will.

One day I'll find my true love
and we will never part.
One day my true love will find me
and our lives can start together.

My true love could be near,
my yellow bird could be far
but either way, I'll find him.
650 · Nov 2012
Sleeved Hearts
Q Nov 2012
With her heart on her sleeve
there's no turning back.
She locks it away
and she tries not to grieve.

She blends in around
and she soon becomes lost
until she sees a boy
with a familiar sounds.

A sleeve for his heart?
Wasn't that strange?
She had been like that,
she pulled hers apart.

She watched as he struggled
to keep his attached.
But the world kept pulling
and the heart was smuggled.

He took his box and she followed him home.
She stared and she watched
as he opened the box
and pulled out a large stone.

His heart was gone,
his sleeve was so bare!
He screamed and shouted
he cried, but not for long.

The girl had run home
and fetched her own box.
She knocked on his door
and was no longer alone.

He didn't have his
and she didn't want hers
so she gave it away
and that's how it is.

With their hearts on their sleeves,
this girl and this boy
live together forever
or so it would seem...
630 · Dec 2012
Sleeping Beauty
Q Dec 2012
There once was a kingdom
that was ruled by a king.
He'd soon have a son--
that's what he was wishing.

But a daughter he had,
and still he rejoiced
so the king threw a ball
and their happiness was voiced.

The young princess was named--
her name was Aurora.
She was showed with gifts;
The first came from Flora.

She blessed her with beauty
then next came dear Faun
and she blessed her with song.
Then she came to curse her.

Malificent came
and cursed her with death!
Then just as she came,
Malificent left.

Merryweather was smart
and she used the last gift
and changed death to sleep
only awakened by kiss.

She was soon sixteen --
the day of her 'death'.
The death that would turn
into and endless rest.

Aurora became
a sweet Sleeping Beauty
Because Merryweather's gift
had done it's duty.

She would only awake
by the kiss of one prince.
The prince was named Philip
and their young love was bliss.

But death struck him down
by Malificent's hand.
Now Aurora was dead,
just as she'd planned.
614 · Feb 2013
Forever a Secret
Q Feb 2013
She got on the bus at seven.
Her body was found at ten.
What happened in those three hours
Before he final breaths?

The doctors said it was suicide
The detectives called out ******.
Never would a cause be found
Because she wasn't dead.

She wanted an escape,
A simple, brand new, life.
How did she do it, you ask?
That, my dear, will forever be a secret.
601 · Dec 2012
Forbidden Love
Q Dec 2012
Once in a dark time
a secret was told.
The truth was hidden
even when the world went cold.

For the world had a savior
but she was just a young girl.
She didn't know it
but soon her wings would unfurl.

She was an angel,
and that was the truth
but no one would know it,
not while she was in her youth.

Ten years had passed,
now she was eighteen.
Her wings would unfurl
and the truth would be seen.

She soon saved the world
and was told to leave
but she wouldn't do that --
her love was naive.

She'd fallen for a man
and he'd fallen for her.
Her love was forbidden
but she stayed on Earth.

She was once immortal
but her wings have been taken.
But she didn't regret it --
she did not want a love forsaken.
558 · Dec 2012
Once Upon A Whisper
Q Dec 2012
Once upon a whisper
two children were born.
They were identical twins
   and they were separated.  

Many years passed
and they girl found the boy.
He was a thief
and she was a princess.

He kidnapped her
and held her for ransom.
She did not struggle
because she knew.

"I am your sister"
she whispered to him.
So they went to the palace
and and she told this to the king.

The king was furious
and sentenced him to death.
So the girl took his place
and her brother did flee.

Once upon a whisper
a girl died for a boy
and the boy wished
for her to come back.

"Let us be together,
twins once again,"
he said to the stars
and one teardrop fell.

He soon died of grief
and again, twins were born.
The boy got his wish
and they were always together.
550 · Dec 2012
Mirror Lake
Q Dec 2012
Mirror, mirror,
mirror lake
how much killing
will it take?

I want to see
your clear blue waters --
not a bloodied
merchant's daughter.

You've gone too far,
you've had your fun.
When can this
be finally done?

I bring you victims,
I watch you ****.
I sit and watch
upon the hill.

I'll find a way
to clear the blood.
I'll find a way
to clear the mud.

I tell you to stop
but you don't listen
and on my face
my new tears glisten.

You're just a lake
and you're something new.
I just want to see
your crystal blue.

Perhaps if I leave
then you'll come back --
Once you were
a man named Jack.

You were my brother
but now you're not.
You're something else,
not what I thought.

I turn my back
and walk away.
If I leave
will you be safe?

I close my eyes
then walk away.
I cannot go,
but I cannot stay.

Mirror, mirror,
mirror lake,
you took my brother
and my heart did break.

He is gone,
he's lost forever.
Because Mirror Lake
was oh, so, clever.
531 · Nov 2012
Mirror-Eyed Boy
Q Nov 2012
The Mirror-Eyed Boy
with a heart of pure gold
was so sweet and innocent --
or so we were told.

The story begins
in a fairly large town.
The boy had entered
and gazed all around.

His mirror eyes fell
on a girl in the shadows.
Her skin was all glass
and her hair black as crows.

They soon fell in love
but another boy came
This man could fly
and this started the game.

The Mirror-Eyed Boy
soon wanted the truth.
Was her love real?
Or a game for her youth?

She fled and she hid
but soon was returned.
She finally chose
and the sad truth was learned.

The Radiant Girl
knew the glass one's fear.
She whispered to the boy,
"Is everything clear?"

So the Mirror-Eyed Boy
called on the birds.
When she was attacked
she had no last words.

She broke into pieces
and the black birds scattered.
His mirror eyes gleamed
as the Glass Girl was shattered.

The man who could fly
was so very furious!
He marched to the boy
and he seemed so curious...

The man in his anger
attacked the young boy
and took out his heart
and his death was enjoyed.

The Mirror-Eyed Boy
with a heart of pure gold
was so sweet and so innocent --
or so we were told...
520 · Jun 2014
Fade Away
Q Jun 2014
Hearts pounding,
Minds racing,
Skin touching,
Eyes meeting.

Love blooming,
Hands holding,
Smiles shining,
Cheeks blushing.

Blush fading,
Smiles falling,
Hands slipping,
Love losing.

Eyes dripping,
Skin yearning,
Minds screaming,
Hearts dying.

New beginnings,
Hated endings,
Wanted loving,
Dreaded leaving.

But still okay.
Your lost lover
Will fade away.
459 · Dec 2012
Do Not Forget
Q Dec 2012
I have my scars,
and you have yours.
So you keep your scars
and I'll keep mine.

They cannot be healed
but they can be forgotten.
I have a shield
and you a sword.

We can fight
this war together
and we can be
with each other forever.

If I die,
you mustn't forget.
And if you die
I will not fret.

When the war begins
and we say goodbye,
we hold our heads
and do not cry.

I find myself
on the ****** ground
I cannot see,
can't hear a sound.

Then I feel your hand on mine
and feel a smile begin.
I am going
but we will win.

He whisper to me
his old promise,
"I won't forget you,"
and then we kiss.

Then he's gone
and I get a chill
because I know --
forget? -- he will.
389 · Dec 2012
Q Dec 2012
The letter was written in blood,
the paper was made of skin.
Many words were present,
but only one word was remembered.

Her body was torn,
the pieces were scattered.
Her blue eyes were empty
and her soul had been lost.

Her skin was the letter,
her blood was the ink.
The words were a warning,
and we were the warned.

Something was coming
and we had to run.
We took her advice
and we ran from the world.

We made a mistake --
we shouldn't have run!
We only see black
and we only hear death.

We are the letters,
our blood is the ink.
We warn of what's coming,
of what can't be outrun.
351 · Dec 2012
They Won't Be There
Q Dec 2012
How far will they push you
till you reach the edge?
How far will they pull you
until you give in?

They mock you,
they laugh,
they're afraid.

But they don't matter
and you shouldn't care
because in the end,
they won't be there.
346 · Nov 2012
War of the Worlds
Q Nov 2012
The world of light soon will shatter
And the youngest girl will soon see
The world of dark is all that matters.

As the sun rises, they all scatter
But when it leaves the truth will be;
The world of light soon will shatter.

The sound of their feet is pitter-patter
And all of the town in fear will flee—
The world of dark is all that matters.

The only ones – little me and the hatter
Have stayed because, you see,
The world of light soon will shatter.

The whole villages ended in tatters
And now we finally get to see.
The world of dark is all that matters.

When the sun falls, my thoughts scatter
Because we hear the final prophecy –
“The world of light soon will shatter.
The world of dark is all that matters.”
338 · Nov 2012
Q Nov 2012
I want to be
me and just me.
So that's what I'll do --
it's not up to you.

I won't let you choose
I simply refuse.
I'm perfect this way
I don't care what you say.

I want to be
me and just me.
So that's what I'll do--
it's not up to you.

— The End —