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 Jan 2013 Ashmita
Prabhu Iyer
I bored a hole through the rock of resistance
lining the base of my heart
oh the terrible pain -
with the rotor blade of hardened resolve,
to heal, to heal,
until I have reached my soul:
look - the waters of love -
they gush over.
Sweet waters of love,
To heal both you and me.
This axe wound on my trunk
is sore not all by you:
In the dead of the night
I welcomed the shadowy woodcutter;
Now I find recompense.
But now, sweet waters of love,
from the soul -
to heal both you and me.
From my scrap-book: notes jotted down earlier this year!
Sweet, sweet lies dropped into my ear,
Whispered slowly, so slowly, drawled out
In that voice of yours.
You swore, so heart-breakingly sure, that you'd
Never go back to her. You promised you
wouldn't and you'd be thrice ******
Before you did. I looked into your shining eyes
And I let myself believe.
You told me you wouldn't go back to her,
Her vapid smiles, how she enjoyed hurting you,
Like you enjoyed hurting me.
You said I wouldn't find you regretting that you
Left her. You said you'd rather **** yourself.

One fine day, she appeared on the doorstep
She was everything I thought she'd be-
Beautiful, graceful, deadly.
You didn't stand a chance.
She beckoned and you ran back to her,
Ready to be her pack horse again.
Something told me that I'd be seeing you again
Seeing you when you repeated it all over again.
Heavily inspired by 'Somebody That I Used To Know', by Gotye ft. Kimbra.
Helpful critique always welcomed. :)
 Jan 2013 Ashmita
Through life's twists and turns,
I am the hunted.
With barrels breathing down my neck,
One day this race
Will come to an end.

As I dodge these bullets,
Can't help but see your face
Across this barren tundra.
I will trudge on.

Carrying on through this tragedy,
I know we'll meet again,
And I can't wait to see
What form I'll take
When I'm forced to meet my maker.

Moving on from safety
To see the great unknown,
As I hide from my darkness
and fight someone else's war.
Today may be my last,
but I can taste a bittersweet victory
In my ending.

(Time seems endless when
I'm hanging by a string,
Waiting for the day
They flip my coin.
I'll let fate decide
When it's my turn to fall.)

Carrying on through this tragedy,
I know we'll meet again;
And I can't wait to see
What form I'll take
When I'm forced to meet my maker.
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