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I beheld a lady so cute and lovely
She's in d eyes of every young dude

My love for her is indubitable
And in my humble state I reached out to her

With fear I quaked as I go
Not to receive my worst blow
But alas it wasn't so
For today we now glow

Who am I that you love me so
And you turn down the strong and mighty
Who seems to be "on" and "trendy"

O Milady
My love for you will not cease to flow
Neither will I let it go sour or slow
But my love's  fire I will blow
So for ever it will glow

I love you Milady - Princeeroma
Who has seen a lady so fair, so comely and so bonnie?
She is Milady
O my Princess
Your fragrance is of sweet incense
You glitter like a diamond
And you shine as the sun in its radiance
People around you rejoice
For they are soothed by the tone of your voice
Your humility amalgamated with wisdom
Is what “Emperor” needs in his Empire
Where you shall be a guiding light
And men will walk no more in night
But all they will do is right
Your good deeds shall take you to great height
And glory to glory you shall go
I pray that in all you be faithful
That men will laugh and say not
“Alas! He was entangled in a wild goose chase”
Rather I shall like a nightingale
Sing melodious songs that your love for me is TRUE
And my heart shall be your humble milieu forever
Dedicated to Oroma Princess Albert - Milady
Thoughts they say is a way of gaining ideas
As it is the seed that makes a mighty tree
Do you know that ideas abound  
Yet it seems our heads are empty
At a time I sat to ponder
Why do young people nowadays look so busy
Yet with no duty
Why not get up and think
Rather than sit and others you envy
And the world you blame
Get up get up get up and think
Think for your future is bright
Think for surely you can do it
Think for you’ve got to make it
Are you still there?
Think for you’ve got the skills
Think for you can apply your skills
Think for your skills can yield fruits
Get up and think.
O my sweet senorita
I searched for true love
And I found you
When I’m in pain you are my balm
And in your ***** I find solace
One who keeps my heart blazing
To you will my heart beat all the way
For you are mine forever
As the succulent petals
Is your love to me, O! Sweet senorita
I shall not cease to **** from it
But will show it for people to see
What a sweet senorita you are
When from my eyes tears drops
At the touch of your hanky on my face
All the way I find solace
Am calm when in your ***** I lay
And to every other lady I’ll say nay
When with you I play
And with you I will stay
Who has seen a Woman
So caring, so loving and so kind?
As a mother cares for her child
So is her affection to me
With a heart of love she shows kindness
With her, hospitality is sure
She loveth at all times
Though a brother be born for adversity
Her good deeds is written in Heaven’s HALL OF FAME
And crested in the heart of Men
In her good works, I pray she never grow weary
For heaven is keeping record
And time for reward is sure
Her store house shall overflow
And she’ll reap the good she has sown
Daily my prayers ascends on high
For God to plant her feet on higher ground
Mrs. Asomeji Charity W. is she
In her have I seen a MOTHER
Indeed a woman of VALOR is she
Behold My Cherry!
Her beauty is enchanting
And her body is like a morning cherry
That falls like a water fountain
In her is wisdom lavished
As words of her mouth is a soothing relief
Walking with psychedelic gait
Men on the street stumble and fall
For their eyes have seen no such creature
And so they cannot behold her beauty
O! Princess my Cherry
You, will I ever cherish
To you I will ever show my love
For you are one in a zillion
When my heart fails and my love breaks
I shall keep on my sail
For my break won't fail

When he thinks I will wail
And they laugh that I stray
Then will I pray
And my fears Will assail

I will Shout and say
O babe arise and shine
For ur beauty won't wane
And sweet love you will find anew
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