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2.7k · Mar 2015
Standing at the crossroad of life
sad and lonely
storm clouds gather around you

at the crossroad of life......
raining now, dreams vanished
feet are so tired, brain is so wired

clouds weeping

death is not the end, at the crossroad
stranger called I......

(C) asoke kumar mitra,March 16, 2015,:23.00,India,Kolkata
so sad and lonely
2.4k · Mar 2015
I get you,

I get your fragrance, in my body

where are you?
where are you?

a mad man runs after fragrance,
where it is?

is it you ?

(C) Asoke Kumar Mitra, march,18, 2015, 18:04,India,Kolkata
in search of lost fragrance
1.9k · Mar 2015
untold words, mind's untold words,
turned to song and paintings,
never knew when...

no one will understand, none
except she

wanted to say,
unsaid words

in blue pale light of midnight

I know,
only she

(C) Asoke Kumar Mitra ,March,18, 2015 :18:15, India,Kolkata
lot of words did not say....lost it
1.5k · Mar 2015
Can not escape myself from this place
because of twilight
There is something strange about.......
your absence......

Dark comes in
grows around me
The void
in my heart says you are absent

Where did you go?
in this late-winter early spring, evening

Wanted to say goodbye
many a times
towards nowhere again.........

Your body, your mind, your lips
gave me shelter......

Parting kiss
every night
Many a times tried.... but....
can not escape myself

As she loved the twilight

(C)asoke kumar mitra.full moon night,
march 05-2015:00:01,India,Kolkata
untold dialogue, looking at the sky, seven stars and fugitive moon.....
1.2k · Mar 2015
if you come to me
I will show you my cupboard
photographs, paintings of old days
dead butterfly, dead firefly
torn snake skin

old is never gold,
pain and anger.......................

broken leaves, dust around
dead grasshopper
dead caterpillar, owl and mice
playing alone

far away
pallbearers carrying the coffin
at the funeral..............

(C)asoke kumar mitra, march,11,2015 :21:24
982 · Mar 2015
~for someone~
touch me
explore me softly
with your naked hand....................
your oceanic eyes, deep infinite
in you.............

breathing on the back of my neck
in this dead hour of night
fugitive moon pours through the blinds....
missing me?
in my silence missing you too

I am writing the last line
I feel so good to have you
your wild fragrance.....

(C)asoke kumar mitra, march 9.2015:19:48,India,Kolkata
dead hour of night, so good to have you
909 · Mar 2015
^^^ snake bite ^^^
weeping moon
a little cute cobra dancing in my heart,
a little bite
of joy
love in poison..
dancing in rain.....
with weeping guitar....

on the empty sea shore, under the blue sky
naked black rose. alone sleeping.....

little cobra, weeping moon, black rose, weeping guitar, vanished in the blue.......................
love left alone in poison

(C) asoke kumar mitra, march 14.2015 :22:09
it's hard to forget
894 · Mar 2015
~my voice~
my voice tries
to find your songs....
I am absent in your lips
I am in exile

I ask freedom
tortured me in my dreams.......

Wind ties knot in your long hair
tonight my voice will sing your song
wounded, drunken city again made me a man alone
I am turning to moon and rain again and again
moon gave me shelter
rain touched my eyes
I ask freedom
a stranger
to one
and all...........

(C)asoke kumar mitra, march 8.2015...21:40 ,India,Kolkata
wind ties knot in my dream,,,,,,,
738 · Apr 2015
stroke of words
In your eyes I watched fireflies dancing
I listen a song within my heart,
shredded, broken, whispers......
at dusk
listening the music of falling leaves

laid bare
my heartaches

to night, it rains with thunder, being alone is quite different
from being lonely

love forever means an empty room
midnight traps
grow around

In your eyes I find lost manuscripts
of my poems........

(C) asoke kumar mitra, april 6, 2015  :22.03 India, Kolkata.
can read your eyes, I find my poems there......
696 · Mar 2015
you told me lot of stories
in the moonlit night

stars above
and the moon alone
listened your words......

far away, some one is singing a song
song of desire and despair
song of departure.......

a story about a queen
who buried a sword
in the beating heart

no blood was there
only tears
stars and moon witnessed the ******....all alone

quick sand every where

(C)asoke kumar mitra, mar 31, 2015, 18:49 India,Kolkata
no place of love, quick sands every where
672 · Mar 2015
In my
two eyes, moist cloud
filled with rain
tears and tears, rolling down

you touched with smile
your touch turned rain drops into pearls.

one by one  stitched together
turned into pearl garland,
placed under your feet

tears came down again....
again in my silence.....

(C) Asoke Kumar Mitra  March 18,2015 :20:50, India, Kolkata
rain drops turned into pearls.....
649 · Mar 2015
****i am sorry****
you are a living dream
now you are here
besides  me

touching my hand, warm feeling
night is warm here, raining outside

did I hurt you ?
sorry then, if I did
if I touched  the places
where your secrets hide........

you taught me how to love
in your tear drops........I see my own reflection

this time and again, I am sorry
I do not.....pretend.........

(C)asoke kumar mitra. March 12,2015:21:49, India,Kolkata
643 · Mar 2015
Falling leaves
drifting in the wind,

tears of joy
looking behind

hard to forget
so much to remember

sea waves does to the sand
my tears
your feet
hard to forget

to night...................................................
I am asleep with you
in my heart,
in my dream

night deepens
after twenty five years
again with her,
as damp cloud covers the moon

(C)asoke kumar mitra,march 13,2015 :17:47, India, Kolkata
576 · Mar 2015
remembering, you  wrote letters....
described the situation....
you said, will back home soon.....
days, week. fortnight, months gone
its going to be ten months.....
no letters, no phone calls

last time you wrote from Paris...
the date was May 13,2014...

waiting for you
at breakfast table, empty chair.....
half empty glass
how long......this silence....

I am listening my own heart beat
my own song......sinking in quick sand.

(C)asoke kumar mitra.Mar.22,2015 :23.45 India.Kolkata
lost love
563 · Mar 2015
~simple word~
never said
this  simple word,

never touched
a heart

thought always
somebody will come to you

nobody came
door open

on the grass,  footprints
never said this simple word...

"I love you"

(C)asoke kumar mitra, March16,2015 :21:54..India.Kolkata
did not get any chance to say.......heart bit skipped
526 · Mar 2015
never returned
birds flying in the air,
a tiny stream flowing gently,
this togetherness,

below the burning sky of mid-day, below the green unknown tree
the sun and shadow
and myself
and a butterfly,

fading foot prints
remained nothing, in the dusk alone...........

birds, stream, sky, foot prints, butterfly,
never returned......

in the elfish wind
a bottle of red wine
and a safety match.....

(c) Asoke kumar mitra, March 20, 2015 :22:50  India,Kolkata
drunken mid-day sky.....
513 · Mar 2015
####over across####
Don't go there
don't speak

come back return........

today you are like sea waves
lashing on the beach

today your heart is full of sand
don't go there
don't go to that young man.....

afternoon's red sun
a revoir
it comes to mind

in night's silence
wind dances with forest fire......

did you find your heart's quietness
listening to a dead man's tale

(C)asoke kumar mitra,March 13,2015  :18;46 :India,Kolkata
it happens in my heart, door closed, broken window pane
476 · Mar 2015
most of the time I dream
it makes me sick
I am sick of love, just don't know what to do

I am looking
at my shadow
the colours are changing
from blue to red then maroon.......

I am riding the midnight express train
no where to  reach
standing alone on the doorway

I am sick of love
I hear someone's distant cry
weeping piano
let me forget you
as if I never met you

but I fell in love with you

(C)asoke kumar mitra, feb.2015
forgetting is too is too short
I knew you will come to night
the nature's fury
sand storm, dusty wind came
with the rain
touched my hand like a queen
let me go now
will back again

(C) Asoke Kumar Mitra, March 18, 2015 :20:36 India, Kolkata
dead end, bump ahead
429 · Mar 2015
give me a cup
laced with poison

cobra's kiss

she is sleeping  under the tree......
the days of

with a candle


(C)asoke kumar mitra, march,11,2015 :21:00
love in poison
413 · Mar 2015

window pane
ever since I
see your eyes
you have
made me mad

you speak to me
all my sorrows

of rain and tear
the same

fatigued evening carries all the sad songs

(C)asoke kumar mitra, March 1,2015.10 pm,india
407 · Mar 2015
fugitive moon, moist clouds...
walking alone
in the rain,

a face, moving forward and backward,
can I  find among the faces unknown...

yesterday, at this hour ,she came, sleeping alone
like a distant memory
is it that known  face..
to whom
I am searching.....

yesterday night at this hour
fugitive moon, raining cloud, lost dream , lost love, lost face

did you ever cry in the rain,
nobody ever knew...............

(C) Asoke Kumar Mitra , March 17,2015 : 23:07, India,Kolkata
she said, I sometimes cry in my showers.......I am wired.
388 · Feb 2015
oh darkness
a strange
blue, pale
in my world  of thought

I am blind,
don't know what's the  way

does it hurt you?
somebody asked me, can you remember me, my face
my finger,  my lips , frozen eyes.....

how can I?
I am blind
under the grass sleeping........................... oh darkness
(C)asoke kumar mitra,Feb27,2015
366 · Mar 2015
another day I met her on the field
in my heart a passion wakes
how many have fallen asleep, only I have stayed awake
to see the face of the sky
drunken fugitive moon,
clouds scattered in your eyes............

a spider's torn web
dangling moon
was lost
and gone
forgetting her

longing for love
dream and desire

sleep does not come, is there any end ?

(C)asoke kumar mitra, feb,2015
359 · Mar 2015
often alone
rain would make you  part of my life and song
your body has spoken for long

nowhere to go
cannot leave you though
let me face my destiny
though I am often alone
but I am not lonely

desire me, trap me,......surround me
let your tongue find mine

let me face my destiny...........cannot escape as moss grows

(C)asoke kumar mitra, feb.2015

— The End —