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Death toll on the rise
pain and suffering none too wise
Tragedy in unexpected moment
disaster in life a torment
can the heart fanthom life
Doth life answer worldly strife
Past a history to write
future a clueless path to light
Faltering with feet
So small I cannot
Stand, my ashen knees
Lift from jagged points
Of blood-stained rocks. I
Climb the bark of
The slender birch and
Hope its supple limb
Does not break.

My eyes sting as if
They are crowned with thorns.
The blood of once pure
Flesh has stained the earth
That I inhabit.
Yet the delicate
Pain of existence
Caresses me like
A new mother does
For her newborn babe.

I flounder through brush
And foliage, still
Eyeless, but not yet
Aware of how blind
I truly have been.
I feel the frigid
Drops of rain hammer
My translucent skin.
I see indigo veins
Underneath pallid
Skin. I feel my lungs
Exhaust my breath and
I collapse to the
Mercy of the soft
Ebony earth. Then
I wait for the jade
Leaves to swallow me
And ensnare what is
Left of my forlorn
Spirit. But I see
A light peeking through
The copse of emerald

But then it fades and
I shift my downcast
Eye to the trail I
Must forever trek

Then I stay.
I tried my luck at blank verse..
About the sweet bag of a bee
Two cupids fell at odds,
And whose the pretty prize should be
They vowed to ask the gods.

Which Venus hearing, thither came,
And for their boldness stripped them,
And, taking thence from each his flame,
With rods of myrtle whipped them.

Which done, to still their wanton cries,
When quiet grown she’d seen them,
She kissed, and wiped their dove-like eyes,
And gave the bag between them.
Hark! Now everything is still,
The screech-owl and the whistler shrill,
Call upon our dame aloud,
And bid her quickly don her shroud!

Much you had of land and rent;
Your length in clay ’s now competent:
A long war disturb’d your mind;
Here your perfect peace is sign’d.

Of what is ‘t fools make such vain keeping?
Sin their conception, their birth weeping,
Their life a general mist of error,
Their death a hideous storm of terror.
Strew your hair with powders sweet,
Don clean linen, bathe your feet,

And—the foul fiend more to check—
A crucifix let bless your neck:
’Tis now full tide ‘tween night and day;
End your groan and come away.

— The End —