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Ashley Young May 2014
And here we are in present time
As I sit here and make a rhyme
I know that you are coming home
within a week or two

Nothing can get me down
nothing can steal my joy
as I play with our kids
and kiss our baby boy

The tune of life and color
have returned to me once more
no longer do my days drain together
life is no longer an awful bore

You will be in my arms
before the month is through
no memory is sweeter now
than the thought of being held by you.
Ashley Young May 2014
We have been through the tunnels
we have traversed through the dark
we have cradled and ignited the spark
within our hearts

We have rekindled our love
from ashes and beyond
and now nothing mortal
could break that lasting bond

A father and a mother
a soon husband and a wife
that will build their kingdom together
and have a wonderful life

Please let me hold your hand
whenever you have one free
because you know this true
nothing else frees me
Ashley Young May 2014
Well that was quick, a phone call
after you left for training
I'm coming home baby doll
I quit.

No... What? That is not like you
is this really the man I love?
What did they do?

You called back a few days later
your voice was very low
You told me things that others can not know

All that mattered was that
you are coming home to me
and that our life will start
with us together happily.
Ashley Young May 2014
I knew you always wanted to go
It was your dream I know,
But we just started this life
Of forever being together

The Army... They finally can take you in
To deprive you of this dream,
would be my most regretted sin...

I will stand beside you,
and raise the flag too.
I will be an army wife
and this can be our life...
Ashley Young May 2014
You claimed my children as your own
so no one could say a thing
you didn't care who would condone
the life that this would bring

You wanted it to be our family
now and forever
and I knew that we could do it
because we're better together.

You took my name and cleansed it
of when it had been defiled
because the facts fell into place
they settled those that were riled.
Ashley Young May 2014
Your mother and the others
apologized to me
I forgave them on the spot
and that set me free

You, my mother and I
started looking for a home
we found one that was nearby

So we packed up all our things
back into the big truck
and then you presented me
with our wedding rings.
Ashley Young May 2014
I called you at 2 am
The baby is coming
What!? Where?! When?! How
Baby, South Carolina, NOW... just get here

You got to the hospital with time to spare
and the only thing we could do was stare.
You gave me a kiss
and you held my hand...
my fear crept in and  I asked you to stand

My mother left the room
and you took the place beside me
I had our son that night
and you were there to guide me

You patted the sweat from my face
and after he was born
our future fell into place.

Come back with me you whispered
How can I, I replied,
You said I don't know and sighed

I don't care what they say
I'm in love with you
lets get carried away
and lets just move

We can get our own home
No more need to roam
lets settle down
in a small town...
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